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How to run another bundled module by default?

0 votes
Sorry, I'm a bit new to C and Linux, and am patiently reading the documentation to get up to speed. In the mean time, I have a simple question: how can I switch to running the bundled/demo ArUco module by default instead of what currently runs (looks like it's "Saliency Demo").

I saw that switching the asterisk in the videomappings.cfg file doesn't do the trick on Linux. Is there a file I can edit to tell it which module to load, or do I have to recompile something?
asked Apr 19, 2017 in Misc Questions by Gregir (200 points)
edited Apr 21, 2017 by Gregir

1 Answer

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Best answer

If you're running the jevois-daemon from a terminal, see here. (It shows you how to use it on the host with a camera other than the jevois.  It also shows you how to configure the jevois to automatically start up running any module by editing initscript.cfg, which is handy if your module doesn't use video output)

Basically, from a terminal, you can run:


To start jevois-daemon in a specific mode, find its number in the listmapping list, then CTRL-C to quit jevois-daemon, and finally

jevois-daemon --videomapping=XX
By replacing XX with the mapping number you want.

If you're starting the module by streaming from the jevois camera to gucview or AMCap, just select the mode, resolution, and frame rate of the corresponding mapping you want to run as determined from the listmappings command.  See here for info on video mappings, here for using a Linux host, or here for a Windows host.

answered Apr 21, 2017 by franz (1,080 points)
selected Apr 24, 2017 by Gregir
Thanks, Franz