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Getting DemoDMP working under Jevois Inventor

0 votes

I have an AR0135 camera installed on Jevois, and everything works well in a linux virtualbox (Windows 7 running  jevois-1.14.0-ubuntu1804.vdi)

I've created my own python examples, and the demos work well, but 'd like to play a bit with DemoDMP featured here: http://jevois.org/moddoc/DemoDMP/modinfo.html

How can I enable this module under jevois inventor?

Many thanks,


asked Dec 19, 2019 in Misc Questions by pilesofspam (150 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
you need to uncomment the entry for DemoDMP that is already in videomappings.cfg but it is commented out by default. In JeVois Inventor, go to the Config tab and select videomappings.cfg and look towards the end of the file. Then remove the # sign in front of the entries for DemoIMU and DemoDMP

When you save the file to JeVois, the camera will reboot and the mappings will now appear in the menu to select vision mode.
answered Jan 10, 2020 by JeVois (46,580 points)
selected Jan 10, 2020 by pilesofspam