Have a look here to start: http://jevois.org/doc/UserLighting.html
So the main difference between jevois and regular webcams (or phone cams, etc) is that JeVois maintains its frame rate while other cameras will reduce frame rate so that they can achieve better exposure under a broad range of lighting conditions. By setting camera parameter 'presetwb' to 'shade' you will get the standard behavior (setcam presetwb shade).
Then I would first play with the inventor and switch exposure, gain, and white balance to manual. You can then tune the exposure, gain, and red and blue balances. Once you have good settings in the inventor, you can dump them into the params.cfg file of your module by pressing the button labeled "C" in the Config editor in JeVois Inventor. Just beware that you may need to re-order the lines, so that you first set autoexposure to 1 (1 means manual), then auto gain to 0, then autowb to 0, and finally your manual exposure, gain, redial, bluebell values.