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Is there a quick way to build the codes?

0 votes
Hi I am new to Jevois. Everytime when I changed a small part of my codes, for example, change a parameter, I have to use ./rebuild-platform.sh --microsd command to build and upload the codes, which takes me around 7 minutes. Is there a easy way to build the codes?
asked Aug 24, 2018 in Programmer Questions by ls90911 (290 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Yes, we extensively use C++ templates, which trades high compilation time for fast run time.

You can try the following:

- if you are just changing parameters, then use our Parameter facility, which was developed to make parameter creation and use very easy. You just need:

  + one JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(...) declaration

  + your module inherits from jevois::Parameter<yourparam, ...>

  + you can then get the parameter value in the module using yourparam::get()

  + see http://jevois.org/doc/ModuleTutorial.html for a tutorial

  + when your module is running, your parameters will appear in JeVois Inventor, and you can tune the values there

- usually, we develop and tune an algo on the host using rebuild-host.sh and using a plain webcam, or JeVois configured as pass-through using the PassThrough module. This avoids spending time copying to microSD

- I assume that your module has only one source file? Otherwise, after you have done rebuild-platform.sh once, you can just do

cd pbuild

make -j 8 && sudo make install

to only recompile the files that were edited and copy them to microSD.

- invest in the fastest possible microSD. The fastest we have found here are the Samsung EVO U3 cards. They cost nearly as much as JeVois itself, which is why we do not include them with our base kits. But they will save you some time.

answered Aug 24, 2018 by JeVois (46,580 points)
The other thing you might mention - You can test on your dev machine using Jevois-Daemon.
yes, good point, after you run rebuild-host.sh you can run jevois-daemon on host to test. See an example of the full workflow in our latest tutorial at http://jevois.org/tutorials/ProgrammerDlib.html