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RoadFinder Class Reference

Navigation by finding road. More...

#include <jevoisbase/Components/RoadFinder/RoadFinder.H>

Inheritance diagram for RoadFinder:
Collaboration diagram for RoadFinder:

Public Member Functions

 RoadFinder (std::string const &instance)
virtual ~RoadFinder ()
void process (cv::Mat const &img, jevois::RawImage &visual)
 Compute the vanishing point location using the full blown algorithm.
std::pair< Point2D< int >, float > getCurrVanishingPoint () const
 Get the current vanishing point and confidence.
Point2D< float > getCurrCenterPoint () const
 Get the current road center point.
Point2D< float > getCurrTargetPoint () const
 Get the current target point.
float getFilteredTargetX () const
 Get the kalman-fitered target X, can be used to set robot steering.
void resetRoadModel ()
 Reset all tracker internals and start fresh (e.g., when changing goal direction)
- Public Member Functions inherited from jevois::Component
 Component (std::string const &instance)
virtual ~Component ()
std::shared_ptr< Comp > addSubComponent (std::string const &instance, Args &&...args)
void removeSubComponent (std::shared_ptr< Comp > &component)
void removeSubComponent (std::string const &instance, bool warnIfNotFound=true)
std::shared_ptr< Comp > getSubComponent (std::string const &instance) const
bool isTopLevel () const
bool initialized () const
std::string const & className () const
std::string const & instanceName () const
std::vector< std::string > setParamVal (std::string const &paramdescriptor, T const &val)
void setParamValUnique (std::string const &paramdescriptor, T const &val)
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, T > > getParamVal (std::string const &paramdescriptor) const
getParamValUnique (std::string const &paramdescriptor) const
std::vector< std::string > setParamString (std::string const &paramdescriptor, std::string const &val)
void setParamStringUnique (std::string const &paramdescriptor, std::string const &val)
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > getParamString (std::string const &paramdescriptor) const
std::string getParamStringUnique (std::string const &paramdescriptor) const
void freezeParam (std::string const &paramdescriptor, bool doit)
void freezeAllParams (bool doit)
void hideParam (std::string const &paramdescriptor, bool doit)
void hideAllParams (bool doit)
std::string descriptor () const
void setParamsFromFile (std::string const &filename)
std::istream & setParamsFromStream (std::istream &is, std::string const &absfile)
virtual void paramInfo (std::shared_ptr< UserInterface > s, std::map< std::string, std::string > &categs, bool skipFrozen, std::string const &cname="", std::string const &pfx="")
void foreachParam (std::function< void(std::string const &compname, ParameterBase *p)> func, std::string const &cname="")
std::shared_ptr< DynamicParameter< T > > addDynamicParameter (std::string const &name, std::string const &description, T const &defaultValue, ParameterCategory const &category)
std::shared_ptr< DynamicParameter< T > > addDynamicParameter (std::string const &name, std::string const &description, T const &defaultValue, ValidValuesSpec< T > const &validValuesSpec, ParameterCategory const &category)
void setDynamicParameterCallback (std::string const &name, std::function< void(T const &)> cb, bool callnow=true)
void removeDynamicParameter (std::string const &name, bool throw_if_not_found=true)
void setPath (std::string const &path)
std::filesystem::path absolutePath (std::filesystem::path const &path="")
std::shared_ptr< Comp > addSubComponent (std::string const &instance, Args &&...args)
void removeSubComponent (std::shared_ptr< Comp > &component)
void removeSubComponent (std::string const &instance, bool warnIfNotFound=true)
std::shared_ptr< Comp > getSubComponent (std::string const &instance) const
bool isTopLevel () const
bool initialized () const
std::string const & className () const
std::string const & instanceName () const
std::vector< std::string > setParamVal (std::string const &paramdescriptor, T const &val)
void setParamValUnique (std::string const &paramdescriptor, T const &val)
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, T > > getParamVal (std::string const &paramdescriptor) const
getParamValUnique (std::string const &paramdescriptor) const
std::vector< std::string > setParamString (std::string const &paramdescriptor, std::string const &val)
void setParamStringUnique (std::string const &paramdescriptor, std::string const &val)
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > getParamString (std::string const &paramdescriptor) const
std::string getParamStringUnique (std::string const &paramdescriptor) const
void freezeParam (std::string const &paramdescriptor, bool doit)
void freezeAllParams (bool doit)
void hideParam (std::string const &paramdescriptor, bool doit)
void hideAllParams (bool doit)
std::string descriptor () const
void setParamsFromFile (std::string const &filename)
std::istream & setParamsFromStream (std::istream &is, std::string const &absfile)
virtual void paramInfo (std::shared_ptr< UserInterface > s, std::map< std::string, std::string > &categs, bool skipFrozen, std::string const &cname="", std::string const &pfx="")
void foreachParam (std::function< void(std::string const &compname, ParameterBase *p)> func, std::string const &cname="")
std::shared_ptr< DynamicParameter< T > > addDynamicParameter (std::string const &name, std::string const &description, T const &defaultValue, ParameterCategory const &category)
std::shared_ptr< DynamicParameter< T > > addDynamicParameter (std::string const &name, std::string const &description, T const &defaultValue, ValidValuesSpec< T > const &validValuesSpec, ParameterCategory const &category)
void setDynamicParameterCallback (std::string const &name, std::function< void(T const &)> cb, bool callnow=true)
void removeDynamicParameter (std::string const &name, bool throw_if_not_found=true)
void setPath (std::string const &path)
std::filesystem::path absolutePath (std::filesystem::path const &path="")
- Public Member Functions inherited from jevois::ParameterRegistry
virtual ~ParameterRegistry ()

Protected Member Functions

void postInit () override
 This class has state and does not support some online param changes.
void preUninit () override
 This class has state and does not support some online param changes.
void computeHoughSegments (cv::Mat const &cvImage)
 compute the hough segments in the image
std::vector< LinecomputeVanishingLines (cv::Mat const &edgeMap, Point2D< int > const &vanishingPoint, jevois::RawImage &visual)
 main function to detect the road
Point2D< float > computeRoadCenterPoint (cv::Mat const &edgeMap, std::vector< Line > &lines, Point2D< int > &vanishing_point, Point2D< float > &road_center_point, float &confidence)
 computes the road center point to servo to
void updateRoadModel (std::vector< Line > &lines, int index)
 update road model and incoming lines NOTE: also change the line parameters to sync them this avoids drifts
Point2D< int > getVanishingPoint (std::vector< Line > const &lines, float &confidence)
 estimate the vanishing point from the tracked lines
void trackVanishingLines (cv::Mat const &edgeMap, std::vector< Line > &currentLines, jevois::RawImage &visual)
 track vanishing lines by to fit to the new, inputted, edgemap
std::vector< Point2D< int > > getPixels (Point2D< int > const &p1, Point2D< int > const &p2, cv::Mat const &edgeMap)
 get pixels for segment defined by p1 and p2 have added complexity to search within 1.5 pixels of the line
std::vector< Point2D< int > > getPixels (Point2D< int > const &p1, Point2D< int > const &p2, cv::Mat const &edgeMap, std::vector< uint > &startIndexes)
 get pixels for segment defined by p1 and p2 have added complexity to search within 1.5 pixels of the line
std::vector< Point2D< int > > getPixelsQuick (Point2D< int > const &p1, Point2D< int > const &p2, cv::Mat const &edgeMap)
 get pixels that make up the segment defined by p1 and p2
Line findLine2 (Segment const &s, cv::Mat const &edgeMap, std::list< Segment > const &supportingSegments, std::vector< bool > &is_used, float &totalLength, uint &numSegments)
 find lines given the found supporting segments
void fitLine (std::vector< Point2D< int > > const &points, Point2D< float > &p1, Point2D< float > &p2, int const width, int const height)
 openCV wrapper function to fit a line to an input vector of points
float getLineFitness (Point2D< int > const &horizonPoint, Point2D< int > const &roadBottomPoint, cv::Mat const &edgeMap, jevois::RawImage &visual)
 compute how well the line equation fit the edgels in edgemap
float getLineFitness (Point2D< int > const &horizonPoint, Point2D< int > const &roadBottomPoint, cv::Mat const &edgeMap, std::vector< Point2D< int > > &points, jevois::RawImage &visual)
 compute how well the line equation fit the edgels in edgemap
void updateLine (Line &l, std::vector< Point2D< int > > const &points, float score, int const width, int const height)
 update the information in by updating the input points, score and various handy coordinate locations
void projectForwardVanishingLines (std::vector< Line > &lines, std::vector< cv::Mat > const &edgeMaps, jevois::RawImage &visual)
 update the lines with the inputted set of edgemaps
std::vector< Linecombine (std::vector< Line > &prevLines, std::vector< Line > const &currentLines, int width, int height)
 combine two lines sets, discard duplicates and overlaps
std::vector< LinediscardDuplicates (std::vector< Line > const &currentLines)
 discard duplicate lines in a set
- Protected Member Functions inherited from jevois::Component
virtual void preInit ()
virtual void postUninit ()
virtual void preInit ()
virtual void postUninit ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from jevois::ParameterRegistry
void addParameter (ParameterBase *const param)
void removeParameter (ParameterBase *const param)
void callbackInitCall ()

Protected Attributes

double itsRoadHeading
 the current road heading
Point2D< float > itsAccumulatedTrajectory
 the accumulated trajectory
std::mutex itsAccTrajMtx
 locking accunulated trajectory
std::vector< SegmentitsCurrentSegments
 current segments found using CVHoughlines
std::mutex itsTrackMtx
 locking line trackers vars
bool itsTrackingFlag
 indicate whether tracking
std::vector< LineitsCurrentLines
 the current lines being tracked
uint itsNumIdentifiedLines
 indicate how many unique lines have been identified NOTE: never reset
RoadModel itsRoadModel
std::vector< VanishingPointitsVanishingPoints
 vanishing points being considered
std::mutex itsRoadMtx
Point2D< int > itsVanishingPoint
 current vanishing point
Point2D< float > itsCenterPoint
 current center of road point
Point2D< float > itsTargetPoint
 target servo point
float itsVanishingPointConfidence
 current vanishing point
std::vector< bool > itsVanishingPointStability
 vanishing point score tracker
int itsCurrentMessageID
 for visualizer
cv::KalmanFilter itsTPXfilter
float itsFilteredTPX
bool itsKalmanNeedInit

Related Symbols

(Note that these are not member symbols.)

 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER (horizon, int, "Estimated vertical (Y) position of the horizon (pixels, " "with 0 at the top of the frame). Adjust this depending on the tilt angle of your camera " "and video input resolution.", 70, ParamCateg)
 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER (support, int, "Offset (in pixels) between horizon line and horizon support line (positive " "values means support line is below horizon line.", 20, ParamCateg)
 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER (spacing, unsigned int, "Spacing between vanishing point candidates (pixels).", 20, ParamCateg)
 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER (distthresh, unsigned int, "Vanishing point distance threshold (pixels).", 40, ParamCateg)

Detailed Description

Navigation by finding road.

This algorithm implements the algorithm described in: C.-K. Chang, C. Siagian, L. Itti, Mobile Robot Monocular Vision Navigation Based on Road Region and Boundary Estimation, In: Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 1043-1050, Oct 2012.

See the research paper at

Definition at line 176 of file RoadFinder.H.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RoadFinder()

RoadFinder::RoadFinder ( std::string const &  instance)

◆ ~RoadFinder()

RoadFinder::~RoadFinder ( )


Definition at line 209 of file RoadFinder.C.

Member Function Documentation

◆ combine()

std::vector< Line > RoadFinder::combine ( std::vector< Line > &  prevLines,
std::vector< Line > const &  currentLines,
int  width,
int  height 

combine two lines sets, discard duplicates and overlaps

Definition at line 1422 of file RoadFinder.C.

References Line::angleToCenter, discardDuplicates(), Point2D< T >::distance(), Line::index, Line::isActive, Line::offset, Line::pointToServo, Line::scores, Line::start_scores, and updateLine().

Referenced by process().

◆ computeHoughSegments()

void RoadFinder::computeHoughSegments ( cv::Mat const &  cvImage)

compute the hough segments in the image

Definition at line 789 of file RoadFinder.C.

References Point2D< T >::i, itsCurrentSegments, and Point2D< T >::j.

Referenced by process().

◆ computeRoadCenterPoint()

Point2D< float > RoadFinder::computeRoadCenterPoint ( cv::Mat const &  edgeMap,
std::vector< Line > &  lines,
Point2D< int > &  vanishing_point,
Point2D< float > &  road_center_point,
float &  confidence 

computes the road center point to servo to

Definition at line 436 of file RoadFinder.C.

References getVanishingPoint(), Point2D< T >::i, itsRoadMtx, itsVanishingPoint, itsVanishingPointStability, and Point2D< T >::j.

Referenced by process().

◆ computeVanishingLines()

std::vector< Line > RoadFinder::computeVanishingLines ( cv::Mat const &  edgeMap,
Point2D< int > const &  vanishingPoint,
jevois::RawImage visual 

◆ discardDuplicates()

std::vector< Line > RoadFinder::discardDuplicates ( std::vector< Line > const &  currentLines)

discard duplicate lines in a set

Definition at line 1490 of file RoadFinder.C.

References Point2D< T >::distance(), Line::onScreenHorizonSupportPoint, Line::onScreenRoadBottomPoint, and Line::score.

Referenced by combine().

◆ findLine2()

Line RoadFinder::findLine2 ( Segment const &  s,
cv::Mat const &  edgeMap,
std::list< Segment > const &  supportingSegments,
std::vector< bool > &  is_used,
float &  totalLength,
uint numSegments 

◆ fitLine()

void RoadFinder::fitLine ( std::vector< Point2D< int > > const &  points,
Point2D< float > &  p1,
Point2D< float > &  p2,
int const  width,
int const  height 

openCV wrapper function to fit a line to an input vector of points

Definition at line 1207 of file RoadFinder.C.

References Point2D< T >::i, and Point2D< T >::j.

Referenced by updateLine().

◆ getCurrCenterPoint()

Point2D< float > RoadFinder::getCurrCenterPoint ( ) const

Get the current road center point.

Definition at line 233 of file RoadFinder.C.

References itsCenterPoint.

◆ getCurrTargetPoint()

Point2D< float > RoadFinder::getCurrTargetPoint ( ) const

Get the current target point.

Definition at line 237 of file RoadFinder.C.

References itsTargetPoint.

◆ getCurrVanishingPoint()

std::pair< Point2D< int >, float > RoadFinder::getCurrVanishingPoint ( ) const

Get the current vanishing point and confidence.

Definition at line 229 of file RoadFinder.C.

References itsVanishingPoint, and itsVanishingPointConfidence.

◆ getFilteredTargetX()

float RoadFinder::getFilteredTargetX ( ) const

Get the kalman-fitered target X, can be used to set robot steering.

Definition at line 241 of file RoadFinder.C.

References itsFilteredTPX.

◆ getLineFitness() [1/2]

float RoadFinder::getLineFitness ( Point2D< int > const &  horizonPoint,
Point2D< int > const &  roadBottomPoint,
cv::Mat const &  edgeMap,
jevois::RawImage visual 

compute how well the line equation fit the edgels in edgemap

Definition at line 1233 of file RoadFinder.C.

References getLineFitness().

Referenced by computeVanishingLines(), getLineFitness(), and trackVanishingLines().

◆ getLineFitness() [2/2]

float RoadFinder::getLineFitness ( Point2D< int > const &  horizonPoint,
Point2D< int > const &  roadBottomPoint,
cv::Mat const &  edgeMap,
std::vector< Point2D< int > > &  points,
jevois::RawImage visual 

◆ getPixels() [1/2]

std::vector< Point2D< int > > RoadFinder::getPixels ( Point2D< int > const &  p1,
Point2D< int > const &  p2,
cv::Mat const &  edgeMap 

get pixels for segment defined by p1 and p2 have added complexity to search within 1.5 pixels of the line

Definition at line 957 of file RoadFinder.C.

References getPixels().

Referenced by findLine2(), getLineFitness(), and getPixels().

◆ getPixels() [2/2]

std::vector< Point2D< int > > RoadFinder::getPixels ( Point2D< int > const &  p1,
Point2D< int > const &  p2,
cv::Mat const &  edgeMap,
std::vector< uint > &  startIndexes 

get pixels for segment defined by p1 and p2 have added complexity to search within 1.5 pixels of the line

Definition at line 965 of file RoadFinder.C.

References Point2D< T >::distance(), h, Point2D< T >::i, and Point2D< T >::j.

◆ getPixelsQuick()

std::vector< Point2D< int > > RoadFinder::getPixelsQuick ( Point2D< int > const &  p1,
Point2D< int > const &  p2,
cv::Mat const &  edgeMap 

get pixels that make up the segment defined by p1 and p2

Definition at line 1060 of file RoadFinder.C.

References h, Point2D< T >::i, and Point2D< T >::j.

Referenced by getLineFitness().

◆ getVanishingPoint()

Point2D< int > RoadFinder::getVanishingPoint ( std::vector< Line > const &  lines,
float &  confidence 

estimate the vanishing point from the tracked lines

Definition at line 760 of file RoadFinder.C.

References Point2D< T >::i.

Referenced by computeRoadCenterPoint().

◆ postInit()

void RoadFinder::postInit ( )

This class has state and does not support some online param changes.

Reimplemented from jevois::Component.

Definition at line 213 of file RoadFinder.C.

◆ preUninit()

void RoadFinder::preUninit ( )

This class has state and does not support some online param changes.

Reimplemented from jevois::Component.

Definition at line 221 of file RoadFinder.C.

◆ process()

void RoadFinder::process ( cv::Mat const &  img,
jevois::RawImage visual 

◆ projectForwardVanishingLines()

void RoadFinder::projectForwardVanishingLines ( std::vector< Line > &  lines,
std::vector< cv::Mat > const &  edgeMaps,
jevois::RawImage visual 

update the lines with the inputted set of edgemaps

Definition at line 1414 of file RoadFinder.C.

References trackVanishingLines().

◆ resetRoadModel()

void RoadFinder::resetRoadModel ( )

Reset all tracker internals and start fresh (e.g., when changing goal direction)

Thread-safe, ok to call concurrently with process().

Definition at line 245 of file RoadFinder.C.

References itsRoadModel, itsRoadMtx, RoadModel::lastActiveIndex, RoadModel::lastSeenHorizonPoint, RoadModel::lastSeenLocation, RoadModel::lines, and RoadModel::numMatches.

◆ trackVanishingLines()

void RoadFinder::trackVanishingLines ( cv::Mat const &  edgeMap,
std::vector< Line > &  currentLines,
jevois::RawImage visual 

track vanishing lines by to fit to the new, inputted, edgemap

Definition at line 1321 of file RoadFinder.C.

References jevois::rawimage::drawDisk(), jevois::rawimage::drawLine(), getLineFitness(), Point2D< T >::i, Point2D< T >::j, jevois::yuyv::MedPurple, updateLine(), and jevois::RawImage::valid().

Referenced by process(), and projectForwardVanishingLines().

◆ updateLine()

void RoadFinder::updateLine ( Line l,
std::vector< Point2D< int > > const &  points,
float  score,
int const  width,
int const  height 

update the information in by updating the input points, score and various handy coordinate locations

Definition at line 1154 of file RoadFinder.C.

References Line::angle, fitLine(), Line::horizonPoint, Line::horizonSupportPoint, Point2D< T >::i, Point2D< T >::j, Line::onScreenHorizonPoint, Line::onScreenHorizonSupportPoint, Line::onScreenRoadBottomPoint, Line::points, Line::roadBottomPoint, and Line::score.

Referenced by combine(), findLine2(), and trackVanishingLines().

◆ updateRoadModel()

void RoadFinder::updateRoadModel ( std::vector< Line > &  lines,
int  index 

update road model and incoming lines NOTE: also change the line parameters to sync them this avoids drifts

Definition at line 597 of file RoadFinder.C.

References Point2D< T >::distance(), itsNumIdentifiedLines, itsRoadModel, RoadModel::lastActiveIndex, RoadModel::lastSeenHorizonPoint, RoadModel::lastSeenLocation, RoadModel::lines, and RoadModel::numMatches.

Referenced by process().

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation


unsigned int  ,
"Vanishing point distance threshold (pixels)."  ,
40  ,



int  ,
"Estimated vertical (Y) position of the horizon (pixels, " "with 0 at the top of the frame). Adjust this depending on the tilt angle of your camera " "and video input resolution."  ,
70  ,



unsigned int  ,
"Spacing between vanishing point candidates (pixels)."  ,
20  ,





Member Data Documentation

◆ itsAccTrajMtx

std::mutex RoadFinder::itsAccTrajMtx

locking accunulated trajectory

Definition at line 288 of file RoadFinder.H.

◆ itsAccumulatedTrajectory

Point2D<float> RoadFinder::itsAccumulatedTrajectory

the accumulated trajectory

Definition at line 285 of file RoadFinder.H.

Referenced by RoadFinder().

◆ itsCenterPoint

Point2D<float> RoadFinder::itsCenterPoint

current center of road point

Definition at line 311 of file RoadFinder.H.

Referenced by getCurrCenterPoint(), process(), and RoadFinder().

◆ itsCurrentLines

std::vector<Line> RoadFinder::itsCurrentLines

the current lines being tracked

Definition at line 299 of file RoadFinder.H.

Referenced by process().

◆ itsCurrentMessageID

int RoadFinder::itsCurrentMessageID

for visualizer

Definition at line 317 of file RoadFinder.H.

◆ itsCurrentSegments

std::vector<Segment> RoadFinder::itsCurrentSegments

current segments found using CVHoughlines

Definition at line 291 of file RoadFinder.H.

Referenced by computeHoughSegments(), computeVanishingLines(), and process().

◆ itsFilteredTPX

float RoadFinder::itsFilteredTPX

Definition at line 320 of file RoadFinder.H.

Referenced by getFilteredTargetX(), and process().

◆ itsKalmanNeedInit

bool RoadFinder::itsKalmanNeedInit

Definition at line 321 of file RoadFinder.H.

Referenced by process().

◆ itsNumIdentifiedLines

uint RoadFinder::itsNumIdentifiedLines

indicate how many unique lines have been identified NOTE: never reset

Definition at line 302 of file RoadFinder.H.

Referenced by RoadFinder(), and updateRoadModel().

◆ itsRoadHeading

double RoadFinder::itsRoadHeading

the current road heading

Definition at line 282 of file RoadFinder.H.

◆ itsRoadModel

RoadModel RoadFinder::itsRoadModel

Definition at line 304 of file RoadFinder.H.

Referenced by resetRoadModel(), and updateRoadModel().

◆ itsRoadMtx

std::mutex RoadFinder::itsRoadMtx

Definition at line 309 of file RoadFinder.H.

Referenced by computeRoadCenterPoint(), computeVanishingLines(), and resetRoadModel().

◆ itsTargetPoint

Point2D<float> RoadFinder::itsTargetPoint

target servo point

Definition at line 312 of file RoadFinder.H.

Referenced by getCurrTargetPoint(), process(), and RoadFinder().

◆ itsTPXfilter

cv::KalmanFilter RoadFinder::itsTPXfilter

Definition at line 319 of file RoadFinder.H.

Referenced by process(), and RoadFinder().

◆ itsTrackingFlag

bool RoadFinder::itsTrackingFlag

indicate whether tracking

Definition at line 296 of file RoadFinder.H.

Referenced by RoadFinder().

◆ itsTrackMtx

std::mutex RoadFinder::itsTrackMtx

locking line trackers vars

Definition at line 293 of file RoadFinder.H.

◆ itsVanishingPoint

Point2D<int> RoadFinder::itsVanishingPoint

current vanishing point

Definition at line 310 of file RoadFinder.H.

Referenced by computeRoadCenterPoint(), computeVanishingLines(), getCurrVanishingPoint(), process(), and RoadFinder().

◆ itsVanishingPointConfidence

float RoadFinder::itsVanishingPointConfidence

current vanishing point

Definition at line 313 of file RoadFinder.H.

Referenced by getCurrVanishingPoint(), process(), and RoadFinder().

◆ itsVanishingPoints

std::vector<VanishingPoint> RoadFinder::itsVanishingPoints

vanishing points being considered

Definition at line 307 of file RoadFinder.H.

Referenced by computeVanishingLines(), and process().

◆ itsVanishingPointStability

std::vector<bool> RoadFinder::itsVanishingPointStability

vanishing point score tracker

Definition at line 314 of file RoadFinder.H.

Referenced by computeRoadCenterPoint().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: