JeVois  1.20
JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit
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1 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //
3 // JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2016 by Laurent Itti, the University of Southern
4 // California (USC), and iLab at USC. See and for information about this project.
5 //
6 // This file is part of the JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit. This program is free software; you can
7 // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
8 // Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
9 // without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
10 // License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
11 // if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
12 //
13 // Contact information: Laurent Itti - 3641 Watt Way, HNB-07A - Los Angeles, CA 90089-2520 - USA.
14 // Tel: +1 213 740 3527 - - -
15 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
16 /*! \file */
18 // This file has been modified / imported from the Neuromorphic Robotics Toolkit (NRT). Original copyright is:
20 /* author Laurent Itti
21  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
22  // The iLab Neuromorphic Robotics Toolkit (NRT) //
23  // Copyright 2010-2012 by the University of Southern California (USC) //
24  // and the iLab at USC. //
25  // //
26  // iLab - University of Southern California //
27  // Hedco Neurociences Building, Room HNB-10 //
28  // Los Angeles, Ca 90089-2520 - USA //
29  // //
30  // See for information about this project. //
31  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
32  // This file is part of The iLab Neuromorphic Robotics Toolkit. //
33  // //
34  // The iLab Neuromorphic Robotics Toolkit is free software: you can //
35  // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General //
36  // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either //
37  // version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. //
38  // //
39  // The iLab Neuromorphic Robotics Toolkit is distributed in the hope //
40  // that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the //
41  // implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //
42  // PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. //
43  // //
44  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
45  // along with The iLab Neuromorphic Robotics Toolkit. If not, see //
46  // <>. //
47  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
48 */
50 #pragma once
52 #include <istream>
53 #include <ostream>
55 namespace jevois
56 {
57  //! A generic range class with a step
58  /*! The StepRange class is used to represent a range from [min .. (step) .. max]
60  Valid values are min, min+step, min+2*step, min+3*step, ... max. Note that max is a valid value even if it is not
61  equal to min+N*step for some integer N. Note that T must be a numeric type (can be cast to double). Throws if step
62  is not a positive or zero number.
64  Because StepRange is typically only used for limited specific purposes (e.g., defining paremeters for controls in
65  video4linux framegrabbers), the interface provided is minimal (much more limited than that of jevois::Range).
67  \ingroup types */
68  template <typename T>
69  class StepRange
70  {
71  public:
72  //! Default constructor, range is [0 .. (0) .. 0]
73  explicit StepRange();
75  //! Constructor
76  explicit StepRange(T const mini, T const stepi, T const maxi);
78  //! Copy constructor
79  StepRange(StepRange<T> const & other) = default;
81  //! Move constructor
82  StepRange(StepRange<T> && other) = default;
84  //! Copy-conversion constructor, uses jevois::clamped_convert<T,U> internally
85  /*! Note that this constructor is \e explicit, i.e., you need to explicitly mention it. This is to avoid
86  conversions to happen without a programmer being aware of it. For example:
87  @code
88  void myFunc(jevois::StepRange<float> const & rng) { ... }
89  jevois::StepRange<int> r1(0, 5, 100);
90  jevois::StepRange<float> r2(r1); // ok, explicit constructor call
91  myFunc(r2); // ok, no conversion necessary
92  //myFunc(r1) // NO: passing StepRange<int> to function that takes a StepRange<float> arg fails to compile
93  myFunc(jevois::StepRange<float>(r1)); // ok, nice and explicit; and you can think about whether r1 should
94  // have been a StepRange<float> in the first place so you don't waste CPU
95  // doing this conversion (as opposed to just not being aware of the wasting)
96  @endcode */
97  template <typename U>
98  explicit StepRange(StepRange<U> const & other);
100  //! Assignment
101  StepRange<T> & operator=(StepRange<T> const & other) = default;
103  //! Move assignment
104  StepRange<T> & operator=(StepRange<T> && other) = default;
106  //! Return the minimum value
107  T const & min() const;
109  //! Return the step value
110  T const & step() const;
112  //! Return the maximum value
113  T const & max() const;
115  //! Return whether min() == max()
116  bool empty() const;
118  //! Return true if a value is valid (i.e., it is min, min+step, min+step*2, ... or max)
119  bool isValueValid(T const val) const;
121  private:
122  T itsMin, itsStep, itsMax;
123  };
125  // ######################################################################
126  // Free functions for StepRange<T>
127  // ######################################################################
129  //! Stream out as "min...(step)...max"
130  /*! \relates jevois::StepRange */
131  template <typename T>
132  std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, StepRange<T> const & r);
134  //! Stream in as "min...(step)...max"
135  /*! \relates jevois::StepRange */
136  template <typename T>
137  std::istream & operator>>(std::istream & in, StepRange<T> & r);
139  //! Machine-readable output to a string, for use in jevois::Parameter: outputs \c min...step...max
140  /*! \relates jevois::StepRange */
141  template <class T>
142  void paramValToString(StepRange<T> const & val, std::string & result);
144  //! Machine-readable input from a string, for use in jevois::Parameter: reads \c min...step...max
145  /*! \relates jevois::StepRange */
146  template <class T>
147  void paramStringToVal(std::string const & valstring, StepRange<T> & result);
149  //! Equality test: StepRange<T> == StepRange<T>
150  /*! \relates jevois::StepRange */
151  template <typename T>
152  bool operator==(StepRange<T> const & range1, StepRange<T> const & range2);
154  //! Inequality test: StepRange<T> != StepRange<T>
155  /*! \relates jevois::StepRange */
156  template <typename T>
157  bool operator!=(StepRange<T> const & range1, StepRange<T> const & range2);
159 } // namespace jevois
161 // Include inlined implementation details that are of no interest to the end user
162 #include <jevois/Types/details/StepRangeImpl.H>
void paramStringToVal(std::string const &valstring, T &result)
Machine-readable conversion from string to T, for use in jevois::Parameter.
const T & step() const
Return the step value.
A generic range class with a step.
Definition: StepRange.H:69
Definition: Concepts.dox:1
void paramValToString(T const &val, std::string &result)
Machine-readable conversion of T to a string, for use in jevois::Parameter.
const T & max() const
Return the maximum value.
Default constructor, range is [0 .. (0) .. 0].
const T & min() const
Return the minimum value.
bool empty() const
Return whether min() == max()
StepRange< T > & operator=(StepRange< T > const &other)=default
bool isValueValid(T const val) const
Return true if a value is valid (i.e., it is min, min+step, min+step*2, ... or max)