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Raspberry Pi Jam Demonstration

0 votes
Hi Everyone,

We will be holding a Raspberry Pi Jam - really sort of a Makers demonstration - for kids in the surrounding area. I don't have anything really to show off since I have been help setting this up. I have a JeVois set up to a raspberry pi that I have been playing around with. Does anyone have any suggestion on a good way to demonstrate all the uses for the JeVois?

Possible having multiple monitors with interactive cameras that the kids could walk by and play with? This event usually receives over 500 people throughout the day so it would get a lot of enjoyment. I would appreciate any suggestions.
asked Jan 3, 2018 in Misc Questions by n8ls (170 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Thanks for organizing this event! We do something similar once a year at USC, a robotics open house. Last year, JeVois was in it and the kids (from kindergarten to retired) enjoyed these demos (we indeed had stations with a single guvcview running on a computer with one JeVois and a monitor):

- simple visual attention demo (DemoSaliency): tell them about human vision and attention, and how things that stand out because of a different color, motion, texture, etc attact the human eye. Then ask them to wave at jevois, show it different objects (phone screens tend to work very well), etc as a challenge of whether they can catch its attention

- DemoQRcode: print some QR codes (use any free QR code builder web site) and paste them to various objects or mystery boxes. Ask the kids to present the boxes to JeVois so it will tell them what it is.

- DemoArUco: get the ArUcos from the data downloads section of jevois.org and print them. Then you can paste them to objects or to walls on a maze. Then they can "drive" JeVois through the maze by detecting ArUcos and, for example, going in increasing ArUco ID order.

- DarknetSingle: gather some objects that tend to work well so that you can get some credibility that it works before you let the kids loose with it. For example, realistic toy cars, or a power drill, bottle, keyboard, etc. After you tell them that this thing can recognize 1000 different kinds of objects, let them loose, possibly with their own objects or with a bin full of objects that they can try out.

- ObjectTracker: you will get a lot of attention with a simple pan/tilt head like in this tutorial: http://jevois.org/tutorials/UserPanTilt.html

- Simple image processing: this is for kids more specifically interested in vision and image processing, show them http://jevois.org/moddoc/ColorFiltering/modinfo.html and allow them to play with modes and parameters (we used it in a summer school with middle school students and they had fun, but requires a bit more focus than you may be able to get if people are just flowing through the exhibits).

- Face detection and handwritten digit decoding: tell teh kids to move around at just the right distance and see if you can detect their faces (DemoSalGistFaceObj module). Then provide blank index cards and markers and ask them to write a single digit, then present it to JeVois so that it fits into the attention pink square, and see if JeVois can read it.

- we have more in the JeVois guided tour at http://jevois.org/data/jevois-guided-tour-latest.pdf ; for example, you could print some of the pages with roads (or build some kind of small-scale real road) and tell kids about self driving cars and detecting road heading.
answered Jan 3, 2018 by JeVois (46,580 points)
I should give an update on the use of JeVois for the last couple years as I have used it on several occasions with your useful examples. I am a plant scientist so I integrate all the tools in a way that can be used in research and the students (typically 4th to 6th grade) really understand the importance of crop improvement, food security and the use of machine vision. Perhaps I can develop a guide for specific models.