JeVois  1.21
JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit
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1// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3// JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2016 by Laurent Itti, the University of Southern
4// California (USC), and iLab at USC. See and for information about this project.
6// This file is part of the JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit. This program is free software; you can
7// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
8// Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
9// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
10// License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
11// if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
13// Contact information: Laurent Itti - 3641 Watt Way, HNB-07A - Los Angeles, CA 90089-2520 - USA.
14// Tel: +1 213 740 3527 - - -
15// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
16/*! \file */
18#pragma once
24#include <mutex>
26namespace jevois
28 //! JeVois camera driver class - grabs frames from a Video4Linux camera sensor
29 /*! On the platform hardware, the Camera class provides access to the camera sensor on the parallel camera bus
30 (CSI). On other hardware, it can provide access to any Video4Linux2 camera (e.g., USB webcam), although with some
31 limitations, such as:
32 - cannot read/write raw camera registers.
33 - usually cannot select any frames/s but instead limited to a few fixed values like 15fps, 30fps.
34 - usually limited to 30fps max (no 60fps or 120fps modes like on JeVois platform hardware)
35 - usually limited number of controls (exposure, gain, etc) available.
37 The camera runs a thread that handles capturing frames automatically. Users can access the next grabbed frame
38 using get(), which may block until the frame is fully captured. Once they are finished with a frame obtained
39 through get(), users should hand it back to the Camera by calling done(). When using the JeVois Engine and a
40 Module, get() and done() are automatically called in an exception-safe manner through the use of the InputFrame
41 class. Indeed, video grabbing uses a fixed set of image buffers that are allocated by the Linux kernel when a
42 video format is configured, and the camera hardware then cycles through the buffers. On the platform, the camera
43 image buffers are allocated in the ION carveout memory area, which is a reserved memory zone configured in the
44 Linux kernel, and the USB output buffers are also allocated in that zone. To avoid reserving too much memory that
45 will not be used, the ION carveout reservation is quite small by default, but is sufficient for 3 1280x1024 YUYV
46 buffers.
48 Camera implements a zero-copy, zero-wait access to input video frames, that is:
49 - the pixel data of the image you obtain via get() is directly the memory-mapped pixel buffer that the silicon
50 hardware on the JeVois chip uses via direct-memory-access (DMA) to stream the pixel data from the camera chip to
51 processor memory;
52 - as soon as an image is captured by the camera hardware, get() unblocks and returns it (as opposed to having a
53 fixed, regular interval at which images may be available). Camera has several image buffers, allowing one to be
54 captured while another is being handed over for processing via get(). These buffers are recycled, i.e., once
55 done() is called, the underlying buffer is sent back to the camera hardware for future capture.
57 Camera will drop frames if they are not processed by user code fast enough. That is, if all buffers have been
58 grabbed already and not yet handed over through get() and then returned by done(), then the next camera sensor
59 frame will be dropped.
61 Most programmers will never use Camera directly, instead using Engine and InputFrame. \ingroup core */
62 class Camera : public VideoInput
63 {
64 public:
65 //! Construct and open the device
66 /*! \param devname device name, e.g., /dev/video0
67 \param s currently installed camera sensor
68 \param nbufs number of video grab buffers, or 0 for automatic. */
69 Camera(std::string const & devname, jevois::CameraSensor s = jevois::CameraSensor::any,
70 unsigned int const nbufs = 0);
72 //! Close the device and free all resources
73 ~Camera();
75 //! Start streaming
76 void streamOn() override;
78 //! Abort streaming
79 /*! This only cancels future get() and done() calls, one should still call streamOff() to turn off streaming. */
80 void abortStream() override;
82 //! Stop streaming
83 void streamOff() override;
85 //! Get the next captured buffer
86 /*! Throws if we are not streaming or blocks until an image is available (has been captured). img should have been
87 created by the caller (with no pixel buffer allocated) and will be filled in by what we receive from the
88 device here. */
89 void get(RawImage & img) override;
91 //! Check whether a second input image scaled by the JeVoisPro Platform ISP is available
92 /*! Returns false unless we are on JeVois-Pro Platform and the camera format modifier jevois::CropType::CropScale
93 is currently in use. */
94 bool hasScaledImage() const override;
96 //! Get the next captured buffer, for second ISP-scaled image
97 /*! On JeVois-Pro Platform only, the camera ISP can output 2 frames: 1) raw from sensor, 2) scaled by ISP. This
98 function is to access the ISP scaled frame. Throws if not JeVois-Pro Platform or the camera stream type is not
99 jevois::StreamType::RawAndScaled. Throws if we are not streaming or blocks until an image is available (has
100 been captured). img should have been created by the caller (with no pixel buffer allocated) and will be filled
101 in by what we receive from the device here. */
102 void get2(RawImage & img) override;
104 //! Indicate that user processing is done with an image previously obtained via get()
105 /*! You should call this as soon after get() as possible, once you are finished with the RawImage data so that it
106 can be recycled.
108 Calling done() on a RawImage invalidates the image and in particular its pixel buffer. Users should make sure
109 that no attempt to use the image or the pixel buffer will be made after done() is called. */
110 void done(RawImage & img) override;
112 //! Indicate that user processing is done with an image previously obtained via get2()
113 /*! You should call this as soon after get2() as possible, once you are finished with the RawImage data so that it
114 can be recycled.
116 Calling done2() on a RawImage invalidates the image and in particular its pixel buffer. Users should make sure
117 that no attempt to use the image or the pixel buffer will be made after done2() is called. */
118 void done2(RawImage & img) override;
120 //! Get information about a control, throw if unsupported by hardware
121 /*! Caller should zero-out qc and then set the id field to the desired control id. See VIDIOC_QUERYCTRL for more
122 information. */
123 void queryControl(struct v4l2_queryctrl & qc) const override;
125 //! Get the available menu entry names for a menu-type control, throw if unsupported by hardware
126 /*! Caller should zero-out qm and then set the id and index fields to the desired control id and menu item
127 index. See VIDIOC_QUERYMENU for more information. */
128 void queryMenu(struct v4l2_querymenu & qm) const override;
130 //! Get a control's current value, throw if unsupported by hardware
131 /*! This is just a pass-through to VIDIOC_G_CTRL, users should zero-out ctrl and then set in the desired
132 control ID. */
133 void getControl(struct v4l2_control & ctrl) const;
135 //! Set a control, throw if control not supported or the hardware rejects the value
136 /*! This is just a pass-through to VIDIOC_S_CTRL */
137 void setControl(struct v4l2_control const & ctrl) override;
139 //! Set the video format and frame rate
140 void setFormat(VideoMapping const & m) override;
142 //! Write a value to one of the camera's registers
143 /*! This very low-level access is for development of optimal camera settings only and should not be used in normal
144 operation, it can crash your system. */
145 void writeRegister(unsigned short reg, unsigned short val);
147 //! Read a value from one of the camera's registers
148 /*! This very low-level access is for development of optimal camera settings only and should not be used in normal
149 operation, it can crash your system. */
150 unsigned short readRegister(unsigned short reg);
152 //! Lock the camera and return its file descriptor
153 /*! Used by IMUi2c to access the IMU registers over the I2C bus shared with the camera sensor. Use with caution
154 and make sure you catch exceptions so you can guarantee that you will call unlock(), otherwise your camera
155 will be stuck and enable to stream. */
156 int lock();
158 //! Unlock the camera that was previously locked by lock()
159 void unlock();
161 protected:
162 //! Sensor flags
163 /*! Keep this in sync with jevois-sdk/linux-3.4/drivers/media/video/sunxi-vfe/device/camera.h */
171 //! Get the sensor flags
174 private:
175 jevois::CameraSensor itsSensor;
176 std::vector<std::shared_ptr<jevois::CameraDevice>> itsDev;
177 int itsDevIdx = -1, itsDev2Idx = -1;
178 int itsFd = -1, itsFd2 = -1;
179 Flags itsFlags;
181 mutable std::timed_mutex itsMtx;
182 };
184} // namespace jevois
JeVois camera driver class - grabs frames from a Video4Linux camera sensor.
Definition Camera.H:63
void abortStream() override
Abort streaming.
Definition Camera.C:172
unsigned short readRegister(unsigned short reg)
Read a value from one of the camera's registers.
Definition Camera.C:289
void getControl(struct v4l2_control &ctrl) const
Get a control's current value, throw if unsupported by hardware.
Definition Camera.C:249
Close the device and free all resources.
Definition Camera.C:151
void setFormat(VideoMapping const &m) override
Set the video format and frame rate.
Definition Camera.C:49
void get(RawImage &img) override
Get the next captured buffer.
Definition Camera.C:190
void done2(RawImage &img) override
Indicate that user processing is done with an image previously obtained via get2()
Definition Camera.C:224
bool hasScaledImage() const override
Check whether a second input image scaled by the JeVoisPro Platform ISP is available.
Definition Camera.C:199
void get2(RawImage &img) override
Get the next captured buffer, for second ISP-scaled image.
Definition Camera.C:205
void unlock()
Unlock the camera that was previously locked by lock()
Definition Camera.C:318
void streamOn() override
Start streaming.
Definition Camera.C:163
void setControl(struct v4l2_control const &ctrl) override
Set a control, throw if control not supported or the hardware rejects the value.
Definition Camera.C:261
Sensor flags.
Definition Camera.H:165
Definition Camera.H:166
Definition Camera.H:167
Definition Camera.H:168
Flags readFlags()
Get the sensor flags.
Definition Camera.C:324
void queryMenu(struct v4l2_querymenu &qm) const override
Get the available menu entry names for a menu-type control, throw if unsupported by hardware.
Definition Camera.C:241
int lock()
Lock the camera and return its file descriptor.
Definition Camera.C:310
void queryControl(struct v4l2_queryctrl &qc) const override
Get information about a control, throw if unsupported by hardware.
Definition Camera.C:233
void streamOff() override
Stop streaming.
Definition Camera.C:181
void done(RawImage &img) override
Indicate that user processing is done with an image previously obtained via get()
Definition Camera.C:215
void writeRegister(unsigned short reg, unsigned short val)
Write a value to one of the camera's registers.
Definition Camera.C:273
A raw image as coming from a V4L2 Camera and/or being sent out to a USB Gadget.
Definition RawImage.H:111
Base class for video input, which will get derived into Camera and MovieInput.
Definition VideoInput.H:32
Main namespace for all JeVois classes and functions.
Definition Concepts.dox:2
Simple struct to hold video mapping definitions for the processing Engine.