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Jevois wont recognize dice

0 votes

I was able to program other shapes to be identified, but not Dice.  I used the same procedure that I used for the X block.

I tried different dice, and different facets, different colors of dice too, Will not work.

The PNG gets generated, but it is not recognized.

Also how can I run this Object detection in higher rez?  I have to find the dice on a 40x40cm table. 320 is very low.

Please see


asked Sep 11, 2018 in User questions by laptophead (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
sorry for the slow reply, this is related to http://jevois.org/qa/index.php?qa=2242

a dice does not have nice unique distinctive keypoints, which is what the module you are using needs to work well.

but we also have a dice counter module that you may want to check out:



answered Sep 18, 2018 by JeVois (46,580 points)