Thanks for the great support. Your last answer was very helpful. I found that serout is not a valid command in the script, but the putting the YOLO config parameters in the script got it started.
I think I'm crashing the device. With INF set to USB, I get the following when I load Yolo:
INF Engine::setFormatInternal: OUT: YUYV 1280x480 @ 15fps CAM: YUYV 640x480 @ 15fps MOD: JeVois:DarknetYOLO
INF Camera::setFormat: Camera set video format to 640x480 YUYV
INF Gadget::setFormat: USB Gadget set video format to 1280x480 YUYV
INF Engine::setFormatInternal: Instantiating dynamic loader for /jevois/modules/JeVois/DarknetYOLO/
INF Engine::setFormatInternal: Module [DarknetYOLO] loaded, initialized, and ready.
INF Yolo::operator(): Using data config from /jevois/share/darknet/yolo/cfg/
INF Yolo::operator(): Using cfg from /jevois/share/darknet/yolo/cfg/pdq.cfg
INF Yolo::operator(): Using weights from /jevois/share/darknet/yolo/weights/pdq_3100.weights
INF Yolo::operator(): Using names from /jevois/share/darknet/yolo/data/pdq_obj.names
INF Yolo::operator(): Getting labels...
INF Yolo::operator(): Parsing network and loading weights...
At that point, the amber light turns off in the camera and it no longer responsive to any commands.
Any suggestions?
I thought it might be a problem with the network being to large so I retrained using tiny yolo as a basis. The weights file is now about the same size as the others, yet it fails in the same way.
One more dumb question (for right now). What version of YOLO is this? What version of Yolo-tiny is it? There are multiple versions on github here:
My next step is to grab the working tiny-voc config file and use it as the basis for training my data.