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How can I store a Video frame by frame to the sdcard of my A33 cam

+1 vote
I wrote a Python code for storing a video on the sd-card of my a33 cam. My problem is, that the Filename will be stored, but I cannot write frames after opening the file. Here you can see my Python code. In the line "jevois.sendSerial(str(cap.isOpened()))" i can read, wether the File is opened or not. I always get the answer "false" (that means File not opened). I do not know what is wrong, where is my mistake. Can everybody help me? Every Tipp will be ok. Thank you.

def VideoSpeichern(self, frame):


    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

    # Der Dateiname besteht aus Objekt, Datum und Uhrzeit. Dies wird hier zusammengefuegt.

    now = datetime.now() # aktuelles Datum und Uhrzeit

    date_object = now.strftime("%Y%m%d") # Heutiges Datum in date_object ablegen

    time_object = now.strftime("%H%M%S") # Aktuelle Uhrzeit in time_object ablegen

    PfadDatei = ("modules/Dambrowsky/OpenCVObjektErkennungBilderVideo/BilderVideos/     Person"+"_"+str(date_object)+"_"+str(time_object)+".avi")

    # codec definieren und VideoWriter Objekt erzeugen

    fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'DIVX')

    out = cv2.VideoWriter(PfadDatei,fourcc, 20.0, (640,480))


    start = time.time()


        ret, frame = cap.read()


        if ret==True:

            frame = cv2.flip(frame,0)

            # frame in Datei schreiben


            end = time.time()

            jevois.sendSerial(end - start)

            if (end - start > 30):

                key = ord('q')




    # Alles wieder am Ende schliessen


asked Mar 2, 2020 in Programmer Questions by Peter (580 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Looks like you are opening "cap" as a video capture device but that is not available in JeVois modules.

The core JeVois software does the capture for you. All you need is to write a process() function that will be called each time a new frame is available from the sensor. In that function you can save your frames. Make sure you make "out" a class data member of your module so that it persists across multiple calls to process()

Have a look here for some guidance:



Start with the code for Hello. Open "out" (renamed self.out) in __init__ of the module). Then in process() add your "out.write(frame)". I recommend that you use an absolute path for your saved video (e.g., /jevois/myvideo.avi)
answered Mar 11, 2020 by JeVois (46,580 points)