JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit Base Modules
Modules | |
Image filters | |
JeVois profiler for Darknet deep neural networks | |
Classes | |
class | ArUco |
Simple wrapper class over the opencv_contrib ArUco augmented reality markers. More... | |
class | EyeTracker |
Eye-tracker class used to detect gaze direction from close-up video of one's eye. More... | |
class | FaceDetector |
Face detection using OpenCV. More... | |
class | FilterGPU |
Simple image filtering using OpenGL-ES on the GPU. More... | |
class | SuperPixel |
Superpixel image segmentation from OpenCV. More... | |
class | BlobDetector |
Simple color-based object/blob detection/tracking. More... | |
class | ObjectMatcher |
Object matching using OpenCV keypoint detection and matching. More... | |
class | ObjectRecognitionBase |
Abstract base class for an object recognition component. More... | |
class | ObjectRecognition< NetType > |
Wrapper around a neural network implemented by with the tiny-dnn framework by Taiga Nomi. More... | |
class | ObjectRecognitionCIFAR |
Object recognition CNN for CIFAR-10 dataset. More... | |
class | ObjectRecognitionILAB |
Object recognition CNN for ILAB-10 dataset. More... | |
class | ObjectRecognitionMNIST |
Object recognition CNN for MNIST handwritten digits. More... | |
class | FastOpticalFlow |
Fast optical flow computation using dense inverse search. More... | |
class | QRcode |
QRcode and Barcode detection using ZBar. More... | |
class | RoadFinder |
Navigation by finding road. More... | |
class | Saliency |
Simple wrapper class around Rob Peter's C-optimized, fixed-point-math visual saliency code. More... | |
class | Surprise |
Compute Itti & Baldi surprise over video frames. More... | |
class | Kalman1D |
Simple component to track a moving 2D point over time using a Kalman filter. More... | |
class | Kalman2D |
Simple component to track a moving 2D point over time using a Kalman filter. More... | |
class | Kalman4D |
Simple component to track a moving 2D box (position and size) over time using a Kalman filter. More... | |
class | BufferedVideoReader |
Simple class to read video frames from a movie file, decode them, and buffer them for smooth playback. More... | |
JeVois provides the ability to implement individual machine vision algorithms as Component objects, which combine the implementation of the algorithm itself, and of parameters that are exposed to users to tune the algorithm's operation.
Component algorithms can be shared and assembled into hierarchies to give rise to different machine vision modules.