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Convert module to “Supports mappings with NO USB output: YES”

0 votes
I’d like to use the “Demo Saliency” module in an Arduino project but the module does NOT support mappings with NO USB.

What should I do to have a copy of this module that is able to run without USB? (just serial)

Any help pointing me in the right direction will be appreciated.
asked Sep 17, 2019 in Programmer Questions by lodani (240 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer

yes, that can be done quite easily. You need to be setup for C++ programming, please see:



Then you need to add a member function

void process(jevois::RawImage const & input) override




to the DemoSaliency class in DemoSaliency.C

This function will be called by the JeVois core software when running in headless mode. To write the function, you take the other process() function and copy that code, then delete everything that involves the output image (outframe, outimg, etc).

Looking at the code at


it also looks like you would not need to run the saliency computation in a thread (which is parallelized with waiting for the out frame and drawing in it), you can just run

itsSaliency->process(inimg, true);

directly in the main thread of your process() function. I believe you then also should remove the call to 


as this is intended for use when itsSaliency->process() is running in a thread.

Have a look at this tutorial for a general idea of the various steps:


answered Sep 23, 2019 by JeVois (46,580 points)
selected Sep 24, 2019 by lodani
Thank you very much for this extraordinarily detailed answer. I really appreciate it.
I have been beating my head into a wall on and off for yours now, this is very concise and I am looking forward to using it, thank you!