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Why does Darknet freeze?

0 votes

I've just received a JeVois camera and have been having issues using DarknetSingle and DarnetYOLO.  Namely when I run the camera with video-out enabled (e.g YUYV 320 240 15.0 JeVois DarknetSingle)It works for about a minute before the image freezes and serial connection becomes unresponsive.  Ultimately I'd like to run this without video but in test where I'm attempting to determine why certain objects are not being recognized, having video out is a necessity.  Any thoughts on what's going on and how to solve it?



asked Oct 5, 2017 in User questions by djwilday (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Just for reference for others reading this, it should not freeze, has been running solid overnight here. Per our offline conversations, it might be a hardware or power supply problem and another unit is on its way to you to test.
answered Oct 10, 2017 by jvroot (360 points)