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How do I get JeVois to work with Haar Cascade for right eye?

0 votes

Not great at programming but can usually find a tutorial that will give me a step by step guide. Not in this case,, I would just like my jevois to work of the haarcascade_righteye_2splits.mxl detection but can't figure out how to either write a program for it or edit an existing module. I have spent many hours searching..

Any pointers would be appreciated.

asked Feb 27, 2018 in Programmer Questions by JohnD (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Are you interested in Python? If so, check out the tutorials on how to get started with Python and OpenCV on JeVois here:


then, you would basically write your detector in python, or port it from some existing python sample. For example this one:


or other hits returned by "haar cascade python" search words.

Your task then is to take the code given in such a tutorial and port it to JeVois. The Dice Counting turorial of JeVois shows how to do this step by step, though for a different vision algo:


One last thing is to access your xml files; if you put them in JEVOIS:/share/eye.xml on the microSD, then you access them as /jevois/share/eye.xml in your code. Basically, the root of the microSD as exported by the "usbsd" JeVois command is accessible as /jevois/ from code.
answered Feb 27, 2018 by JeVois (46,580 points)