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Timeout communication with JeVois -- ABORT

0 votes

I am trying to use the jevois-usbsd start command but keep getting this error. Any thoughts as to how to solve it? 

I also get Cannot Read:/ error while trying to run jevois-daemon, so none of my commands on daemon work. I am working on a VirtualBox Linux Ubuntu 17.04. Please note that these two issues only happen when I use USB 2.0. With USB 3.0, Daemon works but I get a "Cannot Access /dev/ttyAMC0 -- is JeVois plugged in? -- ABORT" error when I use jevois-usbsd start.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

asked Jan 5, 2018 in User questions by ShadowMan4 (190 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
under virtualbox, you need to "pass the USB devices through" from the host side to the guest side

click on the little USB plug icon at the bottom right of your virtualbox screen and select the "JeVois Inc JeVois-A33 Smart Camera"

If you then type "dmesg" in a terminal, you should see JeVois (see http://jevois.org/doc/USBserialLinux.html )

I just tried it, and JeVois indeed apprears in the logs, but like you I cannot access /dev/ttyACM0 either through jevois-usbsd or through "screen", even though I am able to capture video from JeVois just fine using guvcview in the virtualbox. We need to do more research on this as it seems maybe VirtualBox has a bug with passing composite devices to the guest (JeVois is a combo of camera+USB drive+serial)

In the meantime, if you just want to program in python, you do not need virtualbox, so you can connect jevois to, e.g., a native Mac directly as done here: http://jevois.org/tutorials/UserUSBSD.html
answered Jan 5, 2018 by JeVois (46,580 points)
I would like to develop Python code, then have the camera execute that code without the need for the computer. Is that possible without me having access to microSD's contents through usbsd?

Even on the mac, I just tried echo usbsd > /dev/cu.usbmodem* and it still didn't show JEVOIS or BOOT.
yes, the pre-loaded microSD cards of the turnkey kits have JeVois 1.0 which were flashed a while back (we have to order several thousands of those pre-flashed cards for the cost to get reasonable).

the usbsd feature was added later as a new feature not in the initial JeVois software, and likewise for Python support, and many more new things.

so you will need to indeed re-flash the card with the latest software to enable these new features. It is quite easy with the free Etcher software.
Do I need to delete anything from the microSD? Or does it automatically override the previous version when I re-flash the card?

Also, I can reflash it while the microSD is inside the JeVois right? I don’t need to insert the microSD into the mac for flashing?
no need to delete, reflashing will erase everything (so, backup anything custom you had written to the card, if any). But you need to take the card out of JeVois and insert it into your Mac using the USB-to-microSD adapter. More details are here: http://jevois.org/doc/NewMicroSD.html