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Camera Sensor Information

+1 vote
Can anyone tell me what the sensor height and width are in pixel and what the focal length / aperture are? A camera sensor model would also be appreciated if possible.

asked Mar 17, 2017 in Hardware Questions by badrobit (130 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

Would also like to confirm the camera model and lens angle, is it OV 9650?

answered Mar 18, 2017 by alsaibie (740 points)
0 votes
yes, it is an OV9653 (same as 9650 but lead-free and RoHS)

The info we received from the manufacturer is F2.8, view angle 65deg (I am guessing horizontal).

There are a bunch of datasheets floating around but they are marked confidential so I guess we should not post them here. But some keywords that may be useful are "ov9650 datasheet", "ov9650 implementation guide 1.1" and "ov9650 software application notes 1.03".
answered Mar 21, 2017 by JeVois (46,580 points)
Thanks for the response! Is the focal length known?
Is the pinout for the ribbon cable the same as this breakout?


I am considering putting a small FPGA essentially between the camera and the Jevois by means of extending the ribbon cable to help speed up processing, and I am looking to figure out the physical interface.
