JeVoisBase  1.23
JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit Base Modules
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1// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3// JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2016 by Laurent Itti, the University of Southern
4// California (USC), and iLab at USC. See and for information about this project.
6// This file is part of the JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit. This program is free software; you can
7// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
8// Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
9// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
10// License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
11// if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
13// Contact information: Laurent Itti - 3641 Watt Way, HNB-07A - Los Angeles, CA 90089-2520 - USA.
14// Tel: +1 213 740 3527 - - -
15// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
16/*! \file */
18#include <jevois/Core/Module.H>
19#include <jevois/Debug/Log.H>
20#include <jevois/Util/Utils.H>
22#include <jevois/Debug/Timer.H>
24#include <linux/videodev2.h>
26#include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp>
28#include <cstdio> // for std::remove
30// icon by Vectors Market in arrows at flaticon
32static jevois::ParameterCategory const ParamCateg("Object Detection Options");
34//! Define a pair of floats, to avoid macro parsing problems when used as a parameter:
35typedef std::pair<float, float> floatpair;
37//! Parameter \relates ObjectDetect
39 "Width and height (in percent of image size, with valid percentages between "
40 "10.0 and 100.0) of the window used to interactively save objects",
41 floatpair(50.0F, 50.0F), ParamCateg);
43//! Parameter \relates ObjectDetect
44JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(showwin, bool, "Show the interactive image capture window when true", false, ParamCateg);
46//! Simple object detection using keypoint matching
47/*! This module finds objects by matching keypoint descriptors between the current image and a set of training
48 images. Here we use SURF keypoints and descriptors as provided by OpenCV.
50 The algorithm consists of 4 phases:
51 - detect keypoint locations, typically corners or other distinctive texture elements or markings;
52 - compute keypoint descriptors, which are summary representations of the image neighborhood around each keypoint;
53 - match descriptors from current image to descriptors previously extracted from training images;
54 - if enough matches are found between the current image and a given training image, and they are of good enough
55 quality, compute the homography (geometric transformation) between keypoint locations in that training image and
56 locations of the matching keypoints in the current image. If it is well conditioned (i.e., a 3D viewpoint change
57 could well explain how the keypoints moved between the training and current images), declare that a match was
58 found, and draw a green rectangle around the detected object.
60 The algorithm comes by default with one training image, for the Priority Mail logo of the U.S. Postal
61 Service. Search for "USPS priority mail" on the web and point JeVois to a picture of the logo on your screen to
62 recognize it. See the screenshots of this module for examples of how that logo looks.
64 Offline training
65 ----------------
67 Simply add images of the objects you want to detect in <b>JEVOIS:/modules/JeVois/ObjectDetect/images/</b> on your
68 JeVois microSD card. Those will be processed when the module starts. The names of recognized objects returned by
69 this module are simply the file names of the pictures you have added in that directory. No additional training
70 procedure is needed. Beware that the more images you add, the slower the algorithm will run, and the higher your
71 chances of confusions among several of your objects.
73 With \jvversion{1.1} or later, you do not need to eject the microSD from JeVois, and you can instead add images live
74 by exporting the microSD inside JeVois using the \c usbsd command. See \ref MicroSD (last section) for details. When
75 you are done adding new images or deleting unwanted ones, properly eject the virtual USB flash drive, and JeVois
76 will restart and load the new training data.
78 Live training
79 -------------
81 With \jvversion{1.2} and later you can train this algorithm live by telling JeVois to capture and save an image of
82 an object, which can be used later to identify this object again.
84 First, enable display of a training window using:
85 \verbatim
86 setpar showwin true
87 \endverbatim
89 You should now see a gray rectangle. You can adjust the window size and aspect ratio using the \p win parameter. By
90 default, the algorithm will train new objects that occupy half the width and height of the camera image.
92 Point your JeVois camera to a clean view of an object you want to learn (if possible, with a blank, featureless
93 background, as this algorithm does not attempt to segment objects and would otherwise also learn features of the
94 background as part of the object). Make sure the objects fits inside the gray rectangle and fills as much of it as
95 possible. You should adjust the distance between the object and the camera, and the grey rectangle, to roughly match
96 the distance at which you want to detect that object in the future. Then issue the command:
98 \verbatim
99 save somename
100 \endverbatim
102 over a serial connection to JeVois, where \a somename is the name you want to give to this object. This will grab
103 the current camera image, crop it using the gray rectangle, and save the crop as a new training image
104 <b>somename.png</b> for immediate use. The algorithm will immediately re-train on all objects, including the new
105 one. You should see the object being detected shortly after you send your save command. Note that we save the image
106 as grayscale since this algorithm does not use color anyway.
108 You can see the list of current images by using command:
110 \verbatim
111 list
112 \endverbatim
114 Finally, you can delete an image using command:
116 \verbatim
117 del somename
118 \endverbatim
120 where \a somename is the object name without extension, and a .png extension will be added. The image will
121 immediately be deleted and that object will not be recognized anymore.
123 For more information, see JeVois tutorial [Live training of the Object Detection
124 module]( and the associated video:
126 \youtube{qwJOcsbkZLE}
128 Serial Messages
129 ---------------
131 This module can send standardized serial messages as described in \ref UserSerialStyle. One message is issued on
132 every video frame for the best detected object (highest score).
134 - Serial message type: \b 2D
135 - `id`: filename of the recognized object
136 - `x`, `y`: standardized 2D coordinates of the object center
137 - `w`, `h`, or vertices: Standardized bounding box around the object
138 - `extra`: none (empty string)
140 See \ref UserSerialStyle for more on standardized serial messages, and \ref coordhelpers for more info on
141 standardized coordinates.
143 Programmer notes
144 ----------------
146 This algorithm is quite slow. So, here, we alternate between computing keypoints and descriptors on one frame (or
147 more, depending on how slow that gets), and doing the matching on the next frame. This module also provides an
148 example of letting some computation happen even after we exit the `process()` function. Here, we keep detecting
149 keypoints and computing descriptors even outside `process()`. The itsKPfut future is our handle to that thread, and
150 we also use it to alternate between detection and matching on alternating frames.
153 @author Laurent Itti
155 @videomapping YUYV 320 252 30.0 YUYV 320 240 30.0 JeVois ObjectDetect
156 @modulecommand list - show current list of training images
157 @modulecommand save somename - grab current frame and save as new training image somename.png
158 @modulecommand del somename - delete training image somename.png
159 @email itti\
160 @address University of Southern California, HNB-07A, 3641 Watt Way, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2520, USA
161 @copyright Copyright (C) 2016 by Laurent Itti, iLab and the University of Southern California
162 @mainurl
163 @supporturl
164 @otherurl
165 @license GPL v3
166 @distribution Unrestricted
167 @restrictions None
168 \ingroup modules */
170 public jevois::Parameter<win, showwin>
172 public:
173 // ####################################################################################################
174 //! Constructor
175 // ####################################################################################################
176 ObjectDetect(std::string const & instance) : jevois::StdModule(instance), itsDist(1.0e30)
177 { itsMatcher = addSubComponent<ObjectMatcher>("surf"); }
179 // ####################################################################################################
180 //! Virtual destructor for safe inheritance
181 // ####################################################################################################
182 virtual ~ObjectDetect() { }
184 // ####################################################################################################
185 //! Parameter callback
186 // ####################################################################################################
187 void onParamChange(win const & JEVOIS_UNUSED_PARAM(param), floatpair const & newval) override
188 {
189 // Just check that the values are valid here. They will get stored in our param and used later:
190 if (newval.first < 10.0F || newval.first > 100.0F || newval.second < 10.0F || newval.second > 100.0F)
191 throw std::range_error("Invalid window percentage values, must be between 10.0 and 100.0");
192 }
194 // ####################################################################################################
195 //! Processing function with no USB output
196 // ####################################################################################################
197 virtual void process(jevois::InputFrame && inframe) override
198 {
199 static jevois::Timer timer("processing", 100, LOG_DEBUG);
201 // Wait for next available camera image. Any resolution and format ok, we just convert to grayscale:
202 itsGrayImg = inframe.getCvGRAY();
204 timer.start();
206 // Compute keypoints and descriptors, then match descriptors to our training images:
207 itsDist = itsMatcher->process(itsGrayImg, itsTrainIdx, itsCorners);
209 // Send message about object if a good one was found:
210 if (itsDist < 100.0 && itsCorners.size() == 4)
211 sendSerialContour2D(itsGrayImg.cols, itsGrayImg.rows, itsCorners, itsMatcher->traindata(itsTrainIdx).name);
213 // Show processing fps to log:
214 timer.stop();
215 }
217 // ####################################################################################################
218 //! Processing function with USB output
219 // ####################################################################################################
220 virtual void process(jevois::InputFrame && inframe, jevois::OutputFrame && outframe) override
221 {
222 static jevois::Timer timer("processing", 100, LOG_DEBUG);
224 // Wait for next available camera image. Any resolution ok, but require YUYV since we assume it for drawings:
225 jevois::RawImage inimg = inframe.get(); unsigned int const w = inimg.width, h = inimg.height;
226 inimg.require("input", w, h, V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV);
228 timer.start();
230 // While we process it, start a thread to wait for output frame and paste the input image into it:
231 jevois::RawImage outimg; // main thread should not use outimg until paste thread is complete
232 auto paste_fut = jevois::async([&]() {
233 outimg = outframe.get();
234 outimg.require("output", w, h + 12, inimg.fmt);
235 jevois::rawimage::paste(inimg, outimg, 0, 0);
236 jevois::rawimage::writeText(outimg, "JeVois SURF Object Detection Demo", 3, 3, jevois::yuyv::White);
237 jevois::rawimage::drawFilledRect(outimg, 0, h, w, outimg.height-h, 0x8000);
238 });
240 // Decide what to do on this frame depending on itsKPfut: if it is valid, we have been computing some new
241 // keypoints and descriptors and we should match them now if that computation is finished. If it is not finished,
242 // we will just skip this frame and only do some drawings on it while we wait some more. If we have not been
243 // computing keypoints and descriptors, that means we did some matching on the last frame, so start computing a
244 // new set of keypoints and descriptors now:
245 if (itsKPfut.valid())
246 {
247 // Are we finished yet with computing the keypoints and descriptors?
248 if (itsKPfut.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2)) == std::future_status::ready)
249 {
250 // Do a get() on our future to free up the async thread and get any exception it might have thrown:
251 itsKPfut.get();
253 // Match descriptors to our training images:
254 itsDist = itsMatcher->match(itsKeypoints, itsDescriptors, itsTrainIdx, itsCorners);
255 }
257 // Future is not ready, do nothing except drawings on this frame and we will try again on the next one...
258 }
259 else
260 {
261 // Convert input image to greyscale:
262 itsGrayImg = jevois::rawimage::convertToCvGray(inimg);
264 // Start a thread that will compute keypoints and descriptors:
265 itsKPfut = jevois::async([&]() {
266 itsMatcher->detect(itsGrayImg, itsKeypoints);
267 itsMatcher->compute(itsGrayImg, itsKeypoints, itsDescriptors);
268 });
269 }
271 // Wait for paste to finish up:
272 paste_fut.get();
274 // Let camera know we are done processing the input image:
275 inframe.done();
277 // Draw object if one was found (note: given the flip-flop above, drawing locations only get updated at half the
278 // frame rate, i.e., we draw the same thing on two successive video frames):
279 if (itsDist < 100.0 && itsCorners.size() == 4)
280 {
281 jevois::rawimage::drawLine(outimg, int(itsCorners[0].x + 0.499F), int(itsCorners[0].y + 0.499F),
282 int(itsCorners[1].x + 0.499F), int(itsCorners[1].y + 0.499F),
284 jevois::rawimage::drawLine(outimg, int(itsCorners[1].x + 0.499F), int(itsCorners[1].y + 0.499F),
285 int(itsCorners[2].x + 0.499F), int(itsCorners[2].y + 0.499F), 2,
287 jevois::rawimage::drawLine(outimg, int(itsCorners[2].x + 0.499F), int(itsCorners[2].y + 0.499F),
288 int(itsCorners[3].x + 0.499F), int(itsCorners[3].y + 0.499F), 2,
290 jevois::rawimage::drawLine(outimg, int(itsCorners[3].x + 0.499F), int(itsCorners[3].y + 0.499F),
291 int(itsCorners[0].x + 0.499F), int(itsCorners[0].y + 0.499F), 2,
293 jevois::rawimage::writeText(outimg, std::string("Detected: ") + itsMatcher->traindata(itsTrainIdx).name +
294 " avg distance " + std::to_string(itsDist), 3, h + 1, jevois::yuyv::White);
296 sendSerialContour2D(w, h, itsCorners, itsMatcher->traindata(itsTrainIdx).name);
297 }
299 // Show capture window if desired:
300 if (showwin::get())
301 {
302 floatpair const wi = win::get();
303 int const ww = (wi.first * 0.01F) * w, wh = (wi.second * 0.01F) * h;
304 jevois::rawimage::drawRect(outimg, (w - ww) / 2, (h - wh) / 2, ww, wh, 1, jevois::yuyv::MedGrey);
305 }
307 // Show processing fps:
308 std::string const & fpscpu = timer.stop();
309 jevois::rawimage::writeText(outimg, fpscpu, 3, h - 13, jevois::yuyv::White);
311 // Send the output image with our processing results to the host over USB:
312 outframe.send();
313 }
315 // ####################################################################################################
316 //! Receive a string from a serial port which contains a user command
317 // ####################################################################################################
318 void parseSerial(std::string const & str, std::shared_ptr<jevois::UserInterface> s) override
319 {
320 std::vector<std::string> tok = jevois::split(str);
321 if (tok.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported empty module command");
322 std::string const dirname = absolutePath(itsMatcher->traindir::get());
324 if (tok[0] == "save")
325 {
326 if (tok.size() == 1) throw std::runtime_error("save command requires one <name> argument");
328 // Crop itsGrayImg using the desired window:
329 floatpair const wi = win::get();
330 int ww = (wi.first * 0.01F) * itsGrayImg.cols;
331 int wh = (wi.second * 0.01F) * itsGrayImg.rows;
332 cv::Rect cr( (itsGrayImg.cols - ww) / 2, (itsGrayImg.rows - wh) / 2, ww, wh);
334 // Save it:
335 cv::imwrite(dirname + '/' + tok[1] + ".png", itsGrayImg(cr));
336 s->writeString(tok[1] + ".png saved and trained.");
337 }
338 else if (tok[0] == "del")
339 {
340 if (tok.size() == 1) throw std::runtime_error("del command requires one <name> argument");
341 if (std::remove((dirname + '/' + tok[1] + ".png").c_str()))
342 throw std::runtime_error("Failed to delete " + tok[1] + ".png");
343 s->writeString(tok[1] + ".png deleted and forgotten.");
344 }
345 else if (tok[0] == "list")
346 {
347 std::string lst = jevois::system("/bin/ls \"" + dirname + '\"');
348 std::vector<std::string> files = jevois::split(lst, "\\n");
349 for (std::string const & f : files) s->writeString(f);
350 return;
351 }
352 else throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported module command [" + str + ']');
354 // If we get here, we had a successful save or del. We need to nuke our matcher and re-load it to retrain:
355 // First, wait until our component is not computing anymore:
356 try { if (itsKPfut.valid()) itsKPfut.get(); } catch (...) { }
358 // Detach the sub:
359 removeSubComponent(itsMatcher);
361 // Nuke it:
362 itsMatcher.reset();
364 // Nuke any other old data:
365 itsKeypoints.clear(); itsDescriptors = cv::Mat(); itsDist = 1.0e30; itsCorners.clear();
367 // Instantiate a new one, it will load the training data:
368 itsMatcher = addSubComponent<ObjectMatcher>("surf");
369 }
371 // ####################################################################################################
372 //! Human-readable description of this Module's supported custom commands
373 // ####################################################################################################
374 void supportedCommands(std::ostream & os) override
375 {
376 os << "list - show current list of training images" << std::endl;
377 os << "save <somename> - grab current frame and save as new training image <somename>.png" << std::endl;
378 os << "del <somename> - delete training image <somename>.png" << std::endl;
379 }
381 private:
382 std::shared_ptr<ObjectMatcher> itsMatcher;
383 std::future<void> itsKPfut;
384 cv::Mat itsGrayImg;
385 std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> itsKeypoints;
386 cv::Mat itsDescriptors;
387 size_t itsTrainIdx;
388 double itsDist;
389 std::vector<cv::Point2f> itsCorners;
392// Allow the module to be loaded as a shared object (.so) file:
int h
std::pair< float, float > floatpair
Define a pair of floats, to avoid macro parsing problems when used as a parameter:
Simple object detection using keypoint matching.
virtual void process(jevois::InputFrame &&inframe, jevois::OutputFrame &&outframe) override
Processing function with USB output.
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER_WITH_CALLBACK(win, floatpair, "Width and height (in percent of image size, with valid percentages between " "10.0 and 100.0) of the window used to interactively save objects", floatpair(50.0F, 50.0F), ParamCateg)
ObjectDetect(std::string const &instance)
virtual ~ObjectDetect()
Virtual destructor for safe inheritance.
void supportedCommands(std::ostream &os) override
Human-readable description of this Module's supported custom commands.
virtual void process(jevois::InputFrame &&inframe) override
Processing function with no USB output.
void onParamChange(win const &JEVOIS_UNUSED_PARAM(param), floatpair const &newval) override
Parameter callback.
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(showwin, bool, "Show the interactive image capture window when true", false, ParamCateg)
void parseSerial(std::string const &str, std::shared_ptr< jevois::UserInterface > s) override
Receive a string from a serial port which contains a user command.
std::filesystem::path absolutePath(std::filesystem::path const &path="")
void removeSubComponent(std::shared_ptr< Comp > &component)
unsigned int fmt
unsigned int width
unsigned int height
void require(char const *info, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned int f) const
StdModule(std::string const &instance)
void sendSerialContour2D(unsigned int camw, unsigned int camh, std::vector< cv::Point_< T > > points, std::string const &id="", std::string const &extra="")
std::string const & stop(double *seconds)
void paste(RawImage const &src, RawImage &dest, int dx, int dy)
void writeText(RawImage &img, std::string const &txt, int x, int y, unsigned int col, Font font=Font6x10)
cv::Mat convertToCvGray(RawImage const &src)
void drawFilledRect(RawImage &img, int x, int y, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned int col)
void drawLine(RawImage &img, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, unsigned int thick, unsigned int col)
void drawRect(RawImage &img, int x, int y, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned int thick, unsigned int col)
std::future< std::invoke_result_t< std::decay_t< Function >, std::decay_t< Args >... > > async(Function &&f, Args &&... args)
std::string system(std::string const &cmd, bool errtoo=true)
std::vector< std::string > split(std::string const &input, std::string const &regex="\\s+")
unsigned short constexpr White
unsigned short constexpr MedGrey
unsigned short constexpr LightGreen