JeVois  1.23
JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit
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Coordinates.H File Reference
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namespace  jevois
 Main namespace for all JeVois classes and functions.
namespace  jevois::coords
 Namespace for helper functions to convert coordinates from camera resolution to standardized.


#define JEVOIS_CAMERA_ASPECT   (16.0 / 9.0)
 Aspect ratio of the JeVois camera.


void jevois::coords::imgToStd (float &x, float &y, RawImage const &camimg, float const eps=0.1F)
 Transform coordinates in-place from camera to standardized, using a RawImage to establish image size.
void jevois::coords::imgToStd (float &x, float &y, unsigned int const width, unsigned int const height, float const eps=0.1F)
 Transform coordinates in-place from camera to standardized, using given image width and height.
void jevois::coords::imgToStdX (float &x, unsigned int const width, float const eps=0.1F)
 Transform X coordinate in-place from camera to standardized, using given image width and height.
void jevois::coords::imgToStdY (float &y, unsigned int const height, float const eps=0.1F)
 Transform Y coordinate in-place from camera to standardized, using given image width and height.
void jevois::coords::imgToStdSize (float &w, float &h, unsigned int const width, unsigned int const height, float const eps=0.1F)
 Transform size in-place from camera to standardized, using given image width and height.
void jevois::coords::stdToImg (float &x, float &y, RawImage const &camimg, float const eps=0.1F)
 Transform coordinates in-place from standardized to image, using a RawImage to establish image size.
void jevois::coords::stdToImg (float &x, float &y, unsigned int const width, unsigned int const height, float const eps=0.1F)
 Transform coordinates in-place from standardized to image, using a RawImage to establish image size.
void jevois::coords::stdToImgSize (float &x, float &y, unsigned int const width, unsigned int const height, float const eps=0.1F)
 Transform size in-place from standardized to image, using a RawImage to establish image size.