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Another JeVois in Windows 10 problem

0 votes

I cannot get JeVois to work in Windows 10, at first I though it was the provided MicroSD card (it is working really slow, it takes like 7 hours for the image to get written, compared to 30-40 mins to any other MicroSD)

  1. Works in Ubuntu, even works on Ubuntu inside Windows 10: 
  2. Tried adding the EnableFrameServerMode registry keys
  3. Tried with AMCap and OBS they all fail and the computer becames super sluggish
  4. Tried with the Camera Windows 10 app:

So, 2 questions:

  1. Is there is any secret stuff to test (like boot parameters, etc?)
  2. Does JeVois.org replaces broken microsd cards? the one they shipped works really randomly
asked Oct 25, 2017 in Hardware Questions by eried (130 points)
edited Oct 25, 2017 by eried

1 Answer

+1 vote
hum, maybe your card has issues indeed as it should not be that slow. Please email us with your order number and we can send you a new one to try out.

I am guessing you have already installed all windows updates? from this thread, it looks like microsoft might have fixed the problem by now (see towards bottom):


anything you would want to try from the post below? It comes from a google search for "windows 10 webcam solved" which also turned some other results that may be useful. I am on travel now but will take another stab at this with a fresh windows 10 install as soon as I get back:

answered Oct 25, 2017 by JeVois (46,580 points)
Thanks for the answer, I will check those links. The thing is that the only webcam I cannot make work is JeVois, any other works perfectly, really sharp 1080p video stream.