JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit
Go to the source code of this file.
Macros | |
#define | ICM20948_SPI_READ 0x80 |
#define | ICM20948_SPI_WRITE 0x00 |
#define | DMP_CFG_FIFO_SIZE (4222) |
#define | DMP_DATA_OUT_CTL1 (4 * 16) |
#define | DMP_DATA_OUT_CTL2 (4 * 16 + 2) |
#define | DMP_DATA_INTR_CTL (4 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_FIFO_WATERMARK (31 * 16 + 14) |
#define | DMP_MOTION_EVENT_CTL (4 * 16 + 14) |
#define | DMP_DATA_RDY_STATUS (8 * 16 + 10) |
#define | DMP_BM_BATCH_CNTR (27 * 16) |
#define | DMP_BM_BATCH_THLD (19 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_BM_BATCH_MASK (21 * 16 + 14) |
#define | DMP_ODR_ACCEL (11 * 16 + 14) |
#define | DMP_ODR_GYRO (11 * 16 + 10) |
#define | DMP_ODR_CPASS (11 * 16 + 6) |
#define | DMP_ODR_ALS (11 * 16 + 2) |
#define | DMP_ODR_QUAT6 (10 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_ODR_QUAT9 (10 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_ODR_PQUAT6 (10 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_ODR_GEOMAG (10 * 16 + 0) |
#define | DMP_ODR_PRESSURE (11 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_ODR_GYRO_CALIBR (11 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_ODR_CPASS_CALIBR (11 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_ODR_CNTR_ACCEL (9 * 16 + 14) |
#define | DMP_ODR_CNTR_GYRO (9 * 16 + 10) |
#define | DMP_ODR_CNTR_CPASS (9 * 16 + 6) |
#define | DMP_ODR_CNTR_ALS (9 * 16 + 2) |
#define | DMP_ODR_CNTR_QUAT6 (8 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_ODR_CNTR_QUAT9 (8 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_ODR_CNTR_PQUAT6 (8 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_ODR_CNTR_GEOMAG (8 * 16 + 0) |
#define | DMP_ODR_CNTR_PRESSURE (9 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_ODR_CNTR_GYRO_CALIBR (9 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_ODR_CNTR_CPASS_CALIBR (9 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_MTX_00 (23 * 16) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_MTX_01 (23 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_MTX_02 (23 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_MTX_10 (23 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_MTX_11 (24 * 16) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_MTX_12 (24 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_MTX_20 (24 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_MTX_21 (24 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_MTX_22 (25 * 16) |
#define | DMP_GYRO_SF (19 * 16) |
#define | DMP_ACCEL_FB_GAIN (34 * 16) |
#define | DMP_ACCEL_ONLY_GAIN (16 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_GYRO_BIAS_X (139 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_GYRO_BIAS_Y (139 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_GYRO_BIAS_Z (139 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_GYRO_ACCURACY (138 * 16 + 2) |
#define | DMP_GYRO_BIAS_SET (138 * 16 + 6) |
#define | DMP_GYRO_LAST_TEMPR (134 * 16) |
#define | DMP_GYRO_SLOPE_X ( 78 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_GYRO_SLOPE_Y ( 78 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_GYRO_SLOPE_Z ( 78 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_ACCEL_BIAS_X (110 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_ACCEL_BIAS_Y (110 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_ACCEL_BIAS_Z (110 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_ACCEL_ACCURACY (97 * 16) |
#define | DMP_ACCEL_CAL_RESET (77 * 16) |
#define | DMP_ACCEL_VARIANCE_THRESH (93 * 16) |
#define | DMP_ACCEL_CAL_RATE (94 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_ACCEL_PRE_SENSOR_DATA (97 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_ACCEL_COVARIANCE (101 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_ACCEL_ALPHA_VAR (91 * 16) |
#define | DMP_ACCEL_A_VAR (92 * 16) |
#define | DMP_ACCEL_CAL_INIT (94 * 16 + 2) |
#define | DMP_ACCEL_CAL_SCALE_COVQ_IN_RANGE (194 * 16) |
#define | DMP_ACCEL_CAL_SCALE_COVQ_OUT_RANGE (195 * 16) |
#define | DMP_ACCEL_CAL_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET_TRIM (194 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_BIAS_X (126 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_BIAS_Y (126 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_BIAS_Z (126 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_ACCURACY (37 * 16) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_BIAS_SET (34 * 16 + 14) |
#define | DMP_MAR_MODE (37 * 16 + 2) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_COVARIANCE (115 * 16) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_COVARIANCE_CUR (118 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_REF_MAG_3D (122 * 16) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_CAL_INIT (114 * 16) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_EST_FIRST_BIAS (113 * 16) |
#define | DMP_MAG_DISTURB_STATE (113 * 16 + 2) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_VAR_COUNT (112 * 16 + 6) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_COUNT_7 ( 87 * 16 + 2) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_MAX_INNO (124 * 16) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_BIAS_OFFSET (113 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_CUR_BIAS_OFFSET (114 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_PRE_SENSOR_DATA ( 87 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_TIME_BUFFER (112 * 16 + 14) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_RADIUS_3D_THRESH_ANOMALY (112 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_CPASS_STATUS_CHK (25 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_MAGN_THR_9X (80 * 16) |
#define | DMP_MAGN_LPF_THR_9X (80 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_QFB_THR_9X (80 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_DMPRATE_CNTR (18 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_PEDSTD_BP_B (49 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_PEDSTD_BP_A4 (52 * 16) |
#define | DMP_PEDSTD_BP_A3 (52 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_PEDSTD_BP_A2 (52 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_PEDSTD_BP_A1 (52 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_PEDSTD_SB (50 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_PEDSTD_SB_TIME (50 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_PEDSTD_PEAKTHRSH (57 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_PEDSTD_TIML (50 * 16 + 10) |
#define | DMP_PEDSTD_TIMH (50 * 16 + 14) |
#define | DMP_PEDSTD_PEAK (57 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_PEDSTD_STEPCTR (54 * 16) |
#define | DMP_PEDSTD_STEPCTR2 (58 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_PEDSTD_TIMECTR (60 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_PEDSTD_DECI (58 * 16) |
#define | DMP_PEDSTD_SB2 (60 * 16 + 14) |
#define | DMP_STPDET_TIMESTAMP (18 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_PEDSTEP_IND (19 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_PED_Y_RATIO (17 * 16 + 0) |
#define | DMP_SMD_VAR_TH (141 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_SMD_VAR_TH_DRIVE (143 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_SMD_DRIVE_TIMER_TH (143 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_SMD_TILT_ANGLE_TH (179 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_BAC_SMD_ST_TH (179 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_BAC_ST_ALPHA4 (180 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_BAC_ST_ALPHA4A (176 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_WOM_ENABLE (64 * 16 + 14) |
#define | DMP_WOM_STATUS (64 * 16 + 6) |
#define | DMP_WOM_THRESHOLD (64 * 16) |
#define | DMP_WOM_CNTR_TH (64 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_BAC_RATE (48 * 16 + 10) |
#define | DMP_BAC_STATE (179 * 16 + 0) |
#define | DMP_BAC_STATE_PREV (179 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_BAC_ACT_ON (182 * 16 + 0) |
#define | DMP_BAC_ACT_OFF (183 * 16 + 0) |
#define | DMP_BAC_STILL_S_F (177 * 16 + 0) |
#define | DMP_BAC_RUN_S_F (177 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_BAC_DRIVE_S_F (178 * 16 + 0) |
#define | DMP_BAC_WALK_S_F (178 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_BAC_SMD_S_F (178 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_BAC_BIKE_S_F (178 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_BAC_E1_SHORT (146 * 16 + 0) |
#define | DMP_BAC_E2_SHORT (146 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_BAC_E3_SHORT (146 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_BAC_VAR_RUN (148 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_BAC_TILT_INIT (181 * 16 + 0) |
#define | DMP_BAC_MAG_ON (225 * 16 + 0) |
#define | DMP_BAC_PS_ON (74 * 16 + 0) |
#define | DMP_BAC_BIKE_PREFERENCE (173 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_BAC_MAG_I2C_ADDR (229 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_BAC_PS_I2C_ADDR (75 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_BAC_DRIVE_CONFIDENCE (144 * 16 + 0) |
#define | DMP_BAC_WALK_CONFIDENCE (144 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_BAC_SMD_CONFIDENCE (144 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_BAC_BIKE_CONFIDENCE (144 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_BAC_STILL_CONFIDENCE (145 * 16 + 0) |
#define | DMP_BAC_RUN_CONFIDENCE (145 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_BAC_MODE_CNTR (150 * 16) |
#define | DMP_BAC_STATE_T_PREV (185 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_BAC_ACT_T_ON (184 * 16 + 0) |
#define | DMP_BAC_ACT_T_OFF (184 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_BAC_STATE_WRDBS_PREV (185 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_BAC_ACT_WRDBS_ON (184 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_BAC_ACT_WRDBS_OFF (184 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_BAC_ACT_ON_OFF (190 * 16 + 2) |
#define | DMP_PREV_BAC_ACT_ON_OFF (188 * 16 + 2) |
#define | DMP_BAC_CNTR (48 * 16 + 2) |
#define | DMP_FP_VAR_ALPHA (245 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_FP_STILL_TH (246 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_FP_MID_STILL_TH (244 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_FP_NOT_STILL_TH (246 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_FP_VIB_REJ_TH (241 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_FP_MAX_PICKUP_T_TH (244 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_FP_PICKUP_TIMEOUT_TH (248 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_FP_STILL_CONST_TH (246 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_FP_MOTION_CONST_TH (240 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_FP_VIB_COUNT_TH (242 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_FP_STEADY_TILT_TH (247 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_FP_STEADY_TILT_UP_TH (242 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_FP_Z_FLAT_TH_MINUS (243 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_FP_Z_FLAT_TH_PLUS (243 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_FP_DEV_IN_POCKET_TH (76 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_FP_PICKUP_CNTR (247 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_FP_RATE (240 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_GYRO_FULLSCALE (72 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_ACC_SCALE (30 * 16 + 0) |
#define | DMP_ACC_SCALE2 (79 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_EIS_AUTH_INPUT (160 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_EIS_AUTH_OUTPUT (160 * 16 + 0) |
#define | DMP_B2S_RATE (48 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_B2S_MTX_00 (208 * 16) |
#define | DMP_B2S_MTX_01 (208 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_B2S_MTX_02 (208 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_B2S_MTX_10 (208 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_B2S_MTX_11 (209 * 16) |
#define | DMP_B2S_MTX_12 (209 * 16 + 4) |
#define | DMP_B2S_MTX_20 (209 * 16 + 8) |
#define | DMP_B2S_MTX_21 (209 * 16 + 12) |
#define | DMP_B2S_MTX_22 (210 * 16) |
#define | DMP_START_ADDRESS ((unsigned short)0x1000) |
#define | DMP_MEM_BANK_SIZE 256 |
#define | DMP_LOAD_START 0x90 |
#define | DMP_CODE_SIZE 14301 |
#define | DMP_BAC_DRIVE 0x01 |
#define | DMP_BAC_WALK 0x02 |
#define | DMP_BAC_RUN 0x04 |
#define | DMP_BAC_BIKE 0x08 |
#define | DMP_BAC_TILT 0x10 |
#define | DMP_BAC_STILL 0x20 |
#define DMP_ACC_SCALE (30 * 16 + 0) |
Definition at line 621 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ACC_SCALE2 (79 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 622 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ACCEL_A_VAR (92 * 16) |
Definition at line 483 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ACCEL_ACCURACY (97 * 16) |
Definition at line 476 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ACCEL_ALPHA_VAR (91 * 16) |
Definition at line 482 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ACCEL_BIAS_X (110 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 473 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ACCEL_BIAS_Y (110 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 474 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ACCEL_BIAS_Z (110 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 475 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ACCEL_CAL_INIT (94 * 16 + 2) |
Definition at line 484 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ACCEL_CAL_RATE (94 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 479 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ACCEL_CAL_RESET (77 * 16) |
Definition at line 477 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ACCEL_CAL_SCALE_COVQ_IN_RANGE (194 * 16) |
Definition at line 485 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
Definition at line 486 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
Definition at line 488 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
Definition at line 487 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ACCEL_COVARIANCE (101 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 481 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ACCEL_FB_GAIN (34 * 16) |
Definition at line 459 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ACCEL_ONLY_GAIN (16 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 460 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ACCEL_PRE_SENSOR_DATA (97 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 480 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ACCEL_VARIANCE_THRESH (93 * 16) |
Definition at line 478 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_B2S_MTX_00 (208 * 16) |
Definition at line 631 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_B2S_MTX_01 (208 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 632 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_B2S_MTX_02 (208 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 633 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_B2S_MTX_10 (208 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 634 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_B2S_MTX_11 (209 * 16) |
Definition at line 635 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_B2S_MTX_12 (209 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 636 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_B2S_MTX_20 (209 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 637 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_B2S_MTX_21 (209 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 638 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_B2S_MTX_22 (210 * 16) |
Definition at line 639 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_B2S_RATE (48 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 629 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_ACT_OFF (183 * 16 + 0) |
Definition at line 564 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_ACT_ON (182 * 16 + 0) |
Definition at line 563 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_ACT_ON_OFF (190 * 16 + 2) |
Definition at line 594 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_ACT_T_OFF (184 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 590 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_ACT_T_ON (184 * 16 + 0) |
Definition at line 589 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_ACT_WRDBS_OFF (184 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 593 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_ACT_WRDBS_ON (184 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 592 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_BIKE 0x08 |
Definition at line 651 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_BIKE_CONFIDENCE (144 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 584 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_BIKE_PREFERENCE (173 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 578 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_BIKE_S_F (178 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 570 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_CNTR (48 * 16 + 2) |
Definition at line 596 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_DRIVE 0x01 |
Definition at line 648 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_DRIVE_CONFIDENCE (144 * 16 + 0) |
Definition at line 581 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_DRIVE_S_F (178 * 16 + 0) |
Definition at line 567 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_E1_SHORT (146 * 16 + 0) |
Definition at line 571 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_E2_SHORT (146 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 572 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_E3_SHORT (146 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 573 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_MAG_I2C_ADDR (229 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 579 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_MAG_ON (225 * 16 + 0) |
Definition at line 576 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_MODE_CNTR (150 * 16) |
Definition at line 587 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_PS_I2C_ADDR (75 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 580 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_PS_ON (74 * 16 + 0) |
Definition at line 577 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_RATE (48 * 16 + 10) |
Definition at line 560 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_RUN 0x04 |
Definition at line 650 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_RUN_CONFIDENCE (145 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 586 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_RUN_S_F (177 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 566 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_SMD_CONFIDENCE (144 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 583 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_SMD_S_F (178 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 569 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_SMD_ST_TH (179 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 549 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_ST_ALPHA4 (180 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 550 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_ST_ALPHA4A (176 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 551 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_STATE (179 * 16 + 0) |
Definition at line 561 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_STATE_PREV (179 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 562 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_STATE_T_PREV (185 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 588 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_STATE_WRDBS_PREV (185 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 591 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_STILL 0x20 |
Definition at line 653 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_STILL_CONFIDENCE (145 * 16 + 0) |
Definition at line 585 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_STILL_S_F (177 * 16 + 0) |
Definition at line 565 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_TILT 0x10 |
Definition at line 652 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_TILT_INIT (181 * 16 + 0) |
Definition at line 575 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_VAR_RUN (148 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 574 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_WALK 0x02 |
Definition at line 649 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_WALK_CONFIDENCE (144 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 582 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BAC_WALK_S_F (178 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 568 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BM_BATCH_CNTR (27 * 16) |
Definition at line 417 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BM_BATCH_MASK (21 * 16 + 14) |
Definition at line 419 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_BM_BATCH_THLD (19 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 418 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CFG_FIFO_SIZE (4222) |
Definition at line 399 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CODE_SIZE 14301 |
Definition at line 645 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_ACCURACY (37 * 16) |
Definition at line 493 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_BIAS_OFFSET (113 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 505 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_BIAS_SET (34 * 16 + 14) |
Definition at line 494 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_BIAS_X (126 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 490 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_BIAS_Y (126 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 491 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_BIAS_Z (126 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 492 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_CAL_INIT (114 * 16) |
Definition at line 499 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_COUNT_7 ( 87 * 16 + 2) |
Definition at line 503 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_COVARIANCE (115 * 16) |
Definition at line 496 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_COVARIANCE_CUR (118 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 497 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_CUR_BIAS_OFFSET (114 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 506 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_EST_FIRST_BIAS (113 * 16) |
Definition at line 500 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_MAX_INNO (124 * 16) |
Definition at line 504 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_MTX_00 (23 * 16) |
Definition at line 448 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_MTX_01 (23 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 449 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_MTX_02 (23 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 450 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_MTX_10 (23 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 451 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_MTX_11 (24 * 16) |
Definition at line 452 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_MTX_12 (24 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 453 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_MTX_20 (24 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 454 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_MTX_21 (24 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 455 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_MTX_22 (25 * 16) |
Definition at line 456 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_PRE_SENSOR_DATA ( 87 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 507 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_RADIUS_3D_THRESH_ANOMALY (112 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 511 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_REF_MAG_3D (122 * 16) |
Definition at line 498 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_STATUS_CHK (25 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 513 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_TIME_BUFFER (112 * 16 + 14) |
Definition at line 510 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_CPASS_VAR_COUNT (112 * 16 + 6) |
Definition at line 502 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_DATA_INTR_CTL (4 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 404 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_DATA_OUT_CTL1 (4 * 16) |
Definition at line 402 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_DATA_OUT_CTL2 (4 * 16 + 2) |
Definition at line 403 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_DATA_RDY_STATUS (8 * 16 + 10) |
Definition at line 414 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_DMPRATE_CNTR (18 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 521 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_EIS_AUTH_INPUT (160 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 625 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_EIS_AUTH_OUTPUT (160 * 16 + 0) |
Definition at line 626 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_FIFO_WATERMARK (31 * 16 + 14) |
Definition at line 405 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_FP_DEV_IN_POCKET_TH (76 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 613 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_FP_MAX_PICKUP_T_TH (244 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 604 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_FP_MID_STILL_TH (244 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 601 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_FP_MOTION_CONST_TH (240 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 607 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_FP_NOT_STILL_TH (246 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 602 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_FP_PICKUP_CNTR (247 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 614 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_FP_PICKUP_TIMEOUT_TH (248 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 605 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_FP_RATE (240 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 615 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_FP_STEADY_TILT_TH (247 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 609 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_FP_STEADY_TILT_UP_TH (242 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 610 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_FP_STILL_CONST_TH (246 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 606 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_FP_STILL_TH (246 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 600 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_FP_VAR_ALPHA (245 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 599 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_FP_VIB_COUNT_TH (242 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 608 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_FP_VIB_REJ_TH (241 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 603 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_FP_Z_FLAT_TH_MINUS (243 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 611 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_FP_Z_FLAT_TH_PLUS (243 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 612 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_GYRO_ACCURACY (138 * 16 + 2) |
Definition at line 466 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_GYRO_BIAS_SET (138 * 16 + 6) |
Definition at line 467 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_GYRO_BIAS_X (139 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 463 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_GYRO_BIAS_Y (139 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 464 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_GYRO_BIAS_Z (139 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 465 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_GYRO_FULLSCALE (72 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 618 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_GYRO_LAST_TEMPR (134 * 16) |
Definition at line 468 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_GYRO_SF (19 * 16) |
Definition at line 458 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_GYRO_SLOPE_X ( 78 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 469 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_GYRO_SLOPE_Y ( 78 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 470 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_GYRO_SLOPE_Z ( 78 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 471 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_LOAD_START 0x90 |
Definition at line 643 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_MAG_DISTURB_STATE (113 * 16 + 2) |
Definition at line 501 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_MAGN_LPF_THR_9X (80 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 517 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_MAGN_THR_9X (80 * 16) |
Definition at line 516 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_MAR_MODE (37 * 16 + 2) |
Definition at line 495 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_MEM_BANK_SIZE 256 |
Definition at line 642 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_MOTION_EVENT_CTL (4 * 16 + 14) |
Definition at line 408 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ODR_ACCEL (11 * 16 + 14) |
Definition at line 422 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ODR_ALS (11 * 16 + 2) |
Definition at line 425 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ODR_CNTR_ACCEL (9 * 16 + 14) |
Definition at line 435 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ODR_CNTR_ALS (9 * 16 + 2) |
Definition at line 438 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ODR_CNTR_CPASS (9 * 16 + 6) |
Definition at line 437 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ODR_CNTR_CPASS_CALIBR (9 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 445 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ODR_CNTR_GEOMAG (8 * 16 + 0) |
Definition at line 442 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ODR_CNTR_GYRO (9 * 16 + 10) |
Definition at line 436 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ODR_CNTR_GYRO_CALIBR (9 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 444 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ODR_CNTR_PQUAT6 (8 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 441 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ODR_CNTR_PRESSURE (9 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 443 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ODR_CNTR_QUAT6 (8 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 439 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ODR_CNTR_QUAT9 (8 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 440 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ODR_CPASS (11 * 16 + 6) |
Definition at line 424 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ODR_CPASS_CALIBR (11 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 432 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ODR_GEOMAG (10 * 16 + 0) |
Definition at line 429 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ODR_GYRO (11 * 16 + 10) |
Definition at line 423 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ODR_GYRO_CALIBR (11 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 431 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ODR_PQUAT6 (10 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 428 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ODR_PRESSURE (11 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 430 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ODR_QUAT6 (10 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 426 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_ODR_QUAT9 (10 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 427 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_PED_Y_RATIO (17 * 16 + 0) |
Definition at line 542 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_PEDSTD_BP_A1 (52 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 528 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_PEDSTD_BP_A2 (52 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 527 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_PEDSTD_BP_A3 (52 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 526 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_PEDSTD_BP_A4 (52 * 16) |
Definition at line 525 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_PEDSTD_BP_B (49 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 524 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_PEDSTD_DECI (58 * 16) |
Definition at line 538 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_PEDSTD_PEAK (57 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 534 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_PEDSTD_PEAKTHRSH (57 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 531 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_PEDSTD_SB (50 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 529 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_PEDSTD_SB2 (60 * 16 + 14) |
Definition at line 539 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_PEDSTD_SB_TIME (50 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 530 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_PEDSTD_STEPCTR (54 * 16) |
Definition at line 535 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_PEDSTD_STEPCTR2 (58 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 536 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_PEDSTD_TIMECTR (60 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 537 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_PEDSTD_TIMH (50 * 16 + 14) |
Definition at line 533 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_PEDSTD_TIML (50 * 16 + 10) |
Definition at line 532 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_PEDSTEP_IND (19 * 16 + 4) |
Definition at line 541 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_PREV_BAC_ACT_ON_OFF (188 * 16 + 2) |
Definition at line 595 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_QFB_THR_9X (80 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 518 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_SMD_DRIVE_TIMER_TH (143 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 547 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_SMD_TILT_ANGLE_TH (179 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 548 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_SMD_VAR_TH (141 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 545 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_SMD_VAR_TH_DRIVE (143 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 546 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_START_ADDRESS ((unsigned short)0x1000) |
Definition at line 641 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_STPDET_TIMESTAMP (18 * 16 + 8) |
Definition at line 540 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_WOM_CNTR_TH (64 * 16 + 12) |
Definition at line 557 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_WOM_ENABLE (64 * 16 + 14) |
Definition at line 554 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_WOM_STATUS (64 * 16 + 6) |
Definition at line 555 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define DMP_WOM_THRESHOLD (64 * 16) |
Definition at line 556 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define ICM20948_SPI_READ 0x80 |
Definition at line 19 of file ICM20948_regs.H.
#define ICM20948_SPI_WRITE 0x00 |
Definition at line 20 of file ICM20948_regs.H.