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timeline for availability of sensors ar0135, ar0135, ov2640 ?

0 votes

I'm really interested in testing the new sensors ar0135, ar0135, ov2640 ducumented here  => http://jevois.org/doc/Sensors.html

Is there a timelime when we can expect to buy them? (i' understand the support code is not finished, im fine with beta versions for now)

I don't need a release date, just a very rough estimate.

asked Nov 10, 2018 in User questions by fourchette (580 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
Thanks for your interest! We have a very limited number of AR0135 sensors here:



The ov2640 sensors are in the mail with DHL, scheduled for delivery in a few days.
answered Nov 14, 2018 by JeVois (46,580 points)
selected Dec 7, 2018 by fourchette
great! i will likely order them very soon.
Also, please post here the link to purchase ov2640 as soon as you receive it so that I can make on big purchase for the three of them. thanks

Or maybe you can create the ov2640  items on the webstore so that I can create and pay for the order immediately?
please please :/