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Module DocumentationDarknet is a popular neural network framework, and YOLO is a very interesting network that detects all objects in a scene in one pass. This module detects all instances of any of the objects it knows about (determined by the network structure, labels, dataset used for training, and weights obtained) in the image that is given to it. See https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/ This module runs a YOLO network and shows all detections obtained. The YOLO network is currently quite slow, hence it is only run once in a while. Point your camera towards some interesting scene, keep it stable, and wait for YOLO to tell you what it found. The framerate figures shown at the bottom left of the display reflect the speed at which each new video frame from the camera is processed, but in this module this just amounts to converting the image to RGB, sending it to the neural network for processing in a separate thread, and creating the demo display. Actual network inference speed (time taken to compute the predictions on one image) is shown at the bottom right. See below for how to trade-off speed and accuracy. Note that by default this module runs tiny-YOLO V3 which can detect and recognize 80 different kinds of objects from the Microsoft COCO dataset. This module can also run tiny-YOLO V2 for COCO, or tiny-YOLO V2 for the Pascal-VOC dataset with 20 object categories. See the module's params.cfg file to switch network.
Sometimes it will make mistakes! The performance of yolov3-tiny is about 33.1% correct (mean average precision) on the COCO test set.
Speed and network sizeThe parameter Here are expected processing speeds for yolov2-tiny-voc:
YOLO V3 is faster, more accurate, uses less memory, and can detect 80 COCO categories:
Serial messagesWhen detections are found which are above threshold, one message will be sent for each detected object (i.e., for each box that gets drawn when USB outputs are used), using a standardized 2D message:
See Standardized serial messages formatting for more on standardized serial messages, and Helper functions to convert coordinates from camera resolution to standardized for more info on standardized coordinates. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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