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Object tracker not working properly?

0 votes
I would like to count some blue objects. when looking at the source code for object tracker (http://jevois.org/basedoc/ObjectTracker_8C_source.html) it is pretty obvious to me that even though the detection works well, the "numobj" variable can't count past "1 detected object". I would like to count certain objects using this module.

Is it possible to modify this code without the programmer sdk? can i download the sdk on windows? Would it be possible to only send the numobj variable using serialport?
asked May 27, 2018 in User questions by asdasd123123 (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
For this one, you would need the SDK and it is only for Linux. I agree with you that the numobj logic might not be working well, it was so that we only return the largest of possibly several nested contours that could be present in the hierarchy returned by findContours().

It might be quicker if you are not familiar with Linux to translate the C++ module to python. Have a look here for an example: http://jevois.org/tutorials/ProgrammerPythonDice.html

In Python, you don't need any SDK and you can work with Windows. It is a bit tedious for now but we are working on a new interface that we should be able to release in a few days...
answered May 31, 2018 by JeVois (46,580 points)