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I have a Problem after creating a New Vision Mapping Module with the JeVois Invator

0 votes
I have created a New Vision Mapping Module and I wrote a Python Module (simple face detection and recognition with the A33 cam and an Arduino with 2 Servos) for testing it. It functions. My Problem is: it functions only if the Inventor or AM Cap is working. When I finish the Inventor or AM Cap, the Data comunication between JeVois cam and the Arduino stops immediately. That means, that there is no possibility to use it without NO USB output. How can I solve this Problem?
asked Oct 4, 2018 in Programmer Questions by Peter (580 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Yes, two different processing functions are possible in jevois:

def process(self, inframe, outframe): process an incoming image and create an output image. This function is triggered by the JeVois Engine when connected to a host computer over USB and video capture software like AmCap is running

def processNoUSB(self, inframe): process an incoming image and do not output any image, only serial messages. To trigger this mode, since there is no AmCap to control JeVois, you need to connect to the JeVois console and use the setmapping2 and then streamon commands. Or you can put these commands in initscript.cfg so they get loaded when JeVois starts.

See this tutorial for an example of using processNoUSB():


and also see this:


two sections are relevant here:

Operation with streaming video output


Operation with no video output

answered Oct 4, 2018 by JeVois (46,580 points)