JeVois  1.23
JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit
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1// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3// JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2016 by Laurent Itti, the University of Southern
4// California (USC), and iLab at USC. See and for information about this project.
6// This file is part of the JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit. This program is free software; you can
7// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
8// Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
9// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
10// License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
11// if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
13// Contact information: Laurent Itti - 3641 Watt Way, HNB-07A - Los Angeles, CA 90089-2520 - USA.
14// Tel: +1 213 740 3527 - - -
15// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
16/*! \file */
18// This file has been modified / imported from the Neuromorphic Robotics Toolkit (NRT). Original copyright is:
20/* author Laurent Itti
21 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
22 // The iLab Neuromorphic Robotics Toolkit (NRT) //
23 // Copyright 2010-2012 by the University of Southern California (USC) //
24 // and the iLab at USC. //
25 // //
26 // iLab - University of Southern California //
27 // Hedco Neurociences Building, Room HNB-10 //
28 // Los Angeles, Ca 90089-2520 - USA //
29 // //
30 // See for information about this project. //
31 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
32 // This file is part of The iLab Neuromorphic Robotics Toolkit. //
33 // //
34 // The iLab Neuromorphic Robotics Toolkit is free software: you can //
35 // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General //
36 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either //
37 // version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. //
38 // //
39 // The iLab Neuromorphic Robotics Toolkit is distributed in the hope //
40 // that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the //
41 // implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //
42 // PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. //
43 // //
44 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
45 // along with The iLab Neuromorphic Robotics Toolkit. If not, see //
46 // <>. //
47 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
50#pragma once
52#include <istream>
53#include <ostream>
55namespace jevois
57 //! A generic range class
58 /*! The Range class is used to represent a range from [min .. max]
60 Note that the operators of Range do not use type promotions. This is to minimize template burden and also possible
61 programmer confusion. For example, while in principle one could define Range<int> + float and return a
62 Range<float>, here we do not define such an operator. The same result can be achieved by first converting the
63 range and then adding the constant:
65 @code
66 jevois::Range<int> r1(0, 100);
67 // NOT ALLOWED: jevois::Range<float> r2 = r1 + 1.23F;
68 jevois::Range<float> r2 = jevois::Range<float>(r1) + 1.23F; // OK, no hidden conversions, easy to read, explicit
69 @endcode
71 Operators on Range use range checking and clamping internally. Thus, be careful if using Range<byte>. For
72 example:
73 @code
74 jevois::Range<jevois::byte> r(jevois::byte(0), jevois::byte(250));
75 r += jevois::byte(100); // new range is 100-255
76 @endcode
78 \ingroup types */
79 template <typename T>
80 class Range
81 {
82 public:
83 //! Default constructor, range is [0 .. 0]
84 explicit Range();
86 //! Constructor
87 explicit Range(T const mini, T const maxi);
89 //! Copy constructor
90 Range(Range<T> const & other) = default;
92 //! Move constructor
93 Range(Range<T> && other) = default;
95 //! Copy-conversion constructor, uses jevois::clamped_convert<T,U> internally
96 /*! Note that this constructor is \e explicit, i.e., you need to explicitly mention it. This is to avoid
97 conversions to happen without a programmer being aware of it. For example:
98 @code
99 void myFunc(jevois::Range<float> const & rng) { ... }
100 jevois::Range<int> r1(0, 100);
101 jevois::Range<float> r2(r1); // ok, explicit constructor call
102 myFunc(r2); // ok, no conversion necessary
103 //myFunc(r1) // NO: passing Range<int> to function that takes a Range<float> arg fails to compile
104 myFunc(jevois::Range<float>(r1)); // ok, nice and explicit; and you can think about whether r1 should
105 // have been a Range<float> in the first place so you don't waste CPU
106 // doing this conversion (as opposed to just not being aware of the wasting)
107 @endcode */
108 template <typename U>
109 explicit Range(Range<U> const & other);
111 //! Assignment
112 Range<T> & operator=(Range<T> const & other) = default;
114 //! Move assignment
115 Range<T> & operator=(Range<T> && other) = default;
117 //! Return the minimum value
118 T const & min() const;
120 //! Return the maximum value
121 T const & max() const;
123 //! Return whether min() == max()
124 bool empty() const;
126 //! Extend the range, if needed, so that it includes val
127 void extend(T const val);
129 //! Return true if val is within [min ... max]
130 bool contains(T const & val) const;
132 private:
133 T itsMin;
134 T itsMax;
135 };
137 // ######################################################################
138 // Free functions for Range<T>
139 // ######################################################################
141 //! Merge two ranges
142 /*! \relates jevois::Range */
143 template <typename T>
144 Range<T> merge(Range<T> const & r1, Range<T> const & r2);
146 //! Stream out as "[min ... max]"
147 /*! \relates jevois::Range */
148 template <typename T>
149 std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, Range<T> const & r);
151 //! Stream in as "[min ... max]"
152 /*! \relates jevois::Range */
153 template <typename T>
154 std::istream & operator>>(std::istream & in, Range<T> & r);
156 //! Machine-readable output to a string, for use in jevois::Parameter: outputs \c min...max (e.g., 0...100)
157 /*! \relates jevois::Range */
158 template <class T>
159 void paramValToString(Range<T> const & val, std::string & result);
161 //! Machine-readable input from a string, for use in jevois::Parameter: reads \c min...max (e.g., 0...100)
162 /*! \relates jevois::Range */
163 template <class T>
164 void paramStringToVal(std::string const & valstring, Range<T> & result);
166 //! Equality test: Range<T> == Range<T>
167 /*! \relates jevois::Range */
168 template <typename T>
169 bool operator==(Range<T> const & range1, Range<T> const & range2);
171 //! Inequality test: Range<T> != Range<T>
172 /*! \relates jevois::Range */
173 template <typename T>
174 bool operator!=(Range<T> const & range1, Range<T> const & range2);
176 //! Add constant to both ends of a range: Range<T> + T
177 /*! \relates jevois::Range */
178 template <typename T>
179 Range<T> operator+(Range<T> const & range, T const & scalar);
181 //! Add constant to both ends of a range: T + Range<T>
182 /*! \relates jevois::Range */
183 template <typename T>
184 Range<T> operator+(T const & scalar, Range<T> const & range);
186 //! Subtract constant from both ends of a range: Range<T> - T
187 /*! \relates jevois::Range */
188 template <typename T>
189 Range<T> operator-(Range<T> const & range, T const & scalar);
191 //! Subtract constant from both ends of a range: T - Range<T>
192 /*! \relates jevois::Range */
193 template <typename T>
194 Range<T> operator-(T const & scalar, Range<T> const & range);
196 //! Divide both ends of a range by a factor: Range<T> / T
197 /*! \relates jevois::Range */
198 template <typename T>
199 Range<T> operator/(Range<T> const & range, T const & scalar);
201 //! Divide a factor by both ends of a range: T / Range<T>
202 /*! \relates jevois::Range */
203 template <typename T>
204 Range<T> operator/(T const & scalar, Range<T> const & range);
206 //! Multiply both ends of a range by a factor: Range<T> * T
207 /*! \relates jevois::Range */
208 template <typename T>
209 Range<T> operator*(Range<T> const & range, T const & scalar);
211 //! Multiply a factor by both ends of a range: T * Range<T>
212 /*! \relates jevois::Range */
213 template <typename T>
214 Range<T> operator*(T const & scalar, Range<T> const & range);
216 //! Add constant to both ends of a range: Range<T> += T
217 /*! \relates jevois::Range */
218 template <typename T>
219 Range<T> & operator+=(Range<T> & range, T const & scalar);
221 //! Subtract constant from both ends of a range: Range<T> -= T
222 /*! \relates jevois::Range */
223 template <typename T>
224 Range<T> & operator-=(Range<T> & range, T const & scalar);
226 //! Multiply both ends of a range by a factor: Range<T> *= T
227 /*! \relates jevois::Range */
228 template <typename T>
229 Range<T> & operator*=(Range<T> & range, T const & scalar);
231 //! Divide both ends of a range by a factor: Range<T> /= T
232 /*! \relates jevois::Range */
233 template <typename T>
234 Range<T> & operator/=(Range<T> & range, T const & scalar);
236} // namespace jevois
238// Include inlined implementation details that are of no interest to the end user
239#include <jevois/Types/details/RangeImpl.H>
A generic range class.
Definition Range.H:81
Range< T > operator-(Range< T > const &range, T const &scalar)
Subtract constant from both ends of a range: Range<T> - T.
void paramValToString(Range< T > const &val, std::string &result)
Machine-readable output to a string, for use in jevois::Parameter: outputs min...max (e....
Range< T > & operator=(Range< T > const &other)=default
Range< T > operator*(T const &scalar, Range< T > const &range)
Multiply a factor by both ends of a range: T * Range<T>
Default constructor, range is [0 .. 0].
void paramStringToVal(std::string const &valstring, Range< T > &result)
Machine-readable input from a string, for use in jevois::Parameter: reads min...max (e....
Range< T > operator+(T const &scalar, Range< T > const &range)
Add constant to both ends of a range: T + Range<T>
Range(Range< T > const &other)=default
Copy constructor.
Range(Range< T > &&other)=default
Move constructor.
Range< T > & operator=(Range< T > &&other)=default
Move assignment.
bool empty() const
Return whether min() == max()
Range< T > & operator/=(Range< T > &range, T const &scalar)
Divide both ends of a range by a factor: Range<T> /= T.
void extend(T const val)
Extend the range, if needed, so that it includes val.
T const & min() const
Return the minimum value.
Range< T > merge(Range< T > const &r1, Range< T > const &r2)
Merge two ranges.
bool operator!=(Range< T > const &range1, Range< T > const &range2)
Inequality test: Range<T> != Range<T>
Range(Range< U > const &other)
Copy-conversion constructor, uses jevois::clamped_convert<T,U> internally.
Range< T > operator*(Range< T > const &range, T const &scalar)
Multiply both ends of a range by a factor: Range<T> * T.
Range< T > & operator*=(Range< T > &range, T const &scalar)
Multiply both ends of a range by a factor: Range<T> *= T.
T const & max() const
Return the maximum value.
Range< T > operator+(Range< T > const &range, T const &scalar)
Add constant to both ends of a range: Range<T> + T.
Range< T > operator-(T const &scalar, Range< T > const &range)
Subtract constant from both ends of a range: T - Range<T>
Range< T > operator/(T const &scalar, Range< T > const &range)
Divide a factor by both ends of a range: T / Range<T>
bool operator==(Range< T > const &range1, Range< T > const &range2)
Equality test: Range<T> == Range<T>
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, Range< T > const &r)
Stream out as "[min ... max]".
Range(T const mini, T const maxi)
Range< T > & operator+=(Range< T > &range, T const &scalar)
Add constant to both ends of a range: Range<T> += T.
bool contains(T const &val) const
Return true if val is within [min ... max].
Range< T > & operator-=(Range< T > &range, T const &scalar)
Subtract constant from both ends of a range: Range<T> -= T.
std::istream & operator>>(std::istream &in, Range< T > &r)
Stream in as "[min ... max]".
Range< T > operator/(Range< T > const &range, T const &scalar)
Divide both ends of a range by a factor: Range<T> / T.
Main namespace for all JeVois classes and functions.
Definition Concepts.dox:2