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Windows 10 does not recognize camera

0 votes


I have unsuccessfully tried to connect the Jevois camera to my Laptop but AMCap does not recognize the camera. I tried to download the linux-cdc-acm.inf  file and install the driver but it does not recognize the driver. I will try to run and install AMCap on a virtual machine and see if that works but otherwise, I am running out of options.

Is there a workaround?

asked Oct 16, 2017 in Hardware Questions by mermo (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Windows 10 has been reported as having issues with USB webcams in general, which is very unfortunate. AMCap is also getting old.


I would approach the problem as follows (we will do it as soon as I can get a windows 10 machine installed here):

- try to get a regular USB webcam working with skype or such

- get Open Broadcaster Studio from https://obsproject.com/download

- make sure it works with a regular USB camera

- then it should just work with JeVois as well.

see http://jevois.org/doc/UserStartWindows.html for more on OBS studio setup.

Also please see other questions and answers related to windows 10 on this forum.
answered Oct 20, 2017 by jvroot (360 points)