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How i can get the matrix and distortion from the calibration file on python new module

0 votes
I trying to create a new Aruco module (python) in Jevois Inventor but i can't make work the estimatePoseSingleMarkers method; this method need a matrix and distortion parameters but i don't know how to get them

Do you have some complete example in python for the aruco demo ?

Thanks on advance
asked Feb 27, 2019 in Programmer Questions by leonidesfelix (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Check out these two modules:


source at http://jevois.org/basedoc/src_2Modules_2FirstPython_2FirstPython_8py_source.html



source at http://jevois.org/basedoc/src_2Modules_2PythonObject6D_2PythonObject6D_8py_source.html

both have a function loadCameraCalibration() which you can re-use in your own code. Also see how we then project points, etc in there.
answered Feb 28, 2019 by JeVois (46,580 points)