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Interfacing to an ESP32 on RX2/TX2 problems!

+1 vote

I'm having an issue getting the JeVois to work with an ESP32 - I am trying to use RX2/TX2 - but so far I am unable to get it work. For a while I was getting nothing, I read that enabling the pullup on the RX2 would solve the problem, so I did that - and now all I get is a line of "?".  I have the baud rate set correctly (115200 in my sketch), but I'm wondering if RX2/TX2 supports it(?)

So I wanted to lower the baudrate on my camera - so I tried to change the settings using this guide and the params.cfg file: http://jevois.org/doc/UserSerial.html

but when I reloaded the module it would say something like "serial:baudrate=9600" unknown or something like that. "serialdev=/dev/ttyS0" also gave the same error.

I thought maybe it could be done in the initscript.cfg file, and saw that "baudrate" is highlighted, but 

adding "setpar baudrate 9600" didn't seem to have any effect. so I'm not sure if I'm using it right, or if I have it in the right place. Here is my initscript.cfg file:

setmapping2 YUYV 640 480 20.0 JeVois DemoArUco
setpar serlog None
setpar serout Hard
setpar serstyle Normal

setpar baudrate 9600

My questions would be has anyone used this with a ESP32, if so what made it work, or how did you make it work? my 2nd question is what is the right way to change the baudrate?


asked Nov 5, 2019 in Hardware Questions by kd8bxp (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
just to be sure, those changes should be done to JEVOIS:/config/params.cfg, right? That file his not available in JeVois Inventor so that novices will not modify it. You need to attach the microSD to a computer and then edit it. The entries you need to switch to 9600 baud are already in the file, you can just uncomment them.

This is the only file where serial can be changed, as those changes have to happen first when the camera starts. In initscript.cfg or in the module's params.cfg it is too late to change the serial settings.
answered Nov 11, 2019 by JeVois (46,580 points)