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Have someone tried JeVois with ROS USB_CAM or similar?

0 votes
Hello everyone,

First I would like to thank JeVois team for such fun and entertaining product. I am relatively new in the field of Hobby  Robotics and computer vision is fascinating. I got recently in touch with ROS and  experimented with computer vision algorithms available in ROS and OpenCV  but being a beginner I find it not so easy. I am good with the hardware but not yet with the vision or software part. The existence of DEMO modules provided by JeVois and its ability to directly communicate to a microcontroller such as Arduio  made me purchase it and I don’t regret. I have already achieved changing on the fly the modules that supports mappings with NO USB output, using an Arduino Mega ( well still working on some details but modes are changing using  setmapping command and I can read JeVois  pan and tilt values by example with ObjectTraking module)

But given the ability of ROS USB_CAM module to launch  one or several cameras using preconfigured launch files with different resolutions and frame rates, made me think how easy will be if a robot already integrated with ROS can change JeVois mode by  launching a ROS launch file that contain parameters specifics to each JeVois mode. It will be possible then navigating between all modes on the fly ( similar with what we do when manually change the mode in guvcview by changing the resolution option).

I have tried few days ago but got some errors and I am still working to understand them. I have reinstalled my VM with Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS Kinetic and I will try again maybe I corrupted some drivers because even my USB Cam that worked before  gave me errors after I tried JeVois.  If someone already did more and such exploit is not possible I will stop spending time understanding things that are beyond my actual level anyway , or by the contrary if it is possible than I will be grateful if information will be shared.

update: I have installed again Ubuntu and ROS but still the same thing. I suppose the ROS USB_CAM driver does not support JeVois image output well. A work around will be to start guvcview with a shell script than roslaunch that shell script somehow.

Thanks in advance.
asked Oct 3, 2017 in User questions by DT (310 points)
edited Oct 4, 2017 by DT

1 Answer

+1 vote
I think the way you propose the integration is great, expose a set of operating modes which translate to setting resolution and parameters of jevois. Definitely on our radar though i do not have a clear timeline on this for now...

We often have problems with usb cameras in general inside VMs here, it seems that a full reboot of the host helps (at least with virtualbox on osx host)
answered Oct 10, 2017 by jvroot (360 points)