Hi I'm looking to crowd-source some ideas here from people who perhaps have managed to do this. Taking guidance from http://jevois.org/tutorials/UserTensorFlowTraining.html on transfer learning on a custom dataset, I'm looking to extend the recognition to include object detection as well. I've chosen the baseline framework with SDD-MobileNet v2 and hopefully follow the steps using TensorFlow Object Detection API with a baseline model (ssdlite_mobilenet_v2_coco) to do transfer learning followed by inference optimization and conversion to TFlite to run on Jevois Cam.
I'm getting some directions and inspirations from the following blogs (Dat Tran's Custom Framework - https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-train-your-own-object-detector-with-tensorflows-object-detector-api-bec72ecfe1d9) and (David Salek's Transfer Learning Steps - https://github.com/salekd/santa/wiki/Transfer-learning-with-SSD-MobileNet-v1). Also (Kumar's Custom Food Detector - https://github.com/kumarkan/Food_Detection) has some good insights on retraining the model, but I would prefer to explore the use of transfer learning to scale down on the training duration.
Thinking out loud, after retrieving the retrained model and converting it to TF Lite, I can follow the deployment of the model using the script provided in the flowers tutorial:
# Check that the card was properly detected:
ls /media/${USER}/JEVOIS/share/tensorflow
# You should see a bunch of directories and should get no error, otherwise check the path by which you can access your
# microSD card.
# Create a directory for our new model and copy the model and labels files to it:
mkdir /media/${USER}/JEVOIS/share/tensorflow/flowers
cp tf_files/jevois_model.tflite /media/${USER}/JEVOIS/share/tensorflow/flowers/model.tflite
cp tf_files/retrained_labels.txt /media/${USER}/JEVOIS/share/tensorflow/flowers/labels.txt
Is there all that is to it? Am I missing out on any steps?
If there's anyone who has successfully deployed a custom SSD+MobileNet object detector on the Jevois could give some advice would be great!
Thanks very much.