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Kickstarter Shipments, should I have received a tracking number?

0 votes

Hi all.  On http://www.jevois.org/ it mentions that

Manufacturing Progress

All 1776 kickstarter rewards have been manufactured and are being shipped to backers now.

I'm a turnkey backer in Spain who replied 'ship now' to an email received on March 11th, 2017.  I am in no hurry to receive the cameras necessarily, but was wondering if I should have received a tracking number if indeed the cameras are being shipped to backers.


asked Mar 19, 2017 in Misc Questions by fraguada (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Thanks for your patience. The shipments from China (including yours) are still being prepared now so it may take a few more days for you, but you will receive an email with tracking info when yours ships.
answered Mar 21, 2017 by JeVois (46,580 points)