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Line Follower in Python

0 votes

Simple Solution: I would like to write a line follower program in python that tracks a black line over white background and control a robot using Serial (example of the line  in this video on the left: https://youtu.be/ZC4VUt1I5FI - there many more video like that on youtube)

Advanced Solution:I saw a nice line follower solution - https://youtu.be/391dXDjqzXA but not written in python that follows the line and  keeps track on the line even if other lines enter the frame it also they support junction detection

How do you suggest to write this code on JeVois?

asked Mar 18, 2019 in Programmer Questions by DanDan (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
That first example is written in OpenCV using Python, which jevois fully supports.

So you should be able to port their code to jevois with minimal effort. See here for a tutorial on porting such code:


and the other tutorials at


The pixy2 I believe is open source but porting that code may be much harder since it does not use openCV and is more bare metal.
answered Mar 27, 2019 by JeVois (46,580 points)
Thank you for the answer!
Sorry but my question wasn't clear. I want to build a line follower robot.
I want to use the camera to identify the black line send instruction to the arduino to control the robot.
How do you suggest to use optical flow for this purpose?