JeVois  1.23
JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit
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Tutorial on how to write Arduino code that interacts with JeVois

Controlling servos using JeVois and Arduino

Serial strings output by JeVois modules

In this simple example, we create an Arduino program that will listen for messages from DemoSaliency, RoadNavigation, ObjectTracker, DemoArUco, or other modules that output messages over serial port that contain information about the location of a target. These modules output strings of the form:

T1 <target_x>

for one-dimentional guidance (e.g., direction of the vanishing point in RoadNavigation), or

T2 <target_x> <target_y>

for two-dimensional coordinates. See Standardized serial messages formatting for information about customizing thee serial messages.

To make the outputs independent of video image resolution, coordinates are always normalized by all modules ot a range of -1000 (full left or full up) to 1000 (full right or full down).

One string is typically output on every video frame, that is, these strings are coming out of the JeVois camera at rates of 30 per second, 60 per second, or more.

Arduino servo control

Here is a simple piece of Arduino code that can parse the strings sent by JeVois and convert them into pulses that will control the angle of servo-motors. This code can be used to control the steering of a radio-controlled car, or to control the pan and tilt angles of a servo-based electric pan/titl head onto which the JeVois camera is mounted.

// JeVois control steering or a pan/tilt head from the output of JeVois modules
// We handle messages "T2 <targetx> <targety>", "T1 <targetx>", "PANGAIN <gain>", and "TILTGAIN <gain>".
// targetx and targety are assumed to be in the -1000 ... 1000 range as output by the JeVois Kalman filters.
// Here we only do simple PD control under the assumption that target coordinates have already been filtered upstream.
#include <Servo.h>
// Pin for LED, blinks as we receive serial commands:
#define LEDPIN 13
// Serial port to use: on chips with USB (e.g., 32u4), that usually is Serial1. On chips without USB, use Serial:
#define SERIAL Serial1
// Pins for up to two servos:
Servo panservo;
#define PANPIN 3
Servo tiltservo;
#define TILTPIN 5
// Initial servo values in degrees:
#define PANZERO 90
#define TILTZERO 90
// With updates typically coming in at 60Hz or up to 120Hz, we will often need to move by a fraction of a
// degree. Hence we keep track of the pan and tilt values multiplied by SCALE. For the gains, a gain of 100
// means we will update servo angle by the 0.1*(target value/SCALE) degrees on each update. Higher gains mean
// larger angular updates.
#define SCALE 100
long pangain = 100;
long tiltgain = 100;
long panval = PANZERO * SCALE;
long tiltval = TILTZERO * SCALE;
// Buffer for received serial port bytes:
#define INLEN 128
char instr[INLEN + 1];
void setup()
digitalWrite(LEDPIN, LOW);
panservo.write(panval / SCALE);
tiltservo.write(tiltval / SCALE);
// We are ready to rock, disable logs and turn on serial outputs on JeVois platform:
SERIAL.println("setpar serlog None");
SERIAL.println("setpar serout Hard");
void loop()
digitalWrite(LEDPIN, LOW);
byte len = SERIAL.readBytesUntil('\n', instr, INLEN);
instr[len] = 0;
digitalWrite(LEDPIN, HIGH);
char * tok = strtok(instr, " \r\n");
int state = 0; int targx = 0, targy = 0;
while (tok)
// State machine:
// 0: start parsing
// 1: T2 command, parse targx
// 2: T2 command, parse targy
// 3: T2 command complete
// 4: T1 command, parse targx
// 5: T1 command complete
// 6: PANGAIN command, parse pangain
// 7: PANGAIN command complete
// 8: TILTGAIN command, parse tiltgain
// 9: TILTGAIN command complete
// 1000: unknown command
switch (state)
case 0:
if (strcmp(tok, "T2") == 0) state = 1;
else if (strcmp(tok, "T1") == 0) state = 4;
else if (strcmp(tok, "PANGAIN") == 0) state = 6;
else if (strcmp(tok, "TILTGAIN") == 0) state = 8;
else state = 1000;
case 1: targx = atoi(tok); state = 2; break;
case 2: targy = atoi(tok); state = 3; break;
case 4: targx = atoi(tok); state = 5; break;
case 6: pangain = atoi(tok); state = 7; break;
case 8: tiltgain = atoi(tok); state = 9; break;
default: break; // Skip any additional tokens
tok = strtok(0, " \r\n");
// Target coordinates are in range -1000 ... 1000. Servos want 0 ... 180.
// We also need to negate as needed so that the servo turns to cancel any offset from center:
if (state == 3 || state == 5)
panval -= (targx * pangain) / 1000;
if (panval < 5 * SCALE) panval = 5 * SCALE; else if (panval > 175 * SCALE) panval = 175 * SCALE;
panservo.write(panval / SCALE);
if (state == 3)
tiltval += (targy * tiltgain) / 1000;
if (tiltval < 5 * SCALE) tiltval = 5 * SCALE; else if (tiltval > 175 * SCALE) tiltval = 175 * SCALE;
tiltservo.write(tiltval / SCALE);

Using a script.cfg file on the JeVois platform

Sometimes, it is useful to set some parameters or execute some commands when a module is loaded.

JeVois allows you to store parameter settings and commands in a file named script.cfg stored in the directory of a module. The file script.cfg may contain any sequence of commands as you would type them interactively in the JeVois command-line interface.

Here is an example for the ObjectTracker module. As you can see below, the commands here will not only set parameters on JeVois, but will also set the pan and tilt gains of the Arduino-controlled pan/tilt head:

# Demo configuration script for ObjectTracker module.
# Set camera to fixed color balance, gain, and exposure, so that we get more reliable colors than we would obtain under
# automatic mode:
setcam autowb 0
setcam autogain 0
setcam autoexp 0
setcam redbal 110
setcam bluebal 170
setcam gain 16
setcam absexp 500
# Detect a light blue flash drive:
setpar hrange 95...110
setpar srange 100...255
setpar vrange 60...253
# Send info log messages to None, send serial strings from module to Hard serial port:
setpar serlog None
setpar serout Hard
# Apply high gain to our pan/tilt servos, sending the commands below to our Arduino over the Hard serial port that we
# configured above to handle the serout messages. The Arduino controlling the pan/tilt servos will receive and parse
# these commands, and will set the servo gains:
serout PANGAIN 400
serout TILTGAIN 300