►Ncv | |
Nparallel | |
►Njevois | Main namespace for all JeVois classes and functions |
Ncoords | Namespace for helper functions to convert coordinates from camera resolution to standardized |
Ndetails | Details that do not affect users of JeVois code |
►Ndnn | Deep neural networks |
Nyolojevois | |
CCLIP | Interface to a CLIP model used to compute text and image embeddings |
CNetwork | Abstract class to represent a neural network |
CNetworkHailo | Wrapper around an DNN neural network running on the Hailo8 neural accelerator |
CNetworkNPU | Wrapper around a DNN neural network running on Amlogic A311D NPU accelerator (Verisilicon) |
CNetworkONNX | Wrapper around an ONNX-Runtime neural network |
CNetworkOpenCV | Wrapper around an OpenCV DNN neural network |
CNetworkPython | Wrapper around an DNN neural network invoked through python |
CNetworkPythonImpl | |
CNetworkTPU | Wrapper around a Coral TPU neural network |
CPipeline | Neural processing pipeline |
CPostProcessor | Post-Processor for neural network pipeline |
CPostProcessorClassify | Post-Processor for neural network pipeline |
CPostProcessorDetect | Post-Processor for neural network pipeline |
CPostProcessorDetectOBB | Post-Processor for neural network pipeline for oriented bounding box (OBB) object detection |
CPostProcessorDetectYOLO | Post-Processor sub-component for raw YOLO decoding |
CPostProcessorPose | Post-Processor for neural network pipeline, for human/animal/other pose detection (skeleton) |
CPostProcessorPython | Post-Processor for neural network pipeline |
CPostProcessorPythonImpl | |
CPostProcessorSegment | Post-Processor for neural network pipeline |
CPostProcessorStub | Post-Processor for neural network pipeline |
CPostProcessorYuNet | Post-Processor for YuNet face landmarks detector |
CPreProcessor | Pre-Processor for neural network pipeline |
CPreProcessorBlob | Pre-Processor for neural network pipeline |
CPreProcessorPython | Pre-Processor for neural network pipeline written in python |
CPreProcessorPythonImpl | |
CYOLOjevois | Helper class for runtime-configurable, quantized open-vocabulary object detection |
Nfont | Fonts available for drawing text strings into RawImage |
►Npython | Python-related helpers and functions |
CPyParHelper | Typed class to allow creation of Parameter in Python |
CPyParHelperBase | Base helper class to allow creation of Parameter in python |
Nrawimage | Functions for RawImage conversion, processing, drawing |
Nrgb565 | Helper RGB565 colors |
Nshader | OpenGL shaders for video rendering |
Nyuyv | Helper YUYV colors |
CBoundedBuffer | Thread-safe synchronized producer/consumer queue |
CCamera | JeVois camera driver class - grabs frames from a Video4Linux camera sensor |
CCameraCalibration | Helper class for camera calibration, which allows some modules to compute 3D locations of objects |
CCameraDevice | Accessory class to hold all the data associated with a V4L2 camera device |
CChatBox | A simple helper class for a chat box rendered in ImGui |
CComponent | A component of a model hierarchy |
CDMPdata | DMP data (Digital Motion Processor) |
CDynamicLoader | Class to open shared object (.so) files and load functions contained in them |
CDynamicParameter | Dynamic parameter added to a component at runtime |
CEditorItem | Helper class to represent a GUIeditor file in a pull-down menu |
CEngine | JeVois processing engine - gets images from camera sensor, processes them, and sends results over USB |
CGadget | JeVois gadget driver - exposes a uvcvideo interface to host computer connected over USB |
CGPUimage | Class to hold a GPUtexture, GPUprogram, and other data associated with rendering an image in OpenGL |
CGPUprogram | Simple class to load and compile some OpenGL-ES program |
CGPUshader | Simple class to load and compile some OpenGL-ES shader code |
CGPUtexture | Simple class to hold an OpenGL texture |
CGPUtextureDmaBuf | Simple class to hold an OpenGL texture with in-GPU pixel format conversion and DMABUF acceleration |
CGUIconsole | Simple console with coloring and completion |
CGUIeditor | Editor panel for JeVois-Pro GUI |
►CGUIhelper | Helper class to assist modules in creating graphical and GUI elements |
CErrorData | |
CGUIhelperPython | Wrapper around GUIhelper to be used by Python |
CGUIserial | Simple class to monitor a serial port in the JeVois-Pro GUI |
CICM20948 | TDK InvenSense ICM-20948 9DOF IMU high-level driver |
CImGuiBackend | Backend for ImGui on JeVois-Pro |
CImGuiBackendMALI | BackendMALI for ImGui on JeVois-Pro |
CImGuiImage | Wrapper for an image that can be rendered into ImGui |
CIMU | Abstract interface to an ICM20948 inertial measurement unit (IMU) |
CIMUdata | IMU data |
CIMUi2c | IMU with I2C interface shared with camera sensor, such as ICM20948 on JeVois-A33 AR0135 camera sensor board |
CIMUrawData | Raw IMU data |
CIMUspi | IMU with SPI interface, such as the ICM20948 IMU on the JeVois-Pro IMX290 camera sensor board |
CInputFrame | Exception-safe wrapper around a raw camera input frame |
CInputFramePython | Wrapper around InputFrame to be used by Python |
CJpegCompressor | Simple singleton wrapper over a turbojpeg compressor |
CLog | Logger class |
CManager | Manager of a hierarchy of Component objects |
CModule | Virtual base class for a vision processing module |
CMovieInput | Movie input, can be used as a replacement for Camera to debug algorithms using a fixed video sequence |
CMovieOutput | Video output to a movie file, using OpenCV video encoding |
CObjDetect | A trivial struct to store object detection results, for standard (straight up) bounding boxes |
CObjDetectOBB | A trivial struct to store object detection results, for oriented bounding boxes (OBB) |
CObjReco | A trivial struct to store object recognition results |
COutputFrame | Exception-safe wrapper around a raw image to be sent over USB |
COutputFramePython | Wrapper around OutputFrame to be used by Python |
CParallelForAPIjevois | A parallel API to make OpenCV use our thread pool |
CParameter< Param, Tail ... > | A set of Parameters attached to a component |
CParameterBase | Base class for Parameter |
CParameterCategory | A category to which multiple ParameterDef definitions can belong |
CParameterCore | A changeable parameter for a Component, core class |
CParameterDef | A Parameter Definition |
CParameterDefBase | Base class for a Parameter definition |
CParameterRegistry | A simple registry of all parameters associated with a Component |
CParameterSummary | ParameterSummary provides a summary about a parameter |
►CPoseSkeleton | A simple skeleton class for pose detection deep neural networks |
CLink | A pose skeleton link between two nodes |
CNode | A pose skeleton node |
CPoseSkeletonDefinition | An enum for different kinds of skeletons |
CProfiler | Simple profiler class |
CPythonModule | Wrapper module to allow users to develop new modules written in Python |
CPythonParameter | Wrapper for jevois Parameter in python |
CPythonWrapper | Helper class to run python code from C++ |
CRange | A generic range class |
CRawImage | A raw image as coming from a V4L2 Camera and/or being sent out to a USB Gadget |
CSemaphore | A simple semaphore |
CSerial | Interface to a serial port |
CSingleton | A generic singleton class to enforce a single instance of an object |
CStdioInterface | String-based user interface, simple terminal input/output to use on host |
CStdModule | Base class for a module that supports standardized serial messages |
CStepRange | A generic range class with a step |
CThreadPool | A thread pool with CPU affinity |
CTimer | Simple timer class |
CTimerOne | Simple one-shot timer class |
CUserInterface | Abstract base class for a string-based user interface |
CValidValuesSpecBase | Base class for specifying a set of valid values for a type |
CValidValuesSpecList | Finite list valid values spec, everything listed at construction is valid, anything else is not |
CValidValuesSpecNone | Open/None valid values spec, anything that T can take is valid |
CValidValuesSpecRange | Range-based valid values spec, bounds are included |
CValidValuesSpecRegex | Regex-based valid values spec, everything that is a match to the regex is considered valid |
CValidValuesSpecStepRange | StepRange-based valid values spec, bounds are included |
CVideoBuf | A V4L2 video buffer, to be held in a shared_ptr |
CVideoBuffers | Collection of buffers for V4L2 video frames (Camera or Gadget) with hooks to the MMAP'd areas |
CVideoDisplay | Video output to local screen |
CVideoDisplayBackend | Backend for VideoDisplay on JeVois-Pro |
CVideoDisplayBackendMALI | Backend for VideoDisplay on JeVois-Pro host using MALI |
CVideoDisplayGL | Video output to local screen |
CVideoDisplayGUI | Video output to local screen with basic GUI |
CVideoInput | Base class for video input, which will get derived into Camera and MovieInput |
CVideoMapping | Simple struct to hold video mapping definitions for the processing Engine |
CVideoOutput | Base class for video output. Gadget, MovieOutput, VideoDisplay, and VideoOutputNone derive from it |
CVideoOutputNone | No-op VideoOutput derivative for when there is no video output |
CWatchdog | Simple watchdog class |