JeVois  1.23
JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit
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Tutorial on how to write new machine vision modules for JeVois


Machine vision C++ modules are programmed as a single class that derives from jevois::Module, which specifies the basic interface.

As an initial (slightly over-simplified) idea, the overall workflow for JeVois vision modules is that they implement a processing function that will receive an image captured by the camera sensor, and a pre-allocated output image that will be sent to the host computer over USB. The task of the processing function is to fill in the output image with results that arise from processing the input image.

In this tutorial, we first show you how to program a few very simple modules, to bring in the necessary concepts. Towards the end of this tutorial, we will point you to further detailed reading.

JeVois-Pro: The tutorials below create modules that operate in "legacy mode" on JeVois-Pro, i.e., the module receives one image as input and outputs a new image that contains processing results. For examples of modules that use the new "Pro/GUI" mode of /jvpro, check out the source code of the many examples in jevoisbase: User guide to bundled vision modules and demos

Before you start, you should understand Concepts used throughout this documentation.

Pixel formats and video mappings

As a reminder, the JeVois smart camera can capture images in the following camera pixel formats: YUYV, BAYER, or RGB565. These formats are the ones that are supported by the camera sensor chip.

JeVois can send a wider range of pixel formats to a host connected over USB: YUYV, GREY, MJPG, BAYER, RGB565, and BGR24.

For explanations about these formats, please see User guide to video modes and mappings for details.

Camera to USB video mappings

A module is invoked when a particular image resolution and pixel format is selected by a host computer over USB on JeVois-A33 or by th euser on JeVois-Pro. A list of video mappings associate a given output resolution and pixel type to the corresponding camera resolution and pixel type that should be used and to the machine vision module that should be invoked. Again see User guide to video modes and mappings for details.

Because an output video format is selected by the host computer on JeVois-A33 or the user on JeVois-Pro, it is not negotiable. If a video mapping has been specified in videomappings.cfg that invokes a particular machine vision module, that module just must perform (or throw an exception), and process the images that it receives from the camera to generate the desired output images.

Getting started: a pass-through module

Let us program a pass-through module: This module just copies the pixel data from the image received from the camera into the image that will be sent over USB. A pass-through module hence makes your JeVois smart camera behave like a regular USB camera.

Here is the complete, working code. We will look at it step-by-step below:

3// Simple module that just passes the captured camera frames through to USB host
4class TutorialPassThrough : public jevois::Module
6 public:
7 // Default base class constructor ok
10 // Virtual destructor for safe inheritance
11 virtual ~TutorialPassThrough() { }
13 // Processing function
14 virtual void process(jevois::InputFrame && inframe, jevois::OutputFrame && outframe) override
15 {
16 // Wait for next available camera image:
17 jevois::RawImage const inimg = inframe.get(true);
19 // Wait for an image from our gadget driver into which we will put our results:
20 jevois::RawImage outimg = outframe.get();
22 // Enforce that the input and output formats and image sizes match:
23 outimg.require("output", inimg.width, inimg.height, inimg.fmt);
25 // Just copy the pixel data over:
26 memcpy(outimg.pixelsw<void>(), inimg.pixels<void>(), outimg.bytesize());
28 // Let camera know we are done processing the input image:
29 inframe.done(); // NOTE: optional here, inframe destructor would call it anyway
31 // Send the output image with our processing results to the host over USB:
32 outframe.send(); // NOTE: optional here, outframe destructor would call it anyway
33 }
36// Allow the module to be loaded as a shared object (.so) file:
Register a module, allowing it to be dynamically loaded from a .so file.
Definition Module.H:358
friend class Module
Definition Component.H:521
Exception-safe wrapper around a raw camera input frame.
Definition InputFrame.H:51
Virtual base class for a vision processing module.
Definition Module.H:105
virtual void process(InputFrame &&inframe, OutputFrame &&outframe)
Processing function, version that receives a frame from camera and sends a frame out over USB.
Definition Module.C:40
Exception-safe wrapper around a raw image to be sent over USB.
Definition OutputFrame.H:53
A raw image as coming from a V4L2 Camera and/or being sent out to a USB Gadget.
Definition RawImage.H:111
unsigned int fmt
Pixel format as a V4L2_PIX_FMT_XXX.
Definition RawImage.H:147
unsigned int bytesize() const
Helper function to get the total number of bytes in the RawImage, i.e., width * height * bytesperpix(...
Definition RawImage.C:38
T const * pixels() const
Shortcut access to pixels, read-only.
T * pixelsw()
Shortcut access to pixels, read-write.
unsigned int width
Image width in pixels.
Definition RawImage.H:145
unsigned int height
Image height in pixels.
Definition RawImage.H:146
void require(char const *info, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned int f) const
Require a particular image size and format, issue a fatal error message and throw if no match.
Definition RawImage.C:80


  • Lines 1 - 4: All machine vision modules should derive from jevois::Module, which establishes the interface through which the JeVois Engine will work with your module.
  • Line 8: Our module does not need to do anything at construction time, so we just use the inherited constructor from the base Module class, that is, we do nothing more at construction than what the base class needs to do. See for example for more information about inheriting constructors.
  • Line 11: It is good practice in derived classes (like this module is) to declare and implement a destructor marked virtual. See for example for more info.
  • Line 14, syntax for process(): The JeVois Engine will call the function process() on your module when it is loaded as the current machine vision module. The syntax for process() is defined in the Module base class. We recommend using the override keyword so that the compiler will check for you that you are indeed implementing this exact function that Engine will use, as opposed to, if you had made a typo in your declaration of process on line 14, just declaring a new function with a slightly different syntax (in which case, Engine would not call this function and your module would do nothing).
  • Line 14, InputFrame and OutputFrame: These two classes are helpers that will allow your process() function to gain access to the input and output images, when they are needed. To optimize throughput and your use of the CPU in JeVois, we here adopt a design similar to that of std::future for InputFrame and OutputFrame: you can think of these as handles to images which may or may not yet be available, but will be available for sure at some time in the future. By the time process() is called, only those handles to those future images are given to you. If you do not need the images quite yet and first want to do some preliminary setup in your process() function, you just keep those handles ready for future use. When you are ready to use one of the images, you just call get() onto its handle, which will return the actual image. If the image is not ready yet, for example, it is still being captured by the camera sensor, then get() will block until the image is ready for you. For more information, please read and understand the concept of futures and promises in C++11. You may want to check out this nice tutorial: or others on the web.
  • Line 14, arguments use move semantics: You probably noticed the && signs after InputFrame and OutputFrame. These mean that the arguments to process() are passed using move semantics. This is not very important here, and just stems from the following fact: Because InputFrame and OutputFrame connect to the camera sensor and to the USB interface directly, we forbid anyone other than Engine from creating them. So you cannot construct an InputFrame, only Engine can. Engine constructs the InputFrame and OutputFrame for you using its private access to the camera and USB interface. Then it just hands the constructed objects over to your process() function and forgets about them. For more information about move semantics, you can for example check out or other general C++11 tutorials on the web.
  • Line 17: In the pass-through module, we have nothing to do until we have both the input and the output images. So we just call get() on inimg to first get the image from the camera. The image may be available immediately, or get() may block until it is available. The returned RawImage is a minimalistic data structure which basically tells you the image width, height, pixel type, and gives you access to the array of pixels. It is a lightweight structure, copying a RawImage object will just share the underlying pixel array rather than copying it. This is the same behavior as in cv::Mat of OpenCV.
  • Line 20: Likewise, we cannot do anything in pass-through until we also have the output image, so here we just get it, which may block until it is available. In more complex modules, one could start processing the input image in a thread while at the same time waiting for the output image in another thread. We will study examples of this later.
  • Line 23: A vision module can enforce some requirements on the input and output image sizes and pixel formats. This is achieved by using the require() function of RawImage. For pass-through, we are going to support any input image dimensions and pixels, but, since we will not do any processing of the pixel data and will just copy it over to the output, we must enforce that the output image dimensions and pixel type exactly match those of the input. The require() function just throws an exception if the requirements are not met. The Engine will catch that exception, issue some error message, safely de-allocate any memory buffers, and move on to the next video frame.
  • Line 26: Now we are ready to fill-in the output image's pixel array, using pixel data from the input image. Note how the output image's pixel array has already been allocated by Engine (and by the USB driver). It is not negotiable, as it is set by the host computer connected to your JeVois camera, and by users on the host computer selecting a video resolution and mode that they wish to receive. Do not attempt to change image size or format, or to re-allocate the pixel array held by outimg. Just accept the dimensions, pixel type, and pixel array address of outimg and write pixel data into the pixel array. Note some details about RawImage here:
    • pixels<type>() returns a read-only pointer to the pixel array, cast to the desired type
    • pixelsw<type>() returns a read-write pointer to the pixel array, cast to the desired type
    • bytesize() returns the poxel array's size in bytes.
  • Line 29: Now that we are done with the input image, we can let the Camera know. The camera is using a fixed set of pre-allocated (in the linux kernel), memory-mapped buffers, into which the hardware in the CPU chip that connects to the camera sensor can directly write using direct memory access (DMA). So it is important to release a buffer as soon as you do not need it anymore, so that the camera can use it to capture future video frames.
  • Line 32: The same buffer logic applies to the USB driver.
  • Line 37: This macro adds a few plain C-language hooks that will allow the module to be loaded and instantiated at run-time as a C++ class, from the shared library (.so) file that is obtained by compiling this module. It is a required statement for each JeVois module.

Adding some image processing: an image format conversion module

Let us now see how one can easily use OpenCV to actually process images received from the camera. We here develop a simple image format conversion module: It can convert from any pixel format that is available on the camera sensor (YUYV, BAYER, RGB565) to any pixel format that is exposed by JeVois to a host connected over USB (YUYV, GREY, MJPG, BAYER, RGB565, BGR24).

To keep this example module simple, we will use image conversion functions in two steps:

  • convert from camera image format to BGR24, which is the default format for color images in OpenCV (with 8-bit for each of Blue, Green, and Red channels for each pixel). Indeed, many of the pixel format conversion functions used in JeVois are implemented using OpenCV.
  • convert from BGR24 to the format requested by the host computer over USB.

This is not always the most efficient way of doing such conversion (requires two passes), but it avoids the combinatorial explosion of the number of format conversion functions that need to be written, and it runs fast enough on the JeVois processor anyway.

3#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
4#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
6// Simple module to convert between any supported camera grab formats and USB output formats
7class TutorialConvert : public jevois::Module
9 public:
10 // Default base class constructor ok
13 // Virtual destructor for safe inheritance
14 virtual ~TutorialConvert() { }
16 // Processing function
17 virtual void process(jevois::InputFrame && inframe, jevois::OutputFrame && outframe) override
18 {
19 // Wait for next available camera image:
20 jevois::RawImage inimg = inframe.get();
22 // Convert it to BGR24:
23 cv::Mat imgbgr = jevois::rawimage::convertToCvBGR(inimg);
25 // Let camera know we are done processing the input image:
26 inframe.done();
28 // Wait for an image from our gadget driver into which we will put our results:
29 jevois::RawImage outimg = outframe.get();
31 // Require that output has same dims as input, allow any output format:
32 outimg.require("output", inimg.width, inimg.height, outimg.fmt);
34 // TutorialConvert from BGR to desired output format:
37 // Send the output image with our processing results to the host over USB:
38 outframe.send();
39 }
42// Allow the module to be loaded as a shared object (.so) file:
cv::Mat convertToCvBGR(RawImage const &src)
Convert RawImage to OpenCV doing color conversion from any RawImage source pixel to OpenCV BGR byte.
void convertCvBGRtoRawImage(cv::Mat const &src, RawImage &dst, int quality)
Convert a BGR cv::Mat to RawImage with already-allocated pixels and pixel type.

Let us focus on the new things:

  • Line 23: the RawImage class provided by JeVois is mainly intended as a smart pointer to pixel buffer data that has been allocated in the Linux kernel. It is not intended for processing, except that we have written a number of functions to make simple drawings (a circle, a rectangle, some text, etc) directly into raw images that will be sent over USB. Hence, when one wants to process an image, usually we convert it to OpenCV or some other image format first, depending on the vision algorithm which we want to implement. This conversion can happen in two ways:
    • zero-copy: If one can directly use the camera's pixel format as is, then functions are provided by JeVois to simply re-interpret a RawImage as an OpenCV cv::Mat image, by sharing the pixel data between the two. This method is not shown here but is the preferred approach if you can work directly with the camera's pixel type.
    • conversion to a different pixel format: If one also wants a different pixel format that is not natively provided by the camera sensor chip, then one would create a new OpenCV cv::Mat image, with its own pixel array memory distinct from that of the source RawImage. JeVois then provides functions that can convert from any camera pixel format to several different OpenCV pixel formats. Here we use one of these, convertToCvBGR().
  • Line 26: Once the input image has been converted to OpenCV in a newly allocated pixel array that is separate from that of the raw input image, we do not need the raw input image anymore, we will keep working with the OpenCV image only. So we can give the memory buffer associated with our raw input image back to the camera so that it can use it to capture a future video frame.
  • Line 29: We have already done half of the work (from camera format to BGR), but now to proceed with the second half (from BGR to format requested by USB host), we need to have the output image ready. So we request it here and will possibly wait for it.
  • Line 32: In this simple tutorial, we will not allow any rescaling of the image size. So we require that the output resolution should be the same as the input resolution. We have no requirement on the output pixel type, hence we here just specify outimg.fmt as the required output pixel type (that is, we just say that whichever pixel format has been selected by the USB host and is already in the output image is ok with us).
  • Line 35: Now we convert from our OpenCV BGR image into the format requested by the USB host, using some helper conversion function that is part of the JeVois framework.
  • Line 38: We are done and ready to send the converted image to the host computer over USB.

Adding module parameters and using OpenCV: an edge detection module

Most machine vision modules provide parameters which allow one to tune their operation. These include thresholds, algorithm modes, accuracy settings, and others.

Many frameworks, such as OpenCV, thus by and large rely on functions with many parameters. For example, the way one invokes a Canny edge detector in OpenCV is to call the function:

void Canny(InputArray image, OutputArray edges, double threshold1, double threshold2, int apertureSize = 3, bool L2gradient = false)

Beyond possible confusion about which value goes to which argument in the long list (which languages such as Python solve by allowing access to arguments by name), one major issue with this approach is that either every function using Canny must provide a mechanism for the user to set the parameters (threshold1, threshold2, etc), or, in most cases, those will just end up being hardwired, limiting the applicability of the end application to different image sizes, environment types, etc.

In contrast, in the JeVois framework, one would create a Canny Module, with Parameter settings for the thresholds, where Parameter is a rich wrapper around the actual parameter value. The concept of parameter in the JeVois framework embodies a wrapper around a single value of any type, with associated documentation (description), default values, possible specification of valid values, accessor functions to obtain or change the value, and optional callback functions that are triggered when the value is changed. Parameters are intended to be used in objects that inherit from Component (Module inherits from Component, more about Component later - for now just equate Component with Module). The goal of parameters is to expose parameters of a given vision algorithm in such a way that any piece of code that is using that algorithm will automatically inherit and expose these parameters.

Setting parameters can be done by code that will use the vision algorithm that has parameters, but, more often, it is left to the user. In a particular vision pipeline, resonable default values may be provided for the parameters at the beginning, then leaving those parameters accessible to end users who may want to modify them. Modification of parameters in JeVois is handled either at the start of the application by parsing command-line arguments, when a new processing Module is instantiated, or while it is running, by interacting with the Engine that manages the system via its Serial ports.

The way in which we have implemented Parameter in the JeVois framework may seem unorthodox at first, but is the best way we have found so far in terms of minimizing burden when writing new algorithms with lots of parameters. In our earlier framework, the iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit (iNVT) started in 1995, parameters were included into algorithm components as member variables. The burden to programmers was so high that often they just did not include parameters and hardwired values instead, just to avoid that burden. The burden comes from the requirements:

  • we want to be able to support parameters of any type
  • we want each parameter to have a name, description, default value, specification of valid values
  • we want parameters to appear in related groups in the help message
  • we want to support callbacks, i.e., functions that are called when one tries to change the parameter value
  • we want the callback to be a member function of the Module that owns a given parameter, since changing that parameter value will typically trigger some re-organization in that Module (otherwise the callback might not be needed).

Possible implementation using class data members for parameters (similar to what we used in iNVT), here shown for a sample int parameter to specify the size of a queue held in a class MyModule that derives from Module:

ParamDef<int> sizeparamdef("size", "Queue size", 5, Range<int>(1, 100));
class MyModule : public jevois::Module
Param<int> sizeparam; // ouch
void sizeParamCallback(int newval) { myqueue.resize(newval); }
MyModule(std::string const & instance) : jevois::Module(instance),
sizeparam(sizeparamdef) // ouch
sizeparam.setCallback(&MyModule::sizeParamCallback); // ouch
// We cannot set the callback in the constructor initializer list because MyModule is not yet constructed at that time
Main namespace for all JeVois classes and functions.
Definition Concepts.dox:2

So we basically end up with 3 names that people have no idea what to do with and will just use confusing names for (sizeparamdef, sizeparam, sizeParamCallback), and we have to 1) specify the definition of name, description, etc somewhere using some arbitrary name (here sizeparamdef), then add the member variable for the param to the module using some other name (here sizeparam), then construct the param which would typically require linking it to its definition so we can get the default value and such, and finally hook the callback up (note how MyComp is not fully constructed yet when we construct sizeparam hence referencing sizeParamCallback() at that time is dubious at best). In reality, things are even worse since typically the paramdef, module class declaration, and module implementation, could be in 3 different files.

The approach we developed for the Neuromorphic Robotics Toolkit (NRT) and refined for JeVois works as follows:

  • each parameter is a unique new class type. We create that type once with one name, and it holds the parameter value and the definition data. This is further facilitated by the JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(ParamName, ParamType, ...) variadic macro.
  • for parameters with callbacks, their class type includes a pure virtual onParamChange(param, value) function that will need to be implemented by the host module. This is facilitated by the JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER_WITH_CALLBACK(ParamName, ParamType, ...) variadic macro. The first argument of onParamChange() is the parameter class type, so that a host module with many parameters will have many different onParamChange() function, one per parameter that has a callback.
  • modules inherit from their parameters using variadic templates to make inheriting from multiple parameters short and easy.
  • each parameter exposes simple functions get(), set(), etc (see ParameterCore and ParameterBase). In a module that has many parameters, accessing parameters is achieved by disambiguating on which base class (i.e., which parameter) one wants to access the get(), set(), etc function, which is achieved by calling param_x::get() vs param_y::get(), etc
  • No need to declare parameter member variables (we inherit from them instead).
  • No need to do anything at construction of the component.
  • No need to manually hook the callback function in the component host class to the parameter.
  • Strong compile-time checking that the programmer did not forget to write the callback function for each parameter that was declared as having a callback.
  • Only one name used throughout for that parameter and all its associated machinery (definition, callback).
  • It is easy to write scripts that search the source tree for information about all the parameters of a component, since those are always all specified in the Parameter< ... > inheritance statement.

Let's dive in and implement an edge detection module that uses the Canny function from OpenCV and exposes its parameters so that users can play with them over the serial command-line interface:

3#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
4#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
6// Parameters for our module:
7static jevois::ParameterCategory const ParamCateg("Edge Detection Options");
9JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(thresh1, double, "First threshold for hysteresis", 50.0, ParamCateg);
10JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(thresh2, double, "Second threshold for hysteresis", 150.0, ParamCateg);
11JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(aperture, int, "Aperture size for the Sobel operator", 3, jevois::Range<int>(3, 53), ParamCateg);
12JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER_WITH_CALLBACK(l2grad, bool, "Use more accurate L2 gradient norm if true, L1 if false", false, ParamCateg);
14// Simple module to detect edges using the Canny algorithm from OpenCV
15class TutorialEdgeDetection : public jevois::Module,
16 public jevois::Parameter<thresh1, thresh2, aperture, l2grad>
18 public:
19 // Default base class constructor ok
22 // Virtual destructor for safe inheritance
23 virtual ~TutorialEdgeDetection() { }
25 // Processing function
26 virtual void process(jevois::InputFrame && inframe, jevois::OutputFrame && outframe) override
27 {
28 // Wait for next available camera image:
29 jevois::RawImage inimg = inframe.get();
31 // Convert to OpenCV grayscale:
32 cv::Mat grayimg = jevois::rawimage::convertToCvGray(inimg);
34 // Let camera know we are done processing the input image:
35 inframe.done();
37 // Wait for an image from our gadget driver into which we will put our results. Require that it must have same
38 // image size as the input image, and greyscale pixels:
39 jevois::RawImage outimg = outframe.get();
40 outimg.require("output", inimg.width, inimg.height, V4L2_PIX_FMT_GREY);
42 // Compute Canny edges directly into the output image:
43 cv::Mat edges = jevois::rawimage::cvImage(outimg); // Pixel data of "edges" shared with "outimg", no copy
44 cv::Canny(grayimg, edges, thresh1::get(), thresh2::get(), aperture::get(), l2grad::get());
46 // Send the output image with our processing results to the host over USB:
47 outframe.send();
48 }
50 // Callback function for parameter l2grad
51 void onParamChange(l2grad const & param, bool const & newval) override
52 {
53 LINFO("you changed l2grad to be " + std::to_string(newval));
54 }
57// Allow the module to be loaded as a shared object (.so) file:
A generic range class.
Definition Range.H:81
#define LINFO(msg)
Convenience macro for users to print out console or syslog messages, INFO level.
Definition Log.H:194
cv::Mat cvImage(RawImage const &src)
Create an OpenCV image from the existing RawImage data, sharing the pixel memory rather than copying ...
Definition RawImageOps.C:31
cv::Mat convertToCvGray(RawImage const &src)
Convert RawImage to OpenCV doing color conversion from any RawImage source pixel to OpenCV gray byte.
A category to which multiple ParameterDef definitions can belong.
  • Line 7: It is a good idea to group all the parameters that work together under some category. To achieve that, we here create a parameter category. Parameters that belong to a given category will appear together when one types help in the command-line interface.
  • Lines 9 - 12: We declare 4 parameters. For each one, we specify
    • name for the parameter (needs to be syntaxically valid for use as a C++ class name).
    • type of the parameter value (can be any valid C++ type, including any custom class you have created).
    • description of the parameter that will appear in the help message and documentation of the module.
    • default value for the parameter.
    • optional: specification of valid values, from a list of accepted values, or a range, a range with a step, or a regex. Here we only specify this for the aperture parameter, which is constrained to taking values from 3 to 53.
    • a parameter category used to group related parameters together in the help message.
  • Line 16: Our module inherits from jevois::Parameter with all our desired parameters passed as template arguments. Indeed, jevois::Parameter is a variadic class template that can take any number of template arguments; it will simply add each parameter as a base to our module class one by one. Because we en up inheriting from each parameter, this means that our module 'is' a thresh1 parameter, and also 'is' a thresh2 parameter, etc. While it may seem unorthodox at first that a module 'is' each of its parameters (as opposed to 'having' them as would be the case using data members for parameters), this greatly lessens the burden onto programmers as explained above.
  • Line 32: We convert the input image to greyscale since we will apply the edge detection algorithm in greyscale mode.
  • Line 40: Note how here we require V4L2_PIX_FMT_GREY as our output format, since the results from the edge detection algorithm will be a greyscale image.
  • Line 43: Here is an example of zero-copy, reinterpretation of a RawImage as a cv::Mat image with pre-allocated, shared pixel array. Thanks to this, the result of the cv::Canny function, which will be computed into the edges cv::Mat image, can be directly sent to the host over USB, since the edges image shares its pixel data with our output raw image.
  • Line 44: Invoke the Canny edge detection function from OpenCV, passing our parameter values to it. Because our module 'is' a thresh1, and also 'is' a thresh2, etc and each of these parameters provides a get() function to access its value, we need to disambiguate which get() we want to call, which is achieved by explicitly specifying onto which base class (i.e., which parameter) we want to call get(). Thus, we use syntax thresh1::get() to invoke the get() function of our thresh1 base class, and so on for the other parameters. Other parameter functions are disambiguated in the same way, for example thresh1::set(value) would set the value of parameter thresh1 at runtime.
  • Lines 51 - 54: Parameter l2grad was declared on line 12 as having a callback. So here is the implementation of that callback. Here we just show an information message (which will show up in the command-line interface). If you have declared the parameter with callback (as we did on line 12), your code will not compile unless you here provide the implementation for onParamChange(), that is, we check at compile time for proper implementation of every callback that has been requested for parameters.

Multi-threading: running 4 edge detection algorithms in parallel

The JeVois smart camera features a quad-core processor, allowing you to run several operations in parallel.

C++11 provides great facilities that make writing parallel code very easy, namely:

  • lambda functions: These are functions that are declared and defined "on the fly" just where they are needed and usually with the intent that they will be used only once in that place. Importantly, they can access all variables that are present in the scope under which the lambda function is created. This makes it easy to write simple functions that will run in a thread of execution and will use the variables available at the time of lambda creation.
  • std::async function to launch a function in a new thread of operation. std::async returns an std::future, which is a handle to the possible future result of the function, once it has completed. If one calls get() on that future, the caller will block until the thread executing our function has completed.

Let's have a look by implementing an enhanced edge detection module, which runs 4 Canny algorithms using 4 different sets of parameters (e.g., from very fine to very coarse edge detections). We will place the 4 resulting edge images one on top of the other, resulting in an output image that is 4x as tall as the input image.

3#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
4#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
5#include <future>
7// Parameters for our module:
8static jevois::ParameterCategory const ParamCateg("Edge Detection Options");
9JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(thresh1, double, "First threshold for hysteresis", 20.0, ParamCateg);
10JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(thresh2, double, "Second threshold for hysteresis", 60.0, ParamCateg);
11JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(aperture, int, "Aperture size for the Sobel operator", 3, ParamCateg);
12JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(l2grad, bool, "Use more accurate L2 gradient norm if true, L1 if false", false, ParamCateg);
13JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(thresh1delta, double, "First threshold delta over threads", 50.0, ParamCateg);
14JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(thresh2delta, double, "Second threshold delta over threads", 50.0, ParamCateg);
16// Simple module to detect edges, running 4 filters in parallel with 4 different settings
17class TutorialEdgeDetectionX4 : public jevois::Module,
18 public jevois::Parameter<thresh1, thresh2, aperture, l2grad, thresh1delta, thresh2delta>
20 public:
21 // Default base class constructor ok
24 // Virtual destructor for safe inheritance
25 virtual ~TutorialEdgeDetectionX4() { }
27 // Processing function
28 virtual void process(jevois::InputFrame && inframe, jevois::OutputFrame && outframe) override
29 {
30 // Wait for next available camera image:
31 jevois::RawImage inimg = inframe.get();
33 // Convert to grayscale:
34 cv::Mat grayimg = jevois::rawimage::convertToCvGray(inimg);
36 // Let camera know we are done processing the input image:
37 inframe.done();
39 // Wait for an image from our gadget driver into which we will put our results:
40 jevois::RawImage outimg = outframe.get();
41 outimg.require("output", inimg.width, inimg.height * 4, V4L2_PIX_FMT_GREY);
43 // Launch 4 Canny filters in parallel. We launch 3 threads and will do the fourth in the current thread:
44 std::vector<std::future<void> > fut;
46 for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
47 fut.push_back(jevois::async([&](int i) {
48 // Compute Canny edges directly into the output image, offset by i images down. The last argument of the
49 // cv::Mat constructor below is the address of an already-allocated pixel buffer for the cv::Mat:
50 cv::Mat edges(grayimg.rows, grayimg.cols, CV_8UC1, outimg.pixelsw<unsigned char>() + i *;
52 cv::Canny(grayimg, edges, thresh1::get() + i * thresh1delta::get(),
53 thresh2::get() + i * thresh2delta::get(), aperture::get(), l2grad::get());
54 }, i));
56 // Fourth one (same code as above except for the async, and for i=3):
57 cv::Mat edges(grayimg.rows, grayimg.cols, CV_8UC1, outimg.pixelsw<unsigned char>() + 3 *;
58 cv::Canny(grayimg, edges, thresh1::get() + 3 * thresh1delta::get(),
59 thresh2::get() + 3 * thresh2delta::get(), aperture::get(), l2grad::get());
61 // The fourth one is done now, wait for all the threads to complete. Note: using async() is preferred to using
62 // std::thread, as get() below will throw if any exception was thrown by a thread, as opposed to std::thread
63 // violently terminating the program on exception. In case two or more threads threw, we can here avoid
64 // termination by catching the exceptions one by one. Here we just ignore (since we are done anyway) but could
65 // throw just once if any of the threads threw:
66 for (auto & f : fut) try { f.get(); } catch (...) { jevois::warnAndIgnoreException(); }
68 // Send the output image with our processing results to the host over USB:
69 outframe.send();
70 }
73// Allow the module to be loaded as a shared object (.so) file:
std::string warnAndIgnoreException(std::string const &prefix="")
Convenience function to catch an exception, issue some LERROR (depending on type),...
Definition Log.C:236
std::future< std::invoke_result_t< std::decay_t< Function >, std::decay_t< Args >... > > async(Function &&f, Args &&... args)
Async execution using a thread pool.

Let us look at what is new compared to the previous example:

  • Lines 7 - 14: We have two more parameters now, thresh1delta and thresh2delta which are the amount by which we will increment thresh1 and thresh2 in each of the threads. So the first edge detector will use thresh1, the second will use thresh1 + thresh1delta, the third thresh1 + 2 * thresh1delta, etc
  • Line 41: Our output image will store the 4 edge maps one on top of the other, hence we require the output image to be the same width but 4x as tall as the input image.
  • Line 44: The destructor of std::future will implicitly call get() if that has not yet been done when the future is destroyed (runs out of scope). So if we do not store the futures returned when we use std::async below somewhere, they will be destroyed, and our process will be blocked until the processing requested on each iteration of the loop below is complete, thereby executing the 4 edge detections one after the other. To execute them in parallel, we will keep the futures returned by std::async alive until we are ready to collect all the results from our 4 threads.
  • Line 46: we launch 3 parallel threads using std::async, and we will run the 4th edge detector in the current thread.
  • Line 47: Each thread will run a lambda function that will be given access (by reference) all the variables that exist in the current scope ([&] notation), and that takes one int argument i (the instance number of the edge detector we want to run).
  • Line 50: as said in the comments, we create a cv::Mat that has pixels in our raw output imag earray, i images down.
  • Lines 52 - 53: We run Canny in thread i using parameters thresh1 + i * thresh1delta, etc
  • Lines 57 - 59: This is essentially the same code as in our lambda function, but we do not need to create yet another thread using std::async for our 4th edge detector, we can just run it in the current thread.
  • Line 61: by the time we get here, the 4th invovation of cv::Canny has completed. The other 3 should hence be ready as well.
  • Line 66: we just wait until all threads are complete by running a get() on each future. Note that get() features exception forwarding, i.e., it could throw if the function running in the thread threw. Here we just catch, warn, and ignore any exception.

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