JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit Base Modules
This is the complete list of members for RoadFinder, including all inherited members.
absolutePath(std::filesystem::path const &path="") | jevois::Component | |
absolutePath(std::filesystem::path const &path="") | jevois::Component | |
addDynamicParameter(std::string const &name, std::string const &description, T const &defaultValue, ParameterCategory const &category) | jevois::Component | |
addDynamicParameter(std::string const &name, std::string const &description, T const &defaultValue, ValidValuesSpec< T > const &validValuesSpec, ParameterCategory const &category) | jevois::Component | |
addDynamicParameter(std::string const &name, std::string const &description, T const &defaultValue, ParameterCategory const &category) | jevois::Component | |
addDynamicParameter(std::string const &name, std::string const &description, T const &defaultValue, ValidValuesSpec< T > const &validValuesSpec, ParameterCategory const &category) | jevois::Component | |
addParameter(ParameterBase *const param) | jevois::ParameterRegistry | protected |
addSubComponent(std::string const &instance, Args &&...args) | jevois::Component | |
addSubComponent(std::string const &instance, Args &&...args) | jevois::Component | |
callbackInitCall() | jevois::ParameterRegistry | protected |
className() const | jevois::Component | |
className() const | jevois::Component | |
combine(std::vector< Line > &prevLines, std::vector< Line > const ¤tLines, int width, int height) | RoadFinder | protected |
Component(std::string const &instance) | jevois::Component | |
computeHoughSegments(cv::Mat const &cvImage) | RoadFinder | protected |
computeRoadCenterPoint(cv::Mat const &edgeMap, std::vector< Line > &lines, Point2D< int > &vanishing_point, Point2D< float > &road_center_point, float &confidence) | RoadFinder | protected |
computeVanishingLines(cv::Mat const &edgeMap, Point2D< int > const &vanishingPoint, jevois::RawImage &visual) | RoadFinder | protected |
descriptor() const | jevois::Component | |
descriptor() const | jevois::Component | |
discardDuplicates(std::vector< Line > const ¤tLines) | RoadFinder | protected |
findLine2(Segment const &s, cv::Mat const &edgeMap, std::list< Segment > const &supportingSegments, std::vector< bool > &is_used, float &totalLength, uint &numSegments) | RoadFinder | protected |
fitLine(std::vector< Point2D< int > > const &points, Point2D< float > &p1, Point2D< float > &p2, int const width, int const height) | RoadFinder | protected |
foreachParam(std::function< void(std::string const &compname, ParameterBase *p)> func, std::string const &cname="") | jevois::Component | |
foreachParam(std::function< void(std::string const &compname, ParameterBase *p)> func, std::string const &cname="") | jevois::Component | |
freezeAllParams(bool doit) | jevois::Component | |
freezeAllParams(bool doit) | jevois::Component | |
freezeParam(std::string const ¶mdescriptor, bool doit) | jevois::Component | |
freezeParam(std::string const ¶mdescriptor, bool doit) | jevois::Component | |
getCurrCenterPoint() const | RoadFinder | |
getCurrTargetPoint() const | RoadFinder | |
getCurrVanishingPoint() const | RoadFinder | |
getFilteredTargetX() const | RoadFinder | |
getLineFitness(Point2D< int > const &horizonPoint, Point2D< int > const &roadBottomPoint, cv::Mat const &edgeMap, jevois::RawImage &visual) | RoadFinder | protected |
getLineFitness(Point2D< int > const &horizonPoint, Point2D< int > const &roadBottomPoint, cv::Mat const &edgeMap, std::vector< Point2D< int > > &points, jevois::RawImage &visual) | RoadFinder | protected |
getParamString(std::string const ¶mdescriptor) const | jevois::Component | |
getParamString(std::string const ¶mdescriptor) const | jevois::Component | |
getParamStringUnique(std::string const ¶mdescriptor) const | jevois::Component | |
getParamStringUnique(std::string const ¶mdescriptor) const | jevois::Component | |
getParamVal(std::string const ¶mdescriptor) const | jevois::Component | |
getParamVal(std::string const ¶mdescriptor) const | jevois::Component | |
getParamValUnique(std::string const ¶mdescriptor) const | jevois::Component | |
getParamValUnique(std::string const ¶mdescriptor) const | jevois::Component | |
getPixels(Point2D< int > const &p1, Point2D< int > const &p2, cv::Mat const &edgeMap) | RoadFinder | protected |
getPixels(Point2D< int > const &p1, Point2D< int > const &p2, cv::Mat const &edgeMap, std::vector< uint > &startIndexes) | RoadFinder | protected |
getPixelsQuick(Point2D< int > const &p1, Point2D< int > const &p2, cv::Mat const &edgeMap) | RoadFinder | protected |
getSubComponent(std::string const &instance) const | jevois::Component | |
getSubComponent(std::string const &instance) const | jevois::Component | |
getVanishingPoint(std::vector< Line > const &lines, float &confidence) | RoadFinder | protected |
hideAllParams(bool doit) | jevois::Component | |
hideAllParams(bool doit) | jevois::Component | |
hideParam(std::string const ¶mdescriptor, bool doit) | jevois::Component | |
hideParam(std::string const ¶mdescriptor, bool doit) | jevois::Component | |
initialized() const | jevois::Component | |
initialized() const | jevois::Component | |
instanceName() const | jevois::Component | |
instanceName() const | jevois::Component | |
isTopLevel() const | jevois::Component | |
isTopLevel() const | jevois::Component | |
itsAccTrajMtx | RoadFinder | protected |
itsAccumulatedTrajectory | RoadFinder | protected |
itsCenterPoint | RoadFinder | protected |
itsCurrentLines | RoadFinder | protected |
itsCurrentMessageID | RoadFinder | protected |
itsCurrentSegments | RoadFinder | protected |
itsFilteredTPX | RoadFinder | protected |
itsKalmanNeedInit | RoadFinder | protected |
itsNumIdentifiedLines | RoadFinder | protected |
itsRoadHeading | RoadFinder | protected |
itsRoadModel | RoadFinder | protected |
itsRoadMtx | RoadFinder | protected |
itsTargetPoint | RoadFinder | protected |
itsTPXfilter | RoadFinder | protected |
itsTrackingFlag | RoadFinder | protected |
itsTrackMtx | RoadFinder | protected |
itsVanishingPoint | RoadFinder | protected |
itsVanishingPointConfidence | RoadFinder | protected |
itsVanishingPoints | RoadFinder | protected |
itsVanishingPointStability | RoadFinder | protected |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(horizon, int, "Estimated vertical (Y) position of the horizon (pixels, " "with 0 at the top of the frame). Adjust this depending on the tilt angle of your camera " "and video input resolution.", 70, ParamCateg) | RoadFinder | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(support, int, "Offset (in pixels) between horizon line and horizon support line (positive " "values means support line is below horizon line.", 20, ParamCateg) | RoadFinder | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(spacing, unsigned int, "Spacing between vanishing point candidates (pixels).", 20, ParamCateg) | RoadFinder | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(distthresh, unsigned int, "Vanishing point distance threshold (pixels).", 40, ParamCateg) | RoadFinder | related |
paramInfo(std::shared_ptr< UserInterface > s, std::map< std::string, std::string > &categs, bool skipFrozen, std::string const &cname="", std::string const &pfx="") | jevois::Component | virtual |
paramInfo(std::shared_ptr< UserInterface > s, std::map< std::string, std::string > &categs, bool skipFrozen, std::string const &cname="", std::string const &pfx="") | jevois::Component | virtual |
postInit() override | RoadFinder | protectedvirtual |
postUninit() | jevois::Component | protectedvirtual |
postUninit() | jevois::Component | protectedvirtual |
preInit() | jevois::Component | protectedvirtual |
preInit() | jevois::Component | protectedvirtual |
preUninit() override | RoadFinder | protectedvirtual |
process(cv::Mat const &img, jevois::RawImage &visual) | RoadFinder | |
projectForwardVanishingLines(std::vector< Line > &lines, std::vector< cv::Mat > const &edgeMaps, jevois::RawImage &visual) | RoadFinder | protected |
removeDynamicParameter(std::string const &name, bool throw_if_not_found=true) | jevois::Component | |
removeDynamicParameter(std::string const &name, bool throw_if_not_found=true) | jevois::Component | |
removeParameter(ParameterBase *const param) | jevois::ParameterRegistry | protected |
removeSubComponent(std::shared_ptr< Comp > &component) | jevois::Component | |
removeSubComponent(std::string const &instance, bool warnIfNotFound=true) | jevois::Component | |
removeSubComponent(std::shared_ptr< Comp > &component) | jevois::Component | |
removeSubComponent(std::string const &instance, bool warnIfNotFound=true) | jevois::Component | |
resetRoadModel() | RoadFinder | |
RoadFinder(std::string const &instance) | RoadFinder | |
setDynamicParameterCallback(std::string const &name, std::function< void(T const &)> cb, bool callnow=true) | jevois::Component | |
setDynamicParameterCallback(std::string const &name, std::function< void(T const &)> cb, bool callnow=true) | jevois::Component | |
setParamsFromFile(std::string const &filename) | jevois::Component | |
setParamsFromFile(std::string const &filename) | jevois::Component | |
setParamsFromStream(std::istream &is, std::string const &absfile) | jevois::Component | |
setParamsFromStream(std::istream &is, std::string const &absfile) | jevois::Component | |
setParamString(std::string const ¶mdescriptor, std::string const &val) | jevois::Component | |
setParamString(std::string const ¶mdescriptor, std::string const &val) | jevois::Component | |
setParamStringUnique(std::string const ¶mdescriptor, std::string const &val) | jevois::Component | |
setParamStringUnique(std::string const ¶mdescriptor, std::string const &val) | jevois::Component | |
setParamVal(std::string const ¶mdescriptor, T const &val) | jevois::Component | |
setParamVal(std::string const ¶mdescriptor, T const &val) | jevois::Component | |
setParamValUnique(std::string const ¶mdescriptor, T const &val) | jevois::Component | |
setParamValUnique(std::string const ¶mdescriptor, T const &val) | jevois::Component | |
setPath(std::string const &path) | jevois::Component | |
setPath(std::string const &path) | jevois::Component | |
trackVanishingLines(cv::Mat const &edgeMap, std::vector< Line > ¤tLines, jevois::RawImage &visual) | RoadFinder | protected |
updateLine(Line &l, std::vector< Point2D< int > > const &points, float score, int const width, int const height) | RoadFinder | protected |
updateRoadModel(std::vector< Line > &lines, int index) | RoadFinder | protected |
~Component() | jevois::Component | virtual |
~ParameterRegistry() | jevois::ParameterRegistry | virtual |
~RoadFinder() | RoadFinder | virtual |