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Tripod for Jevois. Any recommendation.

+1 vote
How do you make your Jevois stand? Do you have a tripod for it? How did you attached it? Planning to DIY a stand for this camera and I need some inputs on how do you do it?
asked Apr 18, 2017 in Misc Questions by nimrod.resulta (130 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
How about drilling 4 holes in a standard tripod plate (the small plate that you can remove from the tripod), using the hole pattern shown here:

answered Apr 19, 2017 by JeVois (46,580 points)
+1 vote
Hey - I'm not sure if you're still interested in a solution for the tripod attachment, but I just designed a 3D printed mount for my own JeVois and uploaded it to Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2358684
answered Jun 1, 2017 by DrRickDaglessMD (170 points)
very nice, added a link to it in the CaseMounting docs. Thanks!
0 votes
Just take any tripod of your liking and attach Velcro on the Jevois camera unit and the tripod surface
answered Jun 18, 2017 by Tinob (200 points)