Abstract interface to an ICM20948 inertial measurement unit (IMU)
virtual unsigned char readRegister(unsigned short reg)=0
Read a value from one of the camera's IMU registers.
void readDMPregisterArray(unsigned short reg, unsigned char *vals, size_t num)
Read an array of values from DMP registers.
void loadDMPfirmware(bool verify=false, bool errthrow=false)
Load the DMP firmware.
virtual ~IMU()
void writeDMPregisterArray(unsigned short reg, unsigned char const *vals, size_t num)
Write an array of values to DMP registers.
virtual bool isSPI() const =0
Returns true if we use SPI for transfers. Used when ICM20948_REG_USER_CTRL is written to.
virtual void writeRegisterArray(unsigned short reg, unsigned char const *vals, size_t num)=0
Write an array of values to the camera's IMU registers.
virtual void writeRegister(unsigned short reg, unsigned char val)=0
Write a value to one of the IMU registers.
void writeDMPregister(unsigned short reg, unsigned short val)
Write a value to a DMP register.
virtual void readRegisterArray(unsigned short reg, unsigned char *vals, size_t num)=0
Read an array of values from the camera's IMU registers.
unsigned short readDMPregister(unsigned short reg)
Read a value from a DMP register.
Main namespace for all JeVois classes and functions.