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3D CAD files?

+1 vote
Are there STEP or IGES files of the PCBA and/or the full assembly available? I'd like to start working on mounting schemes and custom enclosures.
asked Mar 5, 2017 in Hardware Questions by shadowtag (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

We added a page with basic JeVois smart camera mounting guidelines, which should be what most people need:


Also, as promised during the Kickstarter campaign, here are STL files for a fanless version of the camera case. The PCBs of your JeVois smart camera will fit in this case:


The case with fan remains a proprietary design at this point but we have arranged to be able to ship replacement platic parts, in case you destroy your original case while tinkering with it.

answered Mar 7, 2017 by JeVois (46,580 points)
The link to the STL files seems to be dead. Where can I find them?