JeVois Tutorials  1.23
JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Tutorials
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Saving camera images to microSD using Python

In this tutorial, we write a very simple module to just save images captured by the JeVois camera sensor to the microSD card inside JeVois. This can be useful, for example, to collect training data when developing a new machine vision algorithm. As you will see, this can be achieved in just a few minutes.

For this tutorial, you do not need to install any software (except for a video capture program, if you do not already have one): We will directly edit the Python code on the microSD card that is inside JeVois.


Here, we will focus on step-by-step instructions for how to make all of this work.

Getting started

  • Connect JeVois to your host with the latest microSD image inside
  • In this tutorial we will:
    • Stop grabbing video, if you were using a video capture software on your host computer
    • Instruct JeVois to export its microSD card as a virtual USB drive
    • Browse the virtual USB drive on the host computer
    • Create a new Python module on that USB drive using a text editor
    • Eject the virtual USB drive. Upon eject, JeVois will restart
    • When it is back online, connect to JeVois, load your new module, and start saving images to microSD
    • Stop saving and export the microSD as a virtual flash drive again
    • Get the saved images.
  • Below we go over these steps one at a time.

Stop grabbing video

Exporting the microSD inside JeVois as a virtual USB flash drive poses potential data consistency issues between the host and JeVois camera, hence JeVois currently requires that no machine vision module be loaded and no video be streaming during access to its microSD over USB.

Thus, just close any video capture program before you attempt to export the microSD of JeVois over USB.

Instruct JeVois to export its microSD card as a virtual USB drive

To export the microSD inside JeVois, send the command usbsd to JeVois over a serial link. You can do that by first connecting to JeVois using a serial terminal and then typing this command. For example, use the Arduino IDE to connect, as done in Using the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to talk to JeVois.

Here, since we only want to give that one command to JeVois, we can also instead do:

  • Linux: in a Linux terminal, type:
    • jevois-usbsd start (to export it),
    • jevois-usbsd stop (to eject and reboot JeVois).
  • Mac OSX: echo usbsd > /dev/cu.usbmodem*
  • Windows: FIXME anyone can contribute a short command? Just use a serial terminal like Termite, Arduino IDE, etc for now.

Browse the virtual USB drive on the host computer

Here is what the microSD inside JeVois looks like when exported to a Mac host computer:

Create a new Python module on that USB drive using a text editor

The conventions for creating a new module are as follows:

  • create a directory JEVOIS:/modules/Vendor/ModuleName where

    • Vendor is a vendor name, used to group modules written by the same person or organization together
    • ModuleName is the name of your module

    Here, let us create a new directory JEVOIS:/modules/Test/SaveImages/

  • Then create a source code file which has the same file stem as the module's directory name, and in there create a class with again the same name. For a module written in python, we thus create a new file JEVOIS:/modules/Test/SaveImages/ using any text editor.
  • As explained in Programming machine vision modules with Python and Tutorial on how to write new machine vision modules in Python, here we just need to implement a Python class named SaveImages, with a function called processNoUSB() in it which will receive the next image from the camera sensor and will write it to disk, while outputing no video stream over USB (so the camera can work in standalone mode with no host computer).
  • Write the module:
import libjevois as jevois
import cv2
import numpy as np
class SaveImages:
# ###################################################################################################
## Constructor
def __init__(self):
self.frame = 0
# ###################################################################################################
## Process function with no USB output
def processNoUSB(self, inframe):
img = inframe.getCvBGR()
cv2.imwrite("/jevois/data/saveimages{}.png".format(self.frame), img)
self.frame += 1

That is, we get the frame from the camera as an OpenCV image with BGR pixels, then use the OpenCV function imwrite() to save it to disk as a PNG file. We use self.frame as a counter to give each new image a new name.

This module does not output any video, it just captures frames and saves them to microSD, with nothing to show. Have a look at the other Python tutorials for modules that also output video frames over USB.

Eject the virtual USB flash drive

To stop exporting the microSD inside JeVois, just do a proper eject of that drive:

  • Linux: right click on its icon and select eject
  • Mac OSX: drag the drive's icon on your desktop to trash
  • Windows: safely remove USB drive.

When you eject the drive, JeVois will restart. You will see its LED blink.

Connect to JeVois, load your new module, and start saving images to microSD

Once JeVois is back online, connect to it, for example using the Arduino IDE, as done in Using the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to talk to JeVois.

To load the module, we will use the setmapping2 JeVois command (see Command-line interface user guide):

setmapping2 YUYV 320 240 30.0 Test SaveImages

You can choose any resolution pixel format (here, YUYV), resolution (here, 320x240 pixels), and framerate (here, 30.0), that are supported by the JeVois camera sensor (see Advanced topic: Image pixel formats and Advanced topic: Video mappings and configuring machine vision modes for more info), namely:

  • Pixel formats: BAYER, YUYV, RGB565
  • Resolutions and frame rates:
    • SXGA (1280 x 1024): up to 15 fps
    • VGA (640 x 480): up to 30 fps
    • CIF (352 x 288): up to 60 fps
    • QVGA (320 x 240): up to 60 fps
    • QCIF (176 x 144): up to 120 fps
    • QQVGA (160 x 120): up to 60 fps
    • QQCIF (88 x 72): up to 120 fps

Finally, to start saving frames, we need to issue a:


which instructs the camera sensor to start streaming video, after which the captured video frames will be sent to our module's processNoUSB() function.

Because this example is very simple, it does not do any buffering. If your images take a long time to compress to PNG, or your microSD is slow, you may not be able to sustain your desired frame rate. Any extra frames received from the camera sensor while your processNoUSB() function is still running on a previous frame will just safely be dropped. You may want to also check out the SaveVideo module which can save video using a more complex multi-threaded buffering setup.

Stop saving and export the microSD as a virtual flash drive again

When done with saving images, issue a


and, to export the microSD as flash drive again, issue a


Now browse JEVOIS:/data/ for files named saveimagesXXX.png and enjoy! You can copy these files to your host computer, view them, delete them, etc as you would do with a regular USB flash drive.

Autonomous operation

It is possible to configure JeVois to automatically start capturing and saving images as soon as it is powered on. To achieve this, edit the file JEVOIS:/config/initscript.cfg and basically add the commands, which we have entered manually above, into that file:

setmapping2 YUYV 320 240 30.0 Test SaveImages

initscript.cfg is automatically executed when the camera starts up. You can just power JeVois from a USB battery pack and have it save pictures when it is powered on.

Likely, when using such a setup, you will also want to just turn power off when you are done. This can give rise to corruption of the last or last few frames that were saved, as those may still be in the disk cache and in the process of being written to microSD as you remove power. This could also potentially corrupt the whole filesystem on the microSD, though JeVois is quite robust at recovering from abrupt power failures. Just keep the camera on for a little more time than you expect to get usable data, so that the last few frames would not be so important if they end up being corrupted.