I have a microcontroller connected to the serial output of the JeVois camera. Via this serial line I can send commands to the camera and receive its response.
For the DemoArUco module, when I power up the camera, I receive the boot messages:
INFO: JeVois 1.9.0
INFO: Linux version 3.4.39
INFO: CPU: 1344MHz, 30C, load: 0.24 0.05 0.02 1/57 87
INFO: MemTotal: 238428 kB, MemFree: 170328 kB
INFO: OUT: YUYV 640x300 @ 60fps CAM: YUYV 320x240 @ 60fps MOD: JeVois:DemoSaliency C++
Then I issue a number of commands:
setpar serout None
setmapping2 YUYV 320 240 30.0 JeVois DemoArUco
setpar serialdev Hard
setpar serlog Hard
setpar serstyle Detail
setpar serout Hard
And get the response:
ERR Unsupported command [streamoff]
INF Engine::setFormatInternal: OUT: NONE 0x0 @ 0fps CAM: YUYV 320x240 @ 30fps MOD: JeVois:DemoArUco C++
INF Camera::setFormat: Camera set video format to 320x240 YUYV
INF Engine::setFormatInternal: Instantiating dynamic loader for /jevois/modules/JeVois/DemoArUco/DemoArUco.so
INF Engine::setFormatInternal: Module [DemoArUco] loaded, initialized, and ready.
ERR engine:serialdev: Provided value [Hard] rejected because Parameter is frozen
INF Camera::streamOn: 5 buffers of 153600 bytes allocated
INF Gadget::streamOn: 4 buffers of 384000 bytes allocated
INF ArUco::detectMarkers: Loaded camera calibration from /jevois/share/camera/calibration320x240.yaml
And after that I receive the correct output if an ArUco code is in view, e.g.:
D2 U17 4 -284 215 -384 205 -382 178 -281 188
This all works fine as long as i power the camera via the USB of my computer (no jevois software such as jevois-inventor is running on this computer). However, when I power the camera via a power-only USB plug (so no data connection to the computer) I get the same response to the commands, but I receive no output if an ArUco code is in view.
What do I need to do to get this working without a connection to my computer?
It seems related to the problem mentioned here, but it gives no solution.