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Python and OpenCV step-by-step example to upload to JeVois

0 votes
Can someone please put a step-by-step Python and OpenCV example to put live on JeVois via USB?  I am new and want to show my kids since they are learning Python.
asked Jun 17, 2017 in Programmer Questions by unga (300 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Thanks for your patience. We ended up adding a bunch of new features while writing that tutorial so it took a while. You need to get the latest microSD image (posted yesterday) and then check this one out:


In the next few days we will post more tutorials, including one on how to program a new Python module from scratch (as opposed to modifying an existing one).

We also posted more theoretical tutorials on how Python and OpenCV work under JeVois (but not step-by-step) here:


answered Jun 22, 2017 by JeVois (46,580 points)
Thank you JeVois.