JeVoisBase  1.23
JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit Base Modules
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1// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3// JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2016 by Laurent Itti, the University of Southern
4// California (USC), and iLab at USC. See and for information about this project.
6// This file is part of the JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit. This program is free software; you can
7// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
8// Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
9// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
10// License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
11// if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
13// Contact information: Laurent Itti - 3641 Watt Way, HNB-07A - Los Angeles, CA 90089-2520 - USA.
14// Tel: +1 213 740 3527 - - -
15// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
16/*! \file */
18// This code adapted from:
20// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
21// The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2001 by the //
22// University of Southern California (USC) and the iLab at USC. //
23// See for information about this project. //
24// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
25// Major portions of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit are protected //
26// under the U.S. patent ``Computation of Intrinsic Perceptual Saliency //
27// in Visual Environments, and Applications'' by Christof Koch and //
28// Laurent Itti, California Institute of Technology, 2001 (patent //
29// pending; application number 09/912,225 filed July 23, 2001; see //
30// for current status). //
31// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
32// This file is part of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit. //
33// //
34// The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is free software; you can //
35// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General //
36// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either //
37// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. //
38// //
39// The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is distributed in the hope //
40// that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the //
42// PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. //
43// //
44// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
45// along with the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit; if not, write //
46// to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, //
47// Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. //
48// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
50#pragma once
54#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
55#define INVT_TYPEDEF_INT64
58#include <opencv2/video/tracking.hpp> // for kalman filter
60// ######################################################################
62//! a segment is defined by the two end-points
63/*! \relates RoadFinder*/
64struct Segment
66 Segment(Point2D<int> in_p1, Point2D<int> in_p2, float in_angle, float in_length) :
67 p1(in_p1), p2(in_p2), angle(in_angle), length(in_length)
68 { }
72 float angle;
73 float length;
75 bool operator<(const Segment & s) { return length < s.length; }
78//! Keeps all the supporting information about a specific vanishing point
79/*! \relates RoadFinder*/
82 VanishingPoint(Point2D<int> in_vp, float in_likelihood) :
83 vp(in_vp), likelihood(in_likelihood)
84 { }
87 float prior;
89 float posterior;
90 std::vector<Segment> supportingSegments;
93//! keeps all the ready to use information of a supporting line as it pertains to describing the road
94/*! \relates RoadFinder*/
95struct Line
97 Line() : length(0.0F), angle(0.0F), score(0.0F), isActive(false), index(-1)
98 { }
100 //! basic information to specify the line
101 float length;
102 float angle;
103 float score;
105 //! the points that are fit to the line
106 std::vector<Point2D<int> > points;
108 //! quick information for various locations with respect to the road
116 //! original supporting segments out of sync after initial frame
117 std::vector<Segment> segments;
119 //! tracking information to monitor health of the line
120 std::vector<float> scores;
121 std::vector<float> start_scores;
123 //! tracks whether the line can be used for finding the road center
127 float offset;
129 int index;
132//! Store information about the road
133/*! \relates RoadFinder*/
136 std::vector<Line> lines;
137 std::vector<int> lastActiveIndex;
138 std::vector<Point2D<float> > lastSeenHorizonPoint;
139 std::vector<Point2D<float> > lastSeenLocation;
140 std::vector<int> numMatches;
143namespace roadfinder
145 static jevois::ParameterCategory const ParamCateg("RoadFinder Options");
147 //! Parameter \relates RoadFinder
148 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(horizon, int, "Estimated vertical (Y) position of the horizon (pixels, "
149 "with 0 at the top of the frame). Adjust this depending on the tilt angle of your camera "
150 "and video input resolution.",
151 70, ParamCateg);
153 //! Parameter \relates RoadFinder
154 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(support, int, "Offset (in pixels) between horizon line and horizon support line (positive "
155 "values means support line is below horizon line.",
156 20, ParamCateg);
158 //! Parameter \relates RoadFinder
159 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(spacing, unsigned int, "Spacing between vanishing point candidates (pixels).",
160 20, ParamCateg);
162 //! Parameter \relates RoadFinder
163 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(distthresh, unsigned int, "Vanishing point distance threshold (pixels).",
164 40, ParamCateg);
165} // namespace roadfinder
168//! Navigation by finding road
169/*! This algorithm implements the algorithm described in: C.-K. Chang, C. Siagian, L. Itti, Mobile Robot Monocular
170 Vision Navigation Based on Road Region and Boundary Estimation, In: Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
171 Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 1043-1050, Oct 2012.
173 See the research paper at
175 \ingroup components */
177 public jevois::Parameter<roadfinder::horizon, roadfinder::support,
178 roadfinder::spacing, roadfinder::distthresh>
180 public:
181 //! constructor
182 RoadFinder(std::string const & instance);
184 //! desctructor
185 virtual ~RoadFinder();
187 //! Compute the vanishing point location using the full blown algorithm
188 /*! img should be greyscale. If visual is valid, it should be YUYV with same or larger dims, with the assumption
189 that it contains a color copy of the input frame in the top-left corner (this is used for debug visualizations
190 of the various things computed). */
191 void process(cv::Mat const & img, jevois::RawImage & visual);
193 //! Get the current vanishing point and confidence
194 std::pair<Point2D<int>, float> getCurrVanishingPoint() const;
196 //! Get the current road center point
199 //! Get the current target point
202 //! Get the kalman-fitered target X, can be used to set robot steering
203 float getFilteredTargetX() const;
205 //! Reset all tracker internals and start fresh (e.g., when changing goal direction)
206 /*! Thread-safe, ok to call concurrently with process(). */
207 void resetRoadModel();
209 protected:
210 //! This class has state and does not support some online param changes
211 void postInit() override;
213 //! This class has state and does not support some online param changes
214 void preUninit() override;
216 //! compute the hough segments in the image
217 void computeHoughSegments(cv::Mat const & cvImage);
219 //! main function to detect the road
220 std::vector<Line> computeVanishingLines(cv::Mat const & edgeMap, Point2D<int> const & vanishingPoint,
221 jevois::RawImage & visual);
223 //! computes the road center point to servo to
224 Point2D<float> computeRoadCenterPoint(cv::Mat const & edgeMap, std::vector<Line> & lines,
225 Point2D<int> & vanishing_point,
226 Point2D<float> & road_center_point, float & confidence);
228 //! update road model and incoming lines NOTE: also change the line parameters to sync them this avoids drifts
229 void updateRoadModel(std::vector<Line> & lines, int index);
231 //! estimate the vanishing point from the tracked lines
232 Point2D<int> getVanishingPoint(std::vector<Line> const & lines, float &confidence);
234 //! track vanishing lines by to fit to the new, inputted, edgemap
235 void trackVanishingLines(cv::Mat const & edgeMap, std::vector<Line> & currentLines, jevois::RawImage & visual);
237 //! get pixels for segment defined by p1 and p2 have added complexity to search within 1.5 pixels of the line
238 std::vector<Point2D<int> >
239 getPixels(Point2D<int> const & p1, Point2D<int> const & p2, cv::Mat const & edgeMap);
241 //! get pixels for segment defined by p1 and p2 have added complexity to search within 1.5 pixels of the line
242 std::vector<Point2D<int> >
243 getPixels(Point2D<int> const & p1, Point2D<int> const & p2, cv::Mat const & edgeMap,
244 std::vector<uint>& startIndexes);
246 //! get pixels that make up the segment defined by p1 and p2
247 std::vector<Point2D<int> >
248 getPixelsQuick(Point2D<int> const & p1, Point2D<int> const & p2, cv::Mat const & edgeMap);
250 //! find lines given the found supporting segments
251 Line findLine2(Segment const & s, cv::Mat const & edgeMap, std::list<Segment> const & supportingSegments,
252 std::vector<bool> & is_used, float & totalLength, uint & numSegments);
254 //! openCV wrapper function to fit a line to an input vector of points
255 void fitLine(std::vector<Point2D<int> > const & points, Point2D<float> & p1,Point2D<float> & p2,
256 int const width, int const height);
258 //! compute how well the line equation fit the edgels in edgemap
259 float getLineFitness(Point2D<int> const & horizonPoint, Point2D<int> const & roadBottomPoint,
260 cv::Mat const & edgeMap, jevois::RawImage & visual);
262 //! compute how well the line equation fit the edgels in edgemap
263 float getLineFitness(Point2D<int> const & horizonPoint, Point2D<int> const & roadBottomPoint,
264 cv::Mat const & edgeMap, std::vector<Point2D<int> > & points, jevois::RawImage & visual);
266 //! update the information in by updating the input points, score and various handy coordinate locations
267 void updateLine(Line & l, std::vector<Point2D<int> > const & points, float score,
268 int const width, int const height);
270 //! update the lines with the inputted set of edgemaps
271 void projectForwardVanishingLines(std::vector<Line> & lines, std::vector<cv::Mat> const & edgeMaps,
272 jevois::RawImage & visual);
274 //! combine two lines sets, discard duplicates and overlaps
275 std::vector<Line> combine(std::vector<Line> & prevLines, std::vector<Line> const & currentLines,
276 int width, int height);
278 //! discard duplicate lines in a set
279 std::vector<Line> discardDuplicates(std::vector<Line> const & currentLines);
281 //! the current road heading
284 //! the accumulated trajectory
287 //! locking accunulated trajectory
288 std::mutex itsAccTrajMtx;
290 //! current segments found using CVHoughlines
291 std::vector<Segment> itsCurrentSegments;
293 std::mutex itsTrackMtx; //!< locking line trackers vars
295 //! indicate whether tracking
298 //! the current lines being tracked
299 std::vector<Line> itsCurrentLines;
301 //! indicate how many unique lines have been identified NOTE: never reset
306 //! vanishing points being considered
307 std::vector<VanishingPoint> itsVanishingPoints;
309 std::mutex itsRoadMtx;
310 Point2D<int> itsVanishingPoint; //!< current vanishing point
311 Point2D<float> itsCenterPoint; //!< current center of road point
312 Point2D<float> itsTargetPoint; //!< target servo point
313 float itsVanishingPointConfidence; //!< current vanishing point
314 std::vector<bool> itsVanishingPointStability; //!< vanishing point score tracker
316 //! for visualizer
319 cv::KalmanFilter itsTPXfilter;
unsigned int uint
Canonical unsigned int.
Definition Types.H:134
This is a basic class to encode 2D integer coordinates.
Definition Point2D.H:67
Navigation by finding road.
Definition RoadFinder.H:179
std::mutex itsRoadMtx
Definition RoadFinder.H:309
void trackVanishingLines(cv::Mat const &edgeMap, std::vector< Line > &currentLines, jevois::RawImage &visual)
track vanishing lines by to fit to the new, inputted, edgemap
std::vector< VanishingPoint > itsVanishingPoints
vanishing points being considered
Definition RoadFinder.H:307
std::vector< Segment > itsCurrentSegments
current segments found using CVHoughlines
Definition RoadFinder.H:291
Point2D< float > computeRoadCenterPoint(cv::Mat const &edgeMap, std::vector< Line > &lines, Point2D< int > &vanishing_point, Point2D< float > &road_center_point, float &confidence)
computes the road center point to servo to
Definition RoadFinder.C:436
void process(cv::Mat const &img, jevois::RawImage &visual)
Compute the vanishing point location using the full blown algorithm.
Definition RoadFinder.C:256
std::vector< Line > computeVanishingLines(cv::Mat const &edgeMap, Point2D< int > const &vanishingPoint, jevois::RawImage &visual)
main function to detect the road
Definition RoadFinder.C:822
std::vector< Point2D< int > > getPixels(Point2D< int > const &p1, Point2D< int > const &p2, cv::Mat const &edgeMap)
get pixels for segment defined by p1 and p2 have added complexity to search within 1....
Definition RoadFinder.C:957
std::pair< Point2D< int >, float > getCurrVanishingPoint() const
Get the current vanishing point and confidence.
Definition RoadFinder.C:229
std::vector< Line > combine(std::vector< Line > &prevLines, std::vector< Line > const &currentLines, int width, int height)
combine two lines sets, discard duplicates and overlaps
int itsCurrentMessageID
for visualizer
Definition RoadFinder.H:317
std::vector< Point2D< int > > getPixelsQuick(Point2D< int > const &p1, Point2D< int > const &p2, cv::Mat const &edgeMap)
get pixels that make up the segment defined by p1 and p2
Point2D< float > itsTargetPoint
target servo point
Definition RoadFinder.H:312
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(support, int, "Offset (in pixels) between horizon line and horizon support line (positive " "values means support line is below horizon line.", 20, ParamCateg)
std::mutex itsTrackMtx
locking line trackers vars
Definition RoadFinder.H:293
std::mutex itsAccTrajMtx
locking accunulated trajectory
Definition RoadFinder.H:288
void resetRoadModel()
Reset all tracker internals and start fresh (e.g., when changing goal direction)
Definition RoadFinder.C:245
Point2D< float > getCurrCenterPoint() const
Get the current road center point.
Definition RoadFinder.C:233
void projectForwardVanishingLines(std::vector< Line > &lines, std::vector< cv::Mat > const &edgeMaps, jevois::RawImage &visual)
update the lines with the inputted set of edgemaps
void updateRoadModel(std::vector< Line > &lines, int index)
update road model and incoming lines NOTE: also change the line parameters to sync them this avoids d...
Definition RoadFinder.C:597
Point2D< int > getVanishingPoint(std::vector< Line > const &lines, float &confidence)
estimate the vanishing point from the tracked lines
Definition RoadFinder.C:760
bool itsKalmanNeedInit
Definition RoadFinder.H:321
double itsRoadHeading
the current road heading
Definition RoadFinder.H:282
float getLineFitness(Point2D< int > const &horizonPoint, Point2D< int > const &roadBottomPoint, cv::Mat const &edgeMap, jevois::RawImage &visual)
compute how well the line equation fit the edgels in edgemap
Line findLine2(Segment const &s, cv::Mat const &edgeMap, std::list< Segment > const &supportingSegments, std::vector< bool > &is_used, float &totalLength, uint &numSegments)
find lines given the found supporting segments
RoadModel itsRoadModel
Definition RoadFinder.H:304
std::vector< Line > itsCurrentLines
the current lines being tracked
Definition RoadFinder.H:299
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(spacing, unsigned int, "Spacing between vanishing point candidates (pixels).", 20, ParamCateg)
uint itsNumIdentifiedLines
indicate how many unique lines have been identified NOTE: never reset
Definition RoadFinder.H:302
void preUninit() override
This class has state and does not support some online param changes.
Definition RoadFinder.C:221
Point2D< int > itsVanishingPoint
current vanishing point
Definition RoadFinder.H:310
cv::KalmanFilter itsTPXfilter
Definition RoadFinder.H:319
virtual ~RoadFinder()
Definition RoadFinder.C:209
void computeHoughSegments(cv::Mat const &cvImage)
compute the hough segments in the image
Definition RoadFinder.C:789
void fitLine(std::vector< Point2D< int > > const &points, Point2D< float > &p1, Point2D< float > &p2, int const width, int const height)
openCV wrapper function to fit a line to an input vector of points
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(distthresh, unsigned int, "Vanishing point distance threshold (pixels).", 40, ParamCateg)
std::vector< bool > itsVanishingPointStability
vanishing point score tracker
Definition RoadFinder.H:314
Point2D< float > itsAccumulatedTrajectory
the accumulated trajectory
Definition RoadFinder.H:285
void postInit() override
This class has state and does not support some online param changes.
Definition RoadFinder.C:213
bool itsTrackingFlag
indicate whether tracking
Definition RoadFinder.H:296
float itsFilteredTPX
Definition RoadFinder.H:320
float itsVanishingPointConfidence
current vanishing point
Definition RoadFinder.H:313
Point2D< float > getCurrTargetPoint() const
Get the current target point.
Definition RoadFinder.C:237
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(horizon, int, "Estimated vertical (Y) position of the horizon (pixels, " "with 0 at the top of the frame). Adjust this depending on the tilt angle of your camera " "and video input resolution.", 70, ParamCateg)
void updateLine(Line &l, std::vector< Point2D< int > > const &points, float score, int const width, int const height)
update the information in by updating the input points, score and various handy coordinate locations
Point2D< float > itsCenterPoint
current center of road point
Definition RoadFinder.H:311
float getFilteredTargetX() const
Get the kalman-fitered target X, can be used to set robot steering.
Definition RoadFinder.C:241
std::vector< Line > discardDuplicates(std::vector< Line > const &currentLines)
discard duplicate lines in a set
keeps all the ready to use information of a supporting line as it pertains to describing the road
Definition RoadFinder.H:96
std::vector< float > scores
tracking information to monitor health of the line
Definition RoadFinder.H:120
std::vector< float > start_scores
Definition RoadFinder.H:121
Point2D< float > onScreenRoadBottomPoint
Definition RoadFinder.H:112
float angle
Definition RoadFinder.H:102
float score
Definition RoadFinder.H:103
Point2D< float > onScreenHorizonSupportPoint
Definition RoadFinder.H:114
Point2D< float > horizonPoint
quick information for various locations with respect to the road
Definition RoadFinder.H:109
float offset
Definition RoadFinder.H:127
Point2D< float > onScreenHorizonPoint
Definition RoadFinder.H:113
bool isActive
tracks whether the line can be used for finding the road center
Definition RoadFinder.H:124
float angleToCenter
Definition RoadFinder.H:125
std::vector< Point2D< int > > points
the points that are fit to the line
Definition RoadFinder.H:106
Point2D< float > roadBottomPoint
Definition RoadFinder.H:111
float length
basic information to specify the line
Definition RoadFinder.H:101
Definition RoadFinder.H:97
std::vector< Segment > segments
original supporting segments out of sync after initial frame
Definition RoadFinder.H:117
Point2D< float > pointToServo
Definition RoadFinder.H:126
Point2D< float > horizonSupportPoint
Definition RoadFinder.H:110
int index
Definition RoadFinder.H:129
Store information about the road.
Definition RoadFinder.H:135
std::vector< Point2D< float > > lastSeenHorizonPoint
Definition RoadFinder.H:138
std::vector< Line > lines
Definition RoadFinder.H:136
std::vector< Point2D< float > > lastSeenLocation
Definition RoadFinder.H:139
std::vector< int > numMatches
Definition RoadFinder.H:140
std::vector< int > lastActiveIndex
Definition RoadFinder.H:137
a segment is defined by the two end-points
Definition RoadFinder.H:65
Segment(Point2D< int > in_p1, Point2D< int > in_p2, float in_angle, float in_length)
Definition RoadFinder.H:66
bool operator<(const Segment &s)
Definition RoadFinder.H:75
float length
Definition RoadFinder.H:73
float angle
Definition RoadFinder.H:72
Point2D< int > p1
Definition RoadFinder.H:70
Point2D< int > p2
Definition RoadFinder.H:71
Keeps all the supporting information about a specific vanishing point.
Definition RoadFinder.H:81
Point2D< int > vp
Definition RoadFinder.H:86
std::vector< Segment > supportingSegments
Definition RoadFinder.H:90
VanishingPoint(Point2D< int > in_vp, float in_likelihood)
Definition RoadFinder.H:82