JeVoisBase  1.23
JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit Base Modules
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1// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3// JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2016 by Laurent Itti, the University of Southern
4// California (USC), and iLab at USC. See and for information about this project.
6// This file is part of the JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit. This program is free software; you can
7// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
8// Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
9// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
10// License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
11// if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
13// Contact information: Laurent Itti - 3641 Watt Way, HNB-07A - Los Angeles, CA 90089-2520 - USA.
14// Tel: +1 213 740 3527 - - -
15// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
16/*! \file */
18#include <jevois/Core/Module.H>
19#include <jevois/Debug/Log.H>
20#include <jevois/Util/Utils.H>
22#include <jevois/Debug/Timer.H>
24#include <linux/videodev2.h>
25#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
26#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
28#include <vlfeat/vl/dsift.h>
30// Module parameters: allow user to play with step and binsize:
31static jevois::ParameterCategory const ParamCateg("Dense Sift Options");
33//! Parameter \relates DenseSift
34JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(step, unsigned int, "Keypoint step (pixels)", 11, ParamCateg);
36//! Parameter \relates DenseSift
37JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(binsize, unsigned int, "Descriptor bin size", 8, ParamCateg);
39// icon by Pixel Buddha in interface at flaticon
41//! Simple demo of dense SIFT feature descriptors extraction
42/*! Compute SIFT keypoint descriptors on a regular grid over the input image.
44 This module is useful when using JeVois as a pre-processor, delivering a dense array of keypoint descriptors to a
45 host computer, where the array is disguised as a grayscale video frame. Upon receiving the array of descriptors, the
46 host computer can further process them. For example, the host computer may compute camera motion in space by
47 matching descriptors across successive frames, or may attempt to detect and identify objects based on the
48 descriptors.
50 Beware that changing the values for the \p step and \p binsize parameters changes the output image size, so you need
51 to adjust your video mappings accordingly. Hence, setting those parameters is best done once and for all in the
52 module's optional \b params.cfg or \b script.cfg file.
54 This module can either have a color YUYV output, which shows the original camera image, keypoint locations, and
55 descriptor values; or a greyscale output, which is just the descriptor values.
57 This algorithm is implemented using the VLfeat library. It is quite slow, maybe because this library is a bit old
58 and appears to be single-threaded.
61 @author Laurent Itti
63 @displayname Dense SIFT
64 @videomapping YUYV 288 120 5.0 YUYV 160 120 5.0 JeVois DenseSift
65 @videomapping GREY 128 117 5.0 YUYV 160 120 5.0 JeVois DenseSift
66 @email itti\
67 @address University of Southern California, HNB-07A, 3641 Watt Way, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2520, USA
68 @copyright Copyright (C) 2016 by Laurent Itti, iLab and the University of Southern California
69 @mainurl
70 @supporturl
71 @otherurl
72 @license GPL v3
73 @distribution Unrestricted
74 @restrictions None
75 \ingroup modules */
77 public jevois::Parameter<step, binsize>
79 public:
80 //! Default base class constructor ok
83 //! Virtual destructor for safe inheritance
84 virtual ~DenseSift() { }
86 //! Processing function
87 virtual void process(jevois::InputFrame && inframe, jevois::OutputFrame && outframe) override
88 {
89 static jevois::Timer timer("processing");
91 // Wait for next available camera image:
92 jevois::RawImage inimg = inframe.get();
93 unsigned int const w = inimg.width, h = inimg.height;
94 inimg.require("input", w, h, V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV); // any image size but require YUYV pixels
95 bool demodisplay = false;
97 timer.start();
99 // Create the dense sift filter:
100 VlDsiftFilter * vlds = vl_dsift_new_basic(w, h, step::get(), binsize::get());
101 int const descsize = vl_dsift_get_descriptor_size(vlds);
102 int const numkp = vl_dsift_get_keypoint_num(vlds);
104 // Everything from here on is in a try-catch so we de-allocate vlds on exception:
105 try
106 {
107 // While we convert it, start a thread to wait for out frame and paste the input into it:
108 jevois::RawImage outimg;
109 auto paste_fut = jevois::async([&]() {
110 // Get next output video frame:
111 outimg = outframe.get();
113 // Do we want color (demo) or grey (raw data) output:
114 switch (outimg.fmt)
115 {
116 case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV:
117 demodisplay = true;
118 outimg.require("output", w + 128, h, V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV);
119 jevois::rawimage::paste(inimg, outimg, 0, 0);
120 jevois::rawimage::writeText(outimg, "JeVois Dense SIFT Demo", 3, 3, jevois::yuyv::White);
122 // if the number of keypoints (based on step) is smaller than image height, blank out bottom:
123 if (numkp < int(h))
124 jevois::rawimage::drawFilledRect(outimg, w, numkp, descsize, h-numkp, jevois::yuyv::DarkGrey);
125 break;
127 case V4L2_PIX_FMT_GREY:
128 demodisplay = false;
129 outimg.require("output", descsize, numkp, V4L2_PIX_FMT_GREY);
130 break;
132 default: LFATAL("This module only supports YUYV or GREY output images");
133 }
134 });
136 // Convert input frame to gray byte first:
137 cv::Mat grayimgcv = jevois::rawimage::convertToCvGray(inimg);
139 // Then we need it as floats for vlfeat:
140 cv::Mat floatimgcv; grayimgcv.convertTo(floatimgcv, CV_32F, 1.0, 0.0);
142 // Wait for paste to finish up:
143 paste_fut.get();
145 // Let camera know we are done processing the input image:
146 inframe.done();
148 // Process the float gray image:
149 vl_dsift_process(vlds, reinterpret_cast<float const *>(;
151 // Get the descriptors: size is descsize * numkp:
152 float const * descriptors = vl_dsift_get_descriptors(vlds);
154 // Convert them to byte using opencv. The conversion factor should be 255, but for demo display the descriptors
155 // look mostly black, so we use a higher factor for demo display:
156 cv::Mat dfimg(numkp, descsize, CV_32FC1, reinterpret_cast<void *>(const_cast<float *>(descriptors)));
157 cv::Mat bdfimg; dfimg.convertTo(bdfimg, CV_8U, (demodisplay ? 512.0 : 255.0), 0.0);
159 std::string const & fpscpu = timer.stop();
161 if (demodisplay)
162 {
163 // Paste into our output image:
164 jevois::rawimage::pasteGreyToYUYV(bdfimg, outimg, w, 0);
165 jevois::rawimage::writeText(outimg, "SIFT", w + 3, 3, jevois::yuyv::LightGreen);
167 // Draw the keypoint locations and scale:
168 VlDsiftKeypoint const * keypoints = vl_dsift_get_keypoints(vlds);
170 for (int i = 0; i < numkp; ++i)
171 {
172 VlDsiftKeypoint const & kp = keypoints[i];
173 unsigned int s = (unsigned int)(kp.s / 150.0 + 1.499); if (s >20) s = 20;
174 jevois::rawimage::drawDisk(outimg, int(kp.x + 0.499), int(kp.y + 0.499), s, jevois::yuyv::LightPink);
175 }
177 // Show processing fps:
178 jevois::rawimage::writeText(outimg, fpscpu, 3, h - 13, jevois::yuyv::White);
179 }
180 else
181 {
182 // Just copy the byte-converted descriptors to the output image:
183 memcpy(outimg.buf->data(),, outimg.width * outimg.height);
184 }
186 // Send the output image with our processing results to the host over USB:
187 outframe.send();
188 }
189 catch (...) { jevois::warnAndIgnoreException(); }
191 // Nuke the dense sift computer:
192 vl_dsift_delete(vlds);
193 }
196// Allow the module to be loaded as a shared object (.so) file:
int h
Simple demo of dense SIFT feature descriptors extraction.
Definition DenseSift.C:78
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(binsize, unsigned int, "Descriptor bin size", 8, ParamCateg)
virtual ~DenseSift()
Virtual destructor for safe inheritance.
Definition DenseSift.C:84
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(step, unsigned int, "Keypoint step (pixels)", 11, ParamCateg)
virtual void process(jevois::InputFrame &&inframe, jevois::OutputFrame &&outframe) override
Processing function.
Definition DenseSift.C:87
friend friend class Module
unsigned int fmt
unsigned int width
unsigned int height
void require(char const *info, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned int f) const
std::shared_ptr< VideoBuf > buf
std::string const & stop(double *seconds)
std::string warnAndIgnoreException(std::string const &prefix="")
void writeText(RawImage &img, std::string const &txt, int x, int y, unsigned int col, Font font=Font6x10)
cv::Mat convertToCvGray(RawImage const &src)
void drawDisk(RawImage &img, int x, int y, unsigned int rad, unsigned int col)
void pasteGreyToYUYV(cv::Mat const &src, RawImage &dest, int dx, int dy)
std::future< std::invoke_result_t< std::decay_t< Function >, std::decay_t< Args >... > > async(Function &&f, Args &&... args)
unsigned short constexpr LightPink
unsigned short constexpr White
unsigned short constexpr LightGreen