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standardized 2D coordinates

0 votes

I am trying to play with jevois camera, I enabled DemoQRcode module http://jevois.org/moddoc/DemoQRcode/modinfo.html. I connected jevois to the NodeMCU, and parsing QRCode coordinates streamed from the camera within the sketch.

I want to calculate the distance between detected QRCode.

I want to display a dot for each QRCode on the screen (1024x768).

How to transpose the jevois coordonates to the screen coordinates (1024x768) ?

asked Feb 12, 2018 in Programmer Questions by nadirloutfi (230 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

The standardized 2D coordinates are as follows:

  • center fo the camera's field of view is at x=0, y=0
  • left edge of the camera image is always at x=-1000
  • right edge of the camera image is always at x=1000
  • top edge of the camera image is always at y=-750
  • bottom edge of the camera image is always at y=750
If you have a look at our source code for stdToImg() you should be able to use that to remap to your 1024x768 screen:

answered Feb 12, 2018 by JeVois (46,580 points)