JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit
Main namespace for all JeVois classes and functions.
See Topics for more details.
Namespaces | |
namespace | coords |
Namespace for helper functions to convert coordinates from camera resolution to standardized. | |
namespace | details |
Details that do not affect users of JeVois code. | |
namespace | dnn |
Deep neural networks. | |
namespace | font |
Fonts available for drawing text strings into RawImage. | |
namespace | python |
Python-related helpers and functions. | |
namespace | rawimage |
Functions for RawImage conversion, processing, drawing. | |
namespace | rgb565 |
Helper RGB565 colors. | |
namespace | shader |
OpenGL shaders for video rendering. | |
namespace | yuyv |
Helper YUYV colors. | |
Classes | |
class | BoundedBuffer |
Thread-safe synchronized producer/consumer queue. More... | |
class | Camera |
JeVois camera driver class - grabs frames from a Video4Linux camera sensor. More... | |
class | CameraCalibration |
Helper class for camera calibration, which allows some modules to compute 3D locations of objects. More... | |
class | CameraDevice |
Accessory class to hold all the data associated with a V4L2 camera device. More... | |
class | ChatBox |
A simple helper class for a chat box rendered in ImGui. More... | |
class | Component |
A component of a model hierarchy. More... | |
struct | DMPdata |
DMP data (Digital Motion Processor) More... | |
class | DynamicLoader |
Class to open shared object (.so) files and load functions contained in them. More... | |
class | DynamicParameter |
Dynamic parameter added to a component at runtime. More... | |
struct | EditorItem |
Helper class to represent a GUIeditor file in a pull-down menu. More... | |
class | Engine |
JeVois processing engine - gets images from camera sensor, processes them, and sends results over USB. More... | |
class | Gadget |
JeVois gadget driver - exposes a uvcvideo interface to host computer connected over USB. More... | |
class | GPUimage |
Class to hold a GPUtexture, GPUprogram, and other data associated with rendering an image in OpenGL. More... | |
class | GPUprogram |
Simple class to load and compile some OpenGL-ES program. More... | |
class | GPUshader |
Simple class to load and compile some OpenGL-ES shader code. More... | |
class | GPUtexture |
Simple class to hold an OpenGL texture. More... | |
class | GPUtextureDmaBuf |
Simple class to hold an OpenGL texture with in-GPU pixel format conversion and DMABUF acceleration. More... | |
class | GUIconsole |
Simple console with coloring and completion. More... | |
class | GUIeditor |
Editor panel for JeVois-Pro GUI. More... | |
class | GUIhelper |
Helper class to assist modules in creating graphical and GUI elements. More... | |
class | GUIhelperPython |
Wrapper around GUIhelper to be used by Python. More... | |
class | GUIserial |
Simple class to monitor a serial port in the JeVois-Pro GUI. More... | |
class | ICM20948 |
TDK InvenSense ICM-20948 9DOF IMU high-level driver. More... | |
class | ImGuiBackend |
Backend for ImGui on JeVois-Pro. More... | |
class | ImGuiBackendMALI |
BackendMALI for ImGui on JeVois-Pro. More... | |
class | ImGuiImage |
Wrapper for an image that can be rendered into ImGui. More... | |
class | IMU |
Abstract interface to an ICM20948 inertial measurement unit (IMU) More... | |
struct | IMUdata |
IMU data. More... | |
class | IMUi2c |
IMU with I2C interface shared with camera sensor, such as ICM20948 on JeVois-A33 AR0135 camera sensor board. More... | |
struct | IMUrawData |
Raw IMU data. More... | |
class | IMUspi |
IMU with SPI interface, such as the ICM20948 IMU on the JeVois-Pro IMX290 camera sensor board. More... | |
class | InputFrame |
Exception-safe wrapper around a raw camera input frame. More... | |
class | InputFramePython |
Wrapper around InputFrame to be used by Python. More... | |
class | JpegCompressor |
Simple singleton wrapper over a turbojpeg compressor. More... | |
class | Log |
Logger class. More... | |
class | Manager |
Manager of a hierarchy of Component objects. More... | |
class | Module |
Virtual base class for a vision processing module. More... | |
class | MovieInput |
Movie input, can be used as a replacement for Camera to debug algorithms using a fixed video sequence. More... | |
class | MovieOutput |
Video output to a movie file, using OpenCV video encoding. More... | |
struct | ObjDetect |
A trivial struct to store object detection results, for standard (straight up) bounding boxes. More... | |
struct | ObjDetectOBB |
A trivial struct to store object detection results, for oriented bounding boxes (OBB) More... | |
struct | ObjReco |
A trivial struct to store object recognition results. More... | |
class | OutputFrame |
Exception-safe wrapper around a raw image to be sent over USB. More... | |
class | OutputFramePython |
Wrapper around OutputFrame to be used by Python. More... | |
class | ParallelForAPIjevois |
A parallel API to make OpenCV use our thread pool. More... | |
class | Parameter< Param, Tail ... > |
A set of Parameters attached to a component. More... | |
class | ParameterBase |
Base class for Parameter. More... | |
struct | ParameterCategory |
A category to which multiple ParameterDef definitions can belong. More... | |
class | ParameterCore |
A changeable parameter for a Component, core class. More... | |
class | ParameterDef |
A Parameter Definition. More... | |
class | ParameterDefBase |
Base class for a Parameter definition. More... | |
class | ParameterRegistry |
A simple registry of all parameters associated with a Component. More... | |
class | ParameterSummary |
ParameterSummary provides a summary about a parameter. More... | |
struct | PoseSkeleton |
A simple skeleton class for pose detection deep neural networks. More... | |
struct | PoseSkeletonDefinition |
An enum for different kinds of skeletons. More... | |
class | Profiler |
Simple profiler class. More... | |
class | PythonModule |
Wrapper module to allow users to develop new modules written in Python. More... | |
class | PythonParameter |
Wrapper for jevois Parameter in python. More... | |
class | PythonWrapper |
Helper class to run python code from C++. More... | |
class | Range |
A generic range class. More... | |
class | RawImage |
A raw image as coming from a V4L2 Camera and/or being sent out to a USB Gadget. More... | |
class | Semaphore |
A simple semaphore. More... | |
class | Serial |
Interface to a serial port. More... | |
class | Singleton |
A generic singleton class to enforce a single instance of an object. More... | |
class | StdioInterface |
String-based user interface, simple terminal input/output to use on host. More... | |
class | StdModule |
Base class for a module that supports standardized serial messages. More... | |
class | StepRange |
A generic range class with a step. More... | |
class | ThreadPool |
A thread pool with CPU affinity. More... | |
class | Timer |
Simple timer class. More... | |
class | TimerOne |
Simple one-shot timer class. More... | |
class | UserInterface |
Abstract base class for a string-based user interface. More... | |
class | ValidValuesSpecBase |
Base class for specifying a set of valid values for a type. More... | |
class | ValidValuesSpecList |
Finite list valid values spec, everything listed at construction is valid, anything else is not. More... | |
class | ValidValuesSpecNone |
Open/None valid values spec, anything that T can take is valid. More... | |
class | ValidValuesSpecRange |
Range-based valid values spec, bounds are included. More... | |
class | ValidValuesSpecRegex |
Regex-based valid values spec, everything that is a match to the regex is considered valid. More... | |
class | ValidValuesSpecStepRange |
StepRange-based valid values spec, bounds are included. More... | |
class | VideoBuf |
A V4L2 video buffer, to be held in a shared_ptr. More... | |
class | VideoBuffers |
Collection of buffers for V4L2 video frames (Camera or Gadget) with hooks to the MMAP'd areas. More... | |
class | VideoDisplay |
Video output to local screen. More... | |
class | VideoDisplayBackend |
Backend for VideoDisplay on JeVois-Pro. More... | |
class | VideoDisplayBackendMALI |
Backend for VideoDisplay on JeVois-Pro host using MALI. More... | |
class | VideoDisplayGL |
Video output to local screen. More... | |
class | VideoDisplayGUI |
Video output to local screen with basic GUI. More... | |
class | VideoInput |
Base class for video input, which will get derived into Camera and MovieInput. More... | |
struct | VideoMapping |
Simple struct to hold video mapping definitions for the processing Engine. More... | |
class | VideoOutput |
Base class for video output. Gadget, MovieOutput, VideoDisplay, and VideoOutputNone derive from it. More... | |
class | VideoOutputNone |
No-op VideoOutput derivative for when there is no video output. More... | |
class | Watchdog |
Simple watchdog class. More... | |
Typedefs | |
using | OptGUIhelper = GUIhelper |
Enumerations | |
enum class | EditorSaveAction |
Helper enum for actions to execute after saving a config file. More... | |
enum class | BlockingBehavior { BlockingBehavior::Block , BlockingBehavior::Throw } |
Behavior when attemting an operation that cannot be completed immediately. More... | |
Functions | |
template<typename T > | |
void | paramValToString (T const &val, std::string &result) |
Machine-readable conversion of T to a string, for use in jevois::Parameter. | |
template<> | |
void | paramValToString< unsigned char > (unsigned char const &val, std::string &result) |
Machine-readable conversion of T to a string, specialization to convert unsigned char to number, not character. | |
template<typename T > | |
void | paramStringToVal (std::string const &valstring, T &result) |
Machine-readable conversion from string to T, for use in jevois::Parameter. | |
template<typename Q > | |
void | paramValToString (std::vector< Q > const &val, std::string &result) |
Machine-readable output to a string, for use in jevois::Parameter: outputs [Element1 , Element2 , ...]. | |
template<typename Q > | |
void | paramStringToVal (std::string const &valstring, std::vector< Q > &result) |
Machine-readable input from a string, for use in jevois::Parameter: reads [Element1 , Element2 , ...]. | |
template<typename F , typename S > | |
void | paramValToString (std::pair< F, S > const &val, std::string &result) |
Machine-readable output to a string, for use in jevois::Parameter: outputs first second . | |
template<typename F , typename S > | |
void | paramStringToVal (std::string const &valstring, std::pair< F, S > &result) |
Machine-readable input from a string, for use in jevois::Parameter: reads first second . | |
template<typename T > | |
void | paramValToString (cv::Point_< T > const &val, std::string &result) |
Machine-readable output to a string, for use in jevois::Parameter: outputs x y . | |
template<typename T > | |
void | paramStringToVal (std::string const &valstring, cv::Point_< T > &result) |
Machine-readable input from a string, for use in jevois::Parameter: reads x y . | |
template<typename T > | |
void | paramValToString (cv::Size_< T > const &val, std::string &result) |
Machine-readable output to a string, for use in jevois::Parameter: outputs width height . | |
template<typename T > | |
void | paramStringToVal (std::string const &valstring, cv::Size_< T > &result) |
Machine-readable input from a string, for use in jevois::Parameter: reads width height . | |
template<typename T > | |
void | paramValToString (cv::Scalar_< T > const &val, std::string &result) |
Machine-readable output to a string, for use in jevois::Parameter: outputs r g b a . | |
template<typename T > | |
void | paramStringToVal (std::string const &valstring, cv::Scalar_< T > &result) |
Machine-readable input from a string, for use in jevois::Parameter: reads r g b a or subsets. | |
template<> | |
void | paramValToString< ImColor > (ImColor const &val, std::string &result) |
Machine-readable output to a string, for use in jevois::Parameter: outputs R G B A , each 0..255. | |
template<> | |
void | paramStringToVal< ImColor > (std::string const &valstring, ImColor &result) |
Machine-readable input from a string, for use in jevois::Parameter: reads R G B A , each 0..255. | |
template<typename K , typename V > | |
void | paramValToString (std::map< K, V > const &val, std::string &result) |
Machine-readable output to a string, for use in jevois::Parameter: outputs [Key1:Value1 , Key2:Value2 , ...]. | |
template<typename K , typename V > | |
void | paramStringToVal (std::string const &valstring, std::map< K, V > &result) |
Machine-readable input from a string, for use in jevois::Parameter: reads [Key1:Value1 , Key2:Value2 , ...]. | |
template<> | |
void | paramValToString< bool > (bool const &val, std::string &result) |
Machine-readable conversion of bool to a string, for use in jevois::Parameter. | |
template<> | |
void | paramStringToVal< bool > (std::string const &valstring, bool &result) |
Machine-readable conversion from string to bool, for use in jevois::Parameter. | |
template<> | |
void | paramValToString< std::string > (std::string const &val, std::string &result) |
Machine-readable conversion of string to a string, for use in jevois::Parameter. | |
template<> | |
void | paramStringToVal< std::string > (std::string const &valstring, std::string &result) |
Machine-readable conversion from string to string, for use in jevois::Parameter. | |
JEVOIS_DEFINE_ENUM_CLASS (CameraSensor,(any)(imx290)(os08a10)(ar0234)) | |
Enum for different sensor models. | |
JEVOIS_DEFINE_ENUM_CLASS (CameraLens,(standard)(custom1)(custom2)(custom3)(custom4)(custom5)) | |
bool | sensorSupportsFormat (CameraSensor s, VideoMapping const &m) |
Check whether a given resolution and frame rate is supported by a sensor. | |
bool | sensorHasIMU (CameraSensor s) |
Check whether sensor has an IMU (inertial measurement unit) | |
void | sensorPrepareSetFormat (CameraSensor s, VideoMapping const &m, unsigned int &capw, unsigned int &caph, int &preset) |
Load a sensor preset (JeVois-Pro only) and return native sensor grab dims (when cropping and/or scaling) | |
size_t | DMPpacketSize (unsigned short ctl1, unsigned short ctl2) |
Helper function to determine DMP packet size depending on options. | |
void | warnAndRethrowException (std::string const &prefix="") |
Convenience function to catch an exception, issue some LERROR (depending on type), and rethrow it. | |
std::string | warnAndIgnoreException (std::string const &prefix="") |
Convenience function to catch an exception, issue some LERROR (depending on type), and ignore it. | |
void | warnAndRethrowParamCallbackException (std::string const &descriptor, std::string const &strval) |
Convenience function for parameter callback exceptions. | |
void | drawErrorImage (std::string const &errmsg, RawImage &videoerrimg) |
Display an error message into a RawImage. | |
void | logSetEngine (Engine *e) |
Set an Engine so that all log messages will be forwarded to its serial ports. | |
void | logEnd () |
Terminate log service. | |
std::string | getPythonExceptionString (boost::python::error_already_set &) |
Python exception translation to string so we can print the traceback to our serlog stream. | |
std::string | getSysInfoCPU () |
Get CPU info: frequency, thermal, load. | |
std::string | getSysInfoMem () |
Get memory info. | |
std::string | getSysInfoVersion () |
Get O.S. version info. | |
size_t | getNumInstalledTPUs () |
Get the number of Coral TPUs present on this system. | |
size_t | getNumInstalledVPUs () |
Get the number of Myriad-X VPUs present on this system. | |
size_t | getNumInstalledNPUs () |
Get the number of JeVois-Pro NPUs present on this system. | |
size_t | getNumInstalledSPUs () |
Get the number of Hailo8 SPUs present on this system. | |
int | getFanSpeed () |
Get fan speed in percent, only meaningful on JeVois-Pro Platform, all others return 0. | |
std::string | opengl_error (int err) |
Function to write OpenGL errors in clear witout requiring GLUT. | |
void | convertYUYVtoYUV422 (unsigned char const *src, int width, int height, unsigned char *dst) |
Helper to convert from packed YUYV to planar YUV422. | |
unsigned long | compressBGRtoJpeg (unsigned char const *src, int width, int height, unsigned char *dst, int quality=75) |
Compress raw pixel buffer to jpeg. | |
void | compressBGRtoJpeg (cv::Mat const &src, RawImage &dst, int quality=75) |
Compress a BGR cv::Mat into an output JPEG jevois::RawImage. | |
unsigned long | compressRGBtoJpeg (unsigned char const *src, int width, int height, unsigned char *dst, int quality=75) |
Compress raw pixel buffer to jpeg. | |
void | compressRGBtoJpeg (cv::Mat const &src, RawImage &dst, int quality=75) |
Compress a RGB cv::Mat into an output JPEG jevois::RawImage. | |
unsigned long | compressRGBAtoJpeg (unsigned char const *src, int width, int height, unsigned char *dst, int quality=75) |
Compress raw pixel buffer to jpeg. | |
void | compressRGBAtoJpeg (cv::Mat const &src, RawImage &dst, int quality=75) |
Compress an RGBA cv::Mat into an output JPEG jevois::RawImage. | |
unsigned long | compressGRAYtoJpeg (unsigned char const *src, int width, int height, unsigned char *dst, int quality=75) |
Compress raw pixel buffer to jpeg. | |
void | compressGRAYtoJpeg (cv::Mat const &src, RawImage &dst, int quality=75) |
Compress a Gray cv::Mat into an output JPEG jevois::RawImage. | |
cv::Mat | rescaleCv (cv::Mat const &img, cv::Size const &newdims) |
Rescale an OpenCV image, choosing the right kind of interpolation. | |
template<class Function , class... Args> | |
std::future< std::invoke_result_t< std::decay_t< Function >, std::decay_t< Args >... > > | async (Function &&f, Args &&... args) |
Async execution using a thread pool. | |
template<class Function , class... Args> | |
std::future< std::invoke_result_t< std::decay_t< Function >, std::decay_t< Args >... > > | async_little (Function &&f, Args &&... args) |
Async execution using a thread pool. | |
template<typename T > | |
std::vector< T > | joinall (std::vector< std::future< T > > &fvec, bool multiline=true) |
Collect results from several async threads that are all returning a T result. | |
void | joinall (std::vector< std::future< void > > &fvec, bool multiline=true) |
Collect results from several async threads that are all returning a T result. | |
bool | isInputDevice (int fd) |
Indicate whether this fd (which should be from /dev/input/eventX) is keyboard, mouse, etc. | |
int | getConsoleFd () |
Get a file descriptor to the console. | |
int | getActiveTTY () |
Get current active tty. | |
void | muteKeyboard (int tty, int &kb_mode) |
Prevent keystrokes from reaching the tty. | |
void | unMuteKeyboard (int tty, int kb_mode) |
Restore the keyboard mode for given tty. | |
std::string | demangle (std::string const &mangledName) |
Demangle a mangled name. | |
std::string | demangle (char const *mangledName) |
Demangle a mangled name. | |
template<typename T > | |
std::string | demangledName () |
Get the demangled type name of type T. | |
template<> | |
std::string | demangledName< std::string > () |
Specialization for std::string to avoid getting an ugly name. | |
std::string | fccstr (unsigned int fcc) |
Convert a V4L2 four-cc code (V4L2_PIX_FMT_...) to a 4-char string. | |
std::string | cvtypestr (unsigned int cvtype) |
Convert cv::Mat::type() code to to a string (e.g., CV_8UC1, CV_32SC3, etc) | |
unsigned int | cvBytesPerPix (unsigned int cvtype) |
Return the number of bytes per pixel for a given OpenCV pixel type. | |
unsigned int | strfcc (std::string const &str) |
Convert a JeVois video format string to V4L2 four-cc code (V4L2_PIX_FMT_...) | |
unsigned int | v4l2BytesPerPix (unsigned int fcc) |
Return the number of bytes per pixel for a given V4L2_PIX_FMT_... | |
unsigned int | v4l2ImageSize (unsigned int fcc, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) |
Return the image size in bytes for a given V4L2_PIX_FMT_..., width, height. | |
unsigned int | blackColor (unsigned int fcc) |
Return a value that corresponds to black for the given video format. | |
unsigned int | whiteColor (unsigned int fcc) |
Return a value that corresponds to white for the given video format. | |
void | applyLetterBox (unsigned int &imw, unsigned int &imh, unsigned int const winw, unsigned int const winh, bool noalias) |
Apply a letterbox resizing to fit an image into a window. | |
std::vector< std::string > | split (std::string const &input, std::string const ®ex="\\s+") |
Split string into vector of tokens using a regex to specify what to split on; default regex splits by whitespace. | |
template<typename T > | |
std::string | join (std::vector< T > const &tokens, std::string const &delimiter) |
Concatenate a vector of tokens into a string. | |
template<> | |
std::string | join< std::string > (std::vector< std::string > const &tokens, std::string const &delimiter) |
Concatenate a vector of string tokens into a string. | |
bool | stringStartsWith (std::string const &str, std::string const &prefix) |
Return true if str starts with prefix (including if both strings are equal) | |
std::string | replaceWhitespace (std::string const &str, char rep='_') |
Replace white space characters in a string with underscore (default) or another character. | |
std::string | strip (std::string const &str) |
Strip white space (including CR, LF, tabs, etc) from the end of a string. | |
std::string | extractString (std::string const &str, std::string const &startsep, std::string const &endsep) |
Extract a portion of a string between two delimiters. | |
size_t | replaceStringFirst (std::string &str, std::string const &from, std::string const &to) |
Replace first instance of 'from' with 'to'. | |
size_t | replaceStringAll (std::string &str, std::string const &from, std::string const &to) |
Replace all instances of 'from' with 'to'. | |
std::string | replaceAll (std::string const &str, std::string const &from, std::string const &to) |
Replace all instances of 'from' with 'to'. | |
std::string | tolower (std::string const &str) |
Convert string to lowercase. | |
std::filesystem::path | absolutePath (std::filesystem::path const &root, std::filesystem::path const &path) |
Compute an absolute path from two paths. | |
std::string | sformat (char const *fmt,...) __attribute__((format(__printf__ |
Create a string using printf style arguments. | |
template<typename T > | |
std::string T | from_string (std::string const &str) |
Convert from string to a type. | |
template<typename T > | |
std::string | to_string (T const &val) |
Convert from type to string. | |
template<typename dest_type , typename source_type > | |
dest_type | clamped_convert (source_type source) |
Clamped numerical conversion. | |
void | flushcache () |
Flush the caches, may sometimes be useful when running the camera in turbo mode. | |
std::string | system (std::string const &cmd, bool errtoo=true) |
Execute a command and grab stdout output to a string. | |
std::string | secs2str (double secs) |
Report a duration given in seconds with variable units (ns, us, ms, or s), with precision of 2 decimal points. | |
std::string | secs2str (std::vector< double > secs) |
Report avg+/-std duration given in seconds with variable units (ns, us, ms, or s), with 1 decimal point. | |
void | secs2str (std::ostringstream &ss, double secs) |
Report a duration given in seconds with variable units (ns, us, ms, or s) | |
std::string | num2str (double n) |
Report a number with variable multipliers (K, M, G, T, P, E, Z, Y), with precision of 2 decimal points. | |
void | num2str (std::ostringstream &ss, double n) |
Report a number with variable multipliers (K, M, G, T, P, E, Z, Y) | |
std::string | getFileString (char const *fname, int skip=0) |
Read one line from a file and return it as a string. | |
Variables | |
int | logLevel = LOG_INFO |
Current log level. | |
int | traceLevel = 0 |
Current trace level. | |
using jevois::OptGUIhelper = typedef GUIhelper |
Definition at line 25 of file GUIhelper.H.
related |
Helper enum for actions to execute after saving a config file.
Definition at line 34 of file GUIeditor.H.
void jevois::drawErrorImage | ( | std::string const & | errmsg, |
jevois::RawImage & | videoerrimg | ||
) |
Display an error message into a RawImage.
The error message should consist of a string where multiple lines may be separated by \n characters, such as the string returned by warnAndIgnoreException(). The message will be written in the image, which should be valid(). This is useful to display module exceptions in the video stream that is sent over USB.
Definition at line 300 of file Log.C.
References jevois::RawImage::clear(), jevois::rawimage::drawDisk(), jevois::rawimage::drawLine(), jevois::RawImage::fmt, jevois::rawimage::Font10x20, jevois::rawimage::Font14x26, jevois::rawimage::Font6x10, jevois::rawimage::Font7x13, jevois::RawImage::height, LERROR, split(), jevois::RawImage::valid(), whiteColor(), jevois::RawImage::width, and jevois::rawimage::writeText().
int jevois::getFanSpeed | ( | ) |
Get fan speed in percent, only meaningful on JeVois-Pro Platform, all others return 0.
Definition at line 153 of file SysInfo.C.
References getFileString().
Referenced by jevois::GUIhelper::drawSystem().
size_t jevois::getNumInstalledNPUs | ( | ) |
Get the number of JeVois-Pro NPUs present on this system.
Definition at line 127 of file SysInfo.C.
Referenced by jevois::GUIhelper::drawSystem(), and jevois::dnn::Pipeline::Pipeline().
size_t jevois::getNumInstalledSPUs | ( | ) |
Get the number of Hailo8 SPUs present on this system.
Definition at line 138 of file SysInfo.C.
References getFileString().
Referenced by jevois::GUIhelper::drawSystem(), and jevois::dnn::Pipeline::Pipeline().
size_t jevois::getNumInstalledTPUs | ( | ) |
Get the number of Coral TPUs present on this system.
Definition at line 87 of file SysInfo.C.
References getFileString(), and system().
Referenced by jevois::GUIhelper::drawSystem(), and jevois::dnn::Pipeline::Pipeline().
size_t jevois::getNumInstalledVPUs | ( | ) |
Get the number of Myriad-X VPUs present on this system.
Definition at line 112 of file SysInfo.C.
References system().
Referenced by jevois::GUIhelper::drawSystem(), and jevois::dnn::Pipeline::Pipeline().
void jevois::logEnd | ( | ) |
Terminate log service.
You must call this once you a ready to end a program, to stop the logger thread. Otherwise the ThreadPool will be stuck with one running thread and will never exit.
Definition at line 145 of file Log.C.
References logSetEngine().