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Best module to use for high FPS vehicle & object detection in a road setting?

0 votes
Hello, I am working on a project to design a system to mount on a bicycle for vehicle detection (optionally other objects on road as well).

I have tried to use some of the openCV stuff but it seems that it's limiting my frame rate to <5FPS which is not going to work for this project.

On the website it says TensorFlow will get up to 83 FPS.  Is this because C++ runs faster than python?

Is there any way to get python working with vehicle recognition at >30fps or am i confined to c++?


asked Oct 23, 2019 in Programmer Questions by navyjosh (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The main limitation of python is that it does not support true multithreading. So you are kind of stuck with using one core of JeVois when you could use 4 in C++ easily using std::async() to launch threads.

Now, having said that, you should also be aware that not much in terms of machine vision is actually implemented in python. Even OpenCV, that is all C++ under the hood. When you use OpenCV in python, that just calls the underlying C++ OpenCV implementation. For this reason, some OpenCV functions may still be highly efficient and multithreaded. So, usually, for pure OpenCV code, there is not much speed difference between python and C++, since python just calls the OpenCV C++ code. You would see big differences if, for example, you have a loop over all pixels in an image, and then do something in that loop. The loop may run much slower in python than C++. But as long as you only use image-level functions (like, for example, add two images) then the speed difference is negligible since the same optimized C++ code for matrix addition will be executed in both cases.

For TensorFlow and 83fps: this is with the smallest variant of MobileNets V1 quantized, that network runs at about 83fps. If you can cast your problem into something that a CNN could solve, then you can train your own mobilenet and run it on JeVois. See here:

answered Oct 23, 2019 by JeVois (46,580 points)
Thank you for your feedback, I think I will start this training link.

To piggyback on this question, I have another concern with the jevois-inventor software.

I am testing out the built-in modules for the camera, and some of them which claim to be 30fps or so are barely reaching 10% of that fps.

for example the built-in module: YUYV 320 264 30.0 YUYV 320 240 30.0 JeVois PyClassificationDNN

this advertises 30 fps but when i load it in the inventor i'm only getting 3.6 FPS

Is there something wrong with my camera or the software?
