JeVois Tutorials  1.23
JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Tutorials
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Surprise-based surveillance camera

JeVois can directly process video input from its camera sensor, and record results to microSD. Here we will develop a new module, which records a short video clip each time a surprising event is detected in the video stream, so that the event is captured to microSD. This is an enhanced version of standard motion-based video surveillance systems, which only record video when things are moving. One drawback of such systems is that repetitive motions, such as foliage moving in the wind, easily trip the motion detection algorithm and could potentially trigger recording of a lot of data.

This tutorial will show you how to

  • Create a new JeVois component within jevoisbase to compute surprise over video frames
  • Create a new JeVois module within jevoisbase to detect surprising events and save a short video clip to microSD for each event
  • Compile, install and test on your host computer first
  • Then cross-compile, install and test on your JeVois smart camera
  • Use the jevois::Profiler to profile execution of your code
  • Use pre-recorded video to fine-tune your algorithm

This is a fairly long and detailed tutorial. To get you excited, let us look at the payoff upfront: Here is an hour-long surveillance video. It is very boring overall, except that a few brief surprising things occur (a few seconds each). Can you find them?

Here is what the SurpriseRecorder module we develop in this tutorial found (4 true events plus 2 false alarms):

That is, it summarized 1 hour of video into 6 snippets of about 12 seconds each (50x reduction: you just watch slightly over a minute of surprising snippets instead of 1 hour of mostly boring footage). Upon closer inspection after this tutorial results video was made, the last detected event actually appears to be a bird flying very quickly across the video frames. So, as far as surprise is concerned, this is actually a hit rather than a false alarm noted in the results video (i.e., it was a surprising event, although possibly not relevant to a surveillance goal - see here for recent highly related work on relevance). So we got 5 hits and 1 false alarm. No misses as far as we can tell by watching the full hour-long video, i.e., our module did detect all the boats (and birds) that passed by. Not bad at all!

Theory of operation

We will use Itti & Baldi's theory of surprise to detect surprising events in video.

They defined surprise in a formal, quantitative manner (for the first time!), as follows: An observation is surprising if it significantly affects the internal (subjective) beliefs of an observer. For example, if I believe that there is a 10% chance of rain today (my prior belief), and then I look outside and I see only a few small scattered clouds, then I may still believe in that same 10% chance of rain (posterior belief after the observation). My observation was not surprising, and Itti & Baldi say that this is because it did not affect my beliefs. Formally, when my posterior beliefs after an observation are very similar to what my prior beliefs were before the observation, the observation carries no surprise. In contrast, if I see a sky covered with menacing dark clouds all over, I may revise my belief to a 80% chance of rain today. Because my posterior beliefs are now much different than my prior beliefs (80% vs 10% chance of rain), the observation of clouds is said to carry a high surprise. Itti & Baldi further specify how to compute surprise by using Bayes' theorem to compute posterior beliefs in a principled way, and by using the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence to measure the difference between posterior and prior distributions of beliefs. This gives rise to a new quantitative measure of surprise, with a new unit, the wow (one wow of surprise is experienced when your belief in something doubles).

For more information, check out L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, Bayesian Surprise Attracts Human Attention, Vision Research, Vol. 49, No. 10, pp. 1295-1306, May 2009

Here, we will:

  • Grab video frames;
  • Compute feature maps and a saliency map. These will provide some degree of invariance and robustness to noise, which will yield more stable overall results than if we were to compute surprise directly over RGB pixel values (see next point);
  • Compute surprise in each pixel of each feature map. This is similar to what Itti & Baldi did but simplified to run in real time on the JeVois smart camera. Each pixel in each feature map will over time gather beliefs about what it usually 'sees' at that location in the video. When things change significantly and in a surprising way, that pixel will emit a local surprise signal. Because surprise is more complex than just computing an instantaneous difference, or measuring whether the current observation simply is an outlier to a learned distribution, it will be able to handle periodic motions (foliage in the wind, ripples on a body of water), periodic flickers (a constantly blinking light in the field of view), and noise;
  • Aggregate into a single overall surprise value (we will simply take the max over all locations);
  • When overall surprise crosses a threshold, we will trigger recording of video frames. To provide context, we will use a rolling buffer of frames so that we always record +/- 10 seconds of video around each surprising event;
  • Thus, the expected output of this module is a series of short video clips recorded to microSD, one for each surprising event that occurred.

This approach is related to [R. C. Voorhies, L. Elazary, L. Itti, Neuromorphic Bayesian Surprise for Far Range Event Detection, In Proc 9th IEEE AVSS, Beijing, China, Sep 2012](

Plan of attack

  • We will use the Saliency component provided by jevoisbase.
  • We will use an approach similar to that of the SaveVideo module of jevoisbase to buffer and save video frames to MicroSD.
  • Because of the dependency on Saliency, we will create our new module inside jevoisbase.
  • We will first create a new component to compute surprise, which will use Saliency as a sub-component. While not strictly necessary, creating a component for our surprise detector will allow others to easily build new modules that can do other things triggered by surprise.
  • Then we will create a new module for our surprise-based video recorder.
Because the result of this tutorial is expected to be useful to many, the source code has been committed into jevoisbase, and hence all the code for this tutorial is already in jevoisbase. However, this tutorial was written while that code was developed and before it was committed, to make sure that all the steps are detailed and explained.

Surprise component

  • We first create a new component and name it Surprise. Because it is closely related to Saliency, we will just place it in jevoisbase/include/jevoisbase/Components/Saliency/ (for the .H file) and jevoisbase/src/Components/Saliency/ (for the .C file), together with the Saliency component. We need Surprise.H and Surprise.C here so that users of our component will just include Surprise.H in their own components or modules. By placing the source under jevoisbase/src/Components/ we ensure that the jevoisbase build rules (CMake) will automatically detect it and compile it into Surprise.o, which will also automatically be linked into the library that contains all the components of jevoisbase. This is the result of the following line in the CMakeLists.txt of jevoisbase:

    jevois_setup_library(src/Components jevoisbase 1.0)

    which instructs CMake to build a new library called from all the source files under src/Components/ (recursively).

  • We start Surprise.H with two statements:

    The first one tells the compiler to not include this file again if it was already included, thereby simplifying how people will use our component (they will not get errors about duplicate definitions if somehow Surprise.H ends up being included twice, maybe because it is used by two higher-level components that are both used in an even higher-level component). The second one will allow us to use the Saliency component in our component. Because Saliency already is a Component, including Saliency.H will automatically pull in the whole Component, Parameter, etc machinery of JeVois and hence no further include statement is needed here for now.

  • We then declare a new class Surprise that derives from jevois::Component. We do not place it into any namespace since all of jevoisbase is just in the global namespace (it is end-user code). In the documentation for the new component, we make sure to include a statement:

    \ingroup components

    so that our component gets listed under all the components of jevoisbase in the online documentation of jevoisbase.

    We thus start like this:

    //! Compute Itti & Baldi surprise over video frames
    /*! This component detects surprising events in video frames using Itti & Baldi's Bayesian theory of surprise.
    [more doc ...]
    \ingroup components */
    //! Constructor
    Surprise(std::string const & instance);
    //! Virtual destructor for safe inheritance

  • Note how our new component Surprise does not derive from Saliency, but rather derives directly from jevois::Component. Indeed, in the JeVois framework, we use composition to create hierarchies of components as opposed to using inheritance. This is to avoid possibly ambiguous inheritance chains with respect to parameters (remember that JeVois components inherit from all of their parameters, as explained in Parameter-related classes and functions). Thus, Surprise will instead contain a Saliency sub-component.

    Although lookup functions are provided by jevois::Component to find sub-components by name, it is usually a good idea to maintain a redundant but more direct handle to the sub-components which we will often use. Hence, we add the following to our class:

    std::shared_ptr<Saliency> itsSaliency;

    and we initialize it in our constructor, while the destructor does nothing for now. Thus Surprise.C looks like this now:

    Surprise::Surprise(std::string const & instance) :
    itsSaliency = addSubComponent<Saliency>("saliency");
    { }
    Surprise(std::string const &instance)

    Note how all the parameters of Saliency (for scales, weights of the different features, etc) are now exposed and accessible to users of Surprise, with no work required from us thanks to the JeVois Component and Parameter framework. This is a big leap forward compared to using functions with many parameters as done, e.g., in OpenCV, which would require us here to manually expose and forward all these parameters. See the doc of jevois::Component and Parameter in JeVois for more explanations.

  • Let us run a


    now from inside ~/jevoisbase to make sure that CMake detects our new files src/Components/Saliency/Surprise.H and src/Components/Saliency/Surprise.C and compiles them.

    We only need to do this full rebuild once to update the CMake cache. Later, as we continue to develop our component, we can just change directory to hbuild and simply type make to re-compile only what we have changed and not the whole jevoisbase.

    We will first fully develop and build our new component for host, which is easier and faster than cross-compiling for the JeVois ARM processor. Once everything works well on the host computer, we will move on to cross-compiling for platform hardware.

  • Now for the actual work: Here we want a single function that will take a video frame in and will return a surprise value, which will be the value of the most surprising location in the video frame. It will first compute saliency and feature maps using our Saliency sub-component, and will the compute surprise on those maps. We model or processing function to match one of the functions in Saliency since we will directly pass our received video frame to Saliency. Thus, we declare a new member function in Surprise.H:

    //! Compute surprise from a YUYV video frame and return the surprise value in wows
    double process(jevois::RawImage const & input);

    and we implement it in Surprise.C:

    double Surprise::process(jevois::RawImage const & input)
    // Compute feature maps and saliency maps, no gist. Results are stored in the Saliency class:
    itsSaliency->process(input, false);
    // Compute surprise over the maps:
    double surprise = 0.0F;
    // TODO: add surprise computed over each feature map
    return surprise;
    std::shared_ptr< Saliency > itsSaliency
    double process(jevois::RawImage const &input)

    Note how Saliency::process() could throw if something goes wrong. Here, we do not worry about it since we have not allocated any resource that could be leaked if we were to exit through an exception. See Tips for writing machine vision modules for more info.

    Typing make in ~/jevoisbase/hbuild/ still compiles fine at this point.

  • Following Itti & Baldi, 2009, here we will assume Poisson data (spikes from neurons representing the feature values) and we will hence naturally use a Gamma conjugate prior. Under these conditions, surprise can be computed in closed form (see Itti & Baldi, 2009). The Gamma distribution has two parameters, alpha and beta - these will basically capture, at each pixel in each feature map, our beliefs about how this feature pixel usually looks like. We will here update this belief over time, each time a new video frame is received. If a given video frame yields a big update, we will conclude that something surprising just happened.

    To compute surprise over the salmap, intens, color, ori, flicker, and motion maps that are inside the Saliency component, we will need to store two corresponding arrays: one for the prior alpha, and one for the prior beta for each pixel of each map. We will then update those arrays, pixel-by-pixel, treating the maps from Saliency as new data observations, and assuming that the single value received from the Saliency component represents the mean of a Poisson-distributed spike train. Our prior alpha and beta arrays will then become posterior alpha and beta arrays through Bayesian update using the data, and we will compute surprise from the KL divergence between prior and posterior. Note (see paper for details) that our choice of a Gamma prior guarantees that, after an update using Poisson data, the posterior is also Gamma (i.e., Gamma is the conjugate prior for Poisson). We will then transfer the posterior arrays for the current frame into the prior arrays stored in our class for the next frame.

    Here we will just compute surprise independently for each pixel in each feature map. Thus, the 2D structure of the saliency feature maps will not be exploited. We need float or double values for alpha and beta to accurately compute surprise, let us use float here. Thus, we could possibly just use std::array<float> to store alpha and beta maps as 1D arrays, except for one detail: we do not know the feature map sizes until the first video frame has been processed through saliency.

    So we need dynamically-sized arrays and can we just use std::vector<float>. This is preferred to just using a raw C array because the memory will be automatically freed by the vector destructor when our component is destroyed, thus we do not have to worry about freeing it, about exceptions, memory leaks, etc by using std::vector<float> as opposed the using raw float * and new and delete.

    One final thing to note is that the map of origin will also not be important for surprise computation here, we will just compute surprise independently for every pixel of every map. So we can just concatenate all the pixels of all maps into a single vector of data, and likewise for alpha and beta. We hence add the following data members to our class under the protected section:

    std::vector<float> itsAlpha, itsBeta;

    Yes, we could have used a vector of pairs, or created an auxiliary (alpha, beta) struct as well, but access is probably faster with our 2 vectors. We start fleshing out our process() function as follows:

    float Surprise::process(jevois::RawImage const & input)
    float const updatefac = 0.95F; // surprise update factor on each video frame
    // Compute feature maps and saliency maps, no gist. Results are stored in the Saliency class:
    itsSaliency->process(input, false);
    // Compute surprise over the maps:
    float surprise = 0.0F;
    // Aggregate our data values from all maps. These maps are small, no need to parallelize:
    std::vector<float> data;
    intg32 * pix = itsSaliency->salmap.pixels; size_t siz = env_img_size(&itsSaliency->salmap);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < siz; ++i) data.push_back(pix[i]);
    pix = itsSaliency->intens.pixels; siz = env_img_size(&itsSaliency->intens);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < siz; ++i) data.push_back(pix[i]);
    pix = itsSaliency->color.pixels; siz = env_img_size(&itsSaliency->color);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < siz; ++i) data.push_back(pix[i]);
    pix = itsSaliency->ori.pixels; siz = env_img_size(&itsSaliency->ori);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < siz; ++i) data.push_back(pix[i]);
    pix = itsSaliency->flicker.pixels; siz = env_img_size(&itsSaliency->flicker);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < siz; ++i) data.push_back(pix[i]);
    pix = itsSaliency->motion.pixels; siz = env_img_size(&itsSaliency->motion);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < siz; ++i) data.push_back(pix[i]);
    // Initialize the prior if this is our first frame, or frame size or map size just changed somehow. We initialize
    // alpha and beta as in the SurpriseModelSP of the iLab Neuromorphic C++ Vision Toolkit, from which this
    // implementation is derived. Also see Itti & Baldi, Vis Res, 2009, for details:
    if (itsAlpha.size() != data.size())
    itsAlpha.clear(); itsBeta.clear();
    for (float d : data)
    itsAlpha.push_back(d / (1.0F - updatefac));
    itsBeta.push_back(1.0F / (1.0F - updatefac));
    // more to come...
    return surprise;
    std::vector< float > itsAlpha
    std::vector< float > itsBeta
    ENV_INTG32_TYPE intg32

  • At this point we realize two things: 1) the update factor updatefac could be a Parameter of our component; 2) how about also computing surprise on the gist vector, while we are at it, if the users want it? Let us add these two features. First a parameter for updatefac:

    In Saliency.H, we create a namespace surprise that we will use for our parameters. This is to avoid clashes among different components that could be used jointly in a given higher-level component (some other component may also have a parameter named updatefac). Convention here is to use the lowercase version of the class name as namespace name for its parameters. We create a parameter category so all our parameters will be grouped together when users type help, and note the \relates directive to instruct doxygen to relate the parameter to our class in the online documentation:

    namespace surprise
    static jevois::ParameterCategory const ParamCateg("Surprise Options");
    //! Parameter \relates Surprise
    JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(updatefac, float, "Surprise update factor on every video frame", 0.95F,
    jevois::Range<float>(0.001F, 0.999F), ParamCateg);
    //! Parameter \relates Surprise
    JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(dogist, bool, "Include gist values in surprise computation", true, ParamCateg);

    Remember that the format of JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER() is:

    • parameter name
    • parameter type
    • description
    • default value
    • optional: specification of valid values; here we specified a valid range for updatefac and nothing for dogist.
    • category for grouping in the help message.

    We then add these two parameters to our Component:

    class Surprise : public jevois::Component,
    public jevois::Parameter<surprise::updatefac, surprise::dogist>

    and we use them in our process function:

    float Surprise::process(jevois::RawImage const & input)
    // delete: float const updatefac = 0.95F; // surprise update factor on each video frame
    // ...
    itsSaliency->process(input, dogist::get());
    // ...
    itsAlpha.push_back(d / (1.0F - updatefac::get()));
    itsBeta.push_back(1.0F / (1.0F - updatefac::get()));
    // ...

    That's it. These parameters will now appear in the help message, users will able to set and get their values, and every component or module that includes our Surprise component as a sub-component will also expose them!

    Note, however, that doing a get() on a parameter is slightly heavier than just getting the value of a variable, because parameters are thread-safe, and hence a mutex must be locked during the get(). Hence, instead of calling updatefac::get() for each data element, we can here pre-compute our divider beforehand:

    float const ufac = updatefac::get(); // get() is somewhat expensive (requires mutex lock), so cache it here.
    float const initfac = 1.0F / (1.0F - ufac);
    // ...
    if (itsAlpha.size() != datasiz)
    itsAlpha.clear(); itsBeta.clear();
    for (float d : data)
    itsAlpha.push_back(d * initfac);

    We update our function to concatenate the gist vector to the data:

    // ...
    pix = itsSaliency->motion.pixels; siz = env_img_size(&itsSaliency->motion);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < siz; ++i) data.push_back(pix[i]);
    if (dogist::get())
    unsigned char * g = itsSaliency->gist;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < itsSaliency->gist_size; ++i) data.push_back(g[i]);

    A quick make and all still compiles fine. No need to mess around with cross-compilers, microSD cards, etc at this point thanks to the simultaneous host/platform development environment of JeVois.

  • All right, so we just need to compute surprise, we do here as in the SurpriseModelSP of the iLab Neuromorphic C++ Vision Toolkit, from which our implementation here is derived. Also see Itti & Baldi, Vis Res, 2009, for details:

    size_t const datasiz = data.size(); // final data size
    // Compute posterior and KL, independently for every entry in our vectors. Here we assume Poisson data and a Gamma
    // conjugate prior, as in Itti & Baldi, Vision Research, 2009:
    for (size_t i = 0; i < datasiz; ++i)
    // First, decay alpha and beta. Make sure alpha does not decay all the way to 0:
    float alpha = itsAlpha[i] * ufac, beta = itsBeta[i] * ufac;
    if (alpha < 1.0e-5F) alpha = 1.0e-5F;
    // Compute the posterior:
    float const newAlpha = alpha + val;
    float const newBeta = beta + 1.0F;
    // Surprise is KL(new || old). Keep track of the max value found over the data array:
    double const s = std::abs(KLgamma<double>(newAlpha, newBeta, alpha, beta, true));
    if (s > surprise) surprise = s;
    // The posterior becomes our new prior for the next video frame:
    itsAlpha[i] = newAlpha; itsBeta[i] = newBeta;
    // Return max number of wows found over the whole data array:
    return surprise;

    We just need to implement the helper function KLgamma() and we are done. This is the closed-form solution for surprise on a Gamma prior. It ends up using hundreds of lines of code of no interest here. We just rip that code from the Itti & Baldi implementation.

  • One last improvement before we are done with our component: instead of just a boolean dogist, how about allowing users to choose which channels or combinations they like. We replace dogist by:

    //! Parameter \relates Surprise
    JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(channels, std::string, "Channels to use for surprise computation: any combination of "
    "S (saliency), G (gist), C (color), I (intensity), O (orientation), F (flicker), and "
    "M (motion). Duplicate letters will be ignored.",
    "SCIOFMG", boost::regex("^[SCIOFMG]+$"), ParamCateg);

    The regex specification of valid values specifies that we want a string composed exclusively of the allowed letters, and with at least one letter. We modify the class parameter list to use this parameter instead of dogist, and we modify the process() function:

    float Surprise::process(jevois::RawImage const & input)
    std::string const chans = channels::get();
    // Compute feature maps and saliency maps, possibly gist. Results are stored in the Saliency class:
    itsSaliency->process(input, (chans.find('G') != chans.npos));
    // Aggregate our data values from all maps. These maps are small, no need to parallelize:
    std::vector<float> data; std::string done;
    for (char c : chans)
    if (done.find(c) != done.npos) continue; // skip duplicates
    done += c; // mark this channel as done
    intg32 * pix; size_t siz;
    switch (c)
    case 'S': pix = itsSaliency->salmap.pixels; siz = env_img_size(&itsSaliency->salmap); break;
    case 'I': pix = itsSaliency->intens.pixels; siz = env_img_size(&itsSaliency->intens); break;
    case 'C': pix = itsSaliency->color.pixels; siz = env_img_size(&itsSaliency->color); break;
    case 'O': pix = itsSaliency->ori.pixels; siz = env_img_size(&itsSaliency->ori); break;
    case 'F': pix = itsSaliency->flicker.pixels; siz = env_img_size(&itsSaliency->flicker); break;
    case 'M': pix = itsSaliency->motion.pixels; siz = env_img_size(&itsSaliency->motion); break;
    case 'G':
    unsigned char const * g = itsSaliency->gist;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < itsSaliency->gist_size; ++i) data.push_back(g[i]);
    default: continue; // should never happen given our regex spec for the parameter
    // Concatenate the data if it was not gist:
    for (size_t i = 0; i < siz; ++i) data.push_back(pix[i]);

We are done with the Surprise component. Final code is in Surprise.H and Surprise.C of jevoisbase and should be pretty close to what we have developed above, except for small optimizations introduced after this tutorial was written. The details of KLgamma() are also in there.

SurpriseRecorder module

We are now ready to develop a new module, which we will call SurpriseRecorder. It will compute surprise and record to microSD small video snippets around each detected surprising event.

To get started, we:

  • Create a directory jevoisbase/src/Modules/SurpriseRecorder and start a file jevoisbase/src/Modules/SurpriseRecorder/SurpriseRecorder.C

    Since modules are terminal entities (nobody will use-them as subs), we usually develop them in Java-style, i.e., in a single .C file that contains declarations and implementation.

  • Our module will use the Surprise component, so we pull it in. We also include Module.H from jevois:

  • We start our class as a JeVois Module. We fill in custom doxygen tags that will be used to generate the module's documentation page (see Programmer SDK and writing new modules).

    //! Surprise-based recording of events
    /*! This module detects surprising events in the live video feed from the camera, and records short video clips of each
    detected event.
    @author Laurent Itti
    @videomapping NONE 0 0 0 YUYV 640 480 15.0 JeVois SurpriseRecorder
    @email itti\
    @address University of Southern California, HNB-07A, 3641 Watt Way, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2520, USA
    @copyright Copyright (C) 2016 by Laurent Itti, iLab and the University of Southern California
    @license GPL v3
    @distribution Unrestricted
    @restrictions None
    \ingroup modules */
    // ...

    Note how for now we are aiming to only support modes with no video out over USB. That is, this module is mainly geared towards standalone operation: one lets it run for a day, then one checks out the video snippets that were recorded on the microSD. No live output is needed. Thus, we will override the process() function of jevois::Module that only takes an input frame in (and no output frame). The jevois::Engine will call this function for each new video frame from the camera sensor.

  • At some point, also remember to add an icon file, maybe some screenshots, etc to your module, as explained in Programmer SDK and writing new modules

  • We get going with constructor and destructor and a skeleton for the process() function. Our module will use a Surprise sub-component. We do not forget to register the module with the JeVois framework so it can be loaded at runtime into the JeVois engine (see last line and the JEVOIS_REGISTER_MODULE() macro):

    // ####################################################################################################
    //! Constructor
    // ####################################################################################################
    SurpriseRecorder(std::string const & instance) : jevois::Module(instance)
    { itsSurprise = addSubComponent<Surprise>("surprise"); }
    // ####################################################################################################
    //! Virtual destructor for safe inheritance
    // ####################################################################################################
    { }
    // ####################################################################################################
    //! Processing function, version with no video output
    // ####################################################################################################
    void process(jevois::InputFrame && inframe) override
    // TODO
    std::shared_ptr<Surprise> itsSurprise;
    // Allow the module to be loaded as a shared object (.so) file:
    virtual ~SurpriseRecorder()
    std::shared_ptr< Surprise > itsSurprise
    void process(jevois::InputFrame &&inframe) override
    friend friend class Module

  • Let's try to compile. Like with our Component before, the first time we add the new file, we need to re-run CMake, by simply running a full:


    The rebuild script will detect the new module under jevoisbase/src/Modules/ and will add it to the list of modules to build. Later, as we keep editing our module file, we can just type make from within the hbuild directory.

  • Let's add a few parameters. Because modules are terminal entities, we do not need to place them in a namespace. We take inspiration from the SaveVideo module:

    static jevois::ParameterCategory const ParamCateg("Surprise Recording Options");
    #define PATHPREFIX "/jevois/data/surpriserecorder/"
    //! Parameter \relates SurpriseRecorder
    JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(filename, std::string, "Name of the video file to write. If path is not absolute, "
    PATHPREFIX " will be prepended to it. Name should contain a printf-like directive for "
    "one int argument, which will start at 0 and be incremented on each streamoff command.",
    "video%06d.avi", ParamCateg);
    //! Parameter \relates SurpriseRecorder
    JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(fourcc, std::string, "FourCC of the codec to use. The OpenCV VideoWriter doc is unclear "
    "as to which codecs are supported. Presumably, the ffmpeg library is used inside OpenCV. "
    "Hence any video encoder supported by ffmpeg should work. Tested codecs include: MJPG, "
    "MP4V, AVC1. Make sure you also pick the right filename extension (e.g., .avi for MJPG, "
    ".mp4 for MP4V, etc)",
    "MJPG", boost::regex("^\\w{4}$"), ParamCateg);
    //! Parameter \relates SurpriseRecorder
    JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(fps, double, "Video frames/sec as stored in the file and to be used both for recording and "
    "playback. Beware that the video writer will drop frames if you are capturing faster than "
    "the frame rate specified here. For example, if capturing at 120fps, be sure to set this "
    "parameter to 120, otherwise by default the saved video will be at 30fps even though capture "
    "was running at 120fps.",
    15.0, ParamCateg);
    //! Parameter \relates SurpriseRecorder
    JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(thresh, float, "Surprise threshold. Lower values will record more events.",
    5.0F, ParamCateg);
    //! Parameter \relates SurpriseRecorder
    JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(ctxframes, unsigned int, "Number of context video frames recorded before and after "
    "each surprising event.",
    150, ParamCateg);

    and we add them to our module class:

    public jevois::Parameter<filename, fourcc, fps, thresh, ctxframes>
    // ...

  • Now let's see how we will record the frames. We will use an approach similar to what was done in SaveVideo. But, because of our desire to also save context frames before and after each surprising event, the overall logic here will be sufficiently different. Thus, while one could at first think of splitting off the video saving aspect of the SaveVideo module into a Component that could then be shared, here we will not attempt this because of the differences introduced by the context. Recording context is important for humans reviewing the surprising events, as some events may be surprising only for a few frames and would thus be very difficult to watch without a few extra seconds of context before and after the event.

    We will use the following basic plan of attack:

    • We will start a thread to actually encode and save videos. This is because video encoding and writing files to microSD can have unpredictable timing. Thus, by using a separate thread for this task, we can ensure that our main thread will keep running at full camera rate and will not drop frames even if the disk caches are getting flushed or some frame takes a long time to compress.
    • Thus, we will need to launch a thread. We will do that during the init() of our module. For convenience, our thread will run a member function of our class so that all our member variables, parameters, etc are also accessible to the thread.
    • So, in process() we will compute surprise and decide whether the current frame should be saved.
    • We need a thread-safe way to communicate frames from process() running in the main thread to our video compression and saving thread. We will use jevois::BounderBuffer<T> which was developed for this kind of purpose. BoundedBuffer is a thread-safe producer-consumer queue. Our process() function will push frames into it, and our video writing thread will pop frames from it.
    • We need a way to tell our thread to stop, when our module gets destroyed. We will use an std::atomic<bool> for that. Also, because our BoundedBuffer will be used in blocking mode, our thread will typically be blocked on trying to pop() the next frame by the time we want to quit. So we adopt the convention that an empty frame pushed into the buffer will be a signal that the current video is finished. The writer thread will then close the file and also check whether it is time to quit.
    • Finally, we need to handle the context frames and details like several surprising events occurring within the context time period, which should then be merged (e.g., if users want 10 seconds of context and two surprising events occur spaced by only 7 seconds, we should end up with a single video that starts 10 seconds before the start of the first event and ends 10 seconds after the end of the second event). We will thus keep the last ctxframes in another, non-thread-safe, queue to be used by the main thread only, so that they are ready to provide the context before a surprising event whenever that event is encountered. When a surprising event starts, we will transfer all these frames to our BoundedBuffer, unless we are already saving a previous event. An std::deque<cv::Mat> should work great for that, we will call it itsCtxBuf. Note that, because cv::Mat is only a thin wrapper around pixel data, pushing a cv::Mat into a queue or transferring a bunch of cv::Mat from one queue to another will not copy the pixel data, just the shared pointers to it that are in cv::Mat. So it is cheap to move these images around.

    Let's start with starting and stopping our thread. We override jevois::Component::postInit() to start it, because we want to access the parameter that contains the number of context frames as we start. This parameter will not be set yet at construction time, but will be ready by the time postInit() is run. Thus, likewise, we override jevois::Component::postUninit() to stop it.

    // ####################################################################################################
    //! Get started
    // ####################################################################################################
    void postInit() override
    // Get our run() thread going, it is in charge of compressing and saving frames:
    itsRunFut = std::async(std::launch::async, &SurpriseRecorder::run, this);
    // ####################################################################################################
    //! Get stopped
    // ####################################################################################################
    void postUninit() override
    // Signal end of run:;
    // Push an empty frame into our buffer to signal the end of video to our thread:
    // Wait for the thread to complete:
    LINFO("Waiting for writer thread to complete, " << itsBuf.filled_size() << " frames to go...");
    try { itsRunFut.get(); } catch (...) { jevois::warnAndIgnoreException(); }
    LINFO("Writer thread completed. Syncing disk...");
    if (std::system("/bin/sync")) LERROR("Error syncing disk -- IGNORED");
    LINFO("Video " << itsFilename << " saved.");
    // ...
    void run() // Runs in a thread
    // TODO
    std::future<void> itsRunFut; //!< Future for our run() thread
    std::deque<cv::Mat> itsCtxBuf; //!< Buffer for context frames before event start
    jevois::BlockingBehavior::Block> itsBuf; //!< Buffer for frames to save
    int itsToSave; //!< Number of context frames after end of event that remain to be saved
    int itsFileNum; //!< Video file number
    std::atomic<bool> itsRunning; //!< Flag to let run thread when to quit
    std::string itsFilename; //!< Currenf video file name
    std::string warnAndIgnoreException(std::string const &prefix="")
    #define LERROR(msg)
    #define LINFO(msg)

    We also initialize some of our synchronization variables in the constructor:

    SurpriseRecorder(std::string const & instance) : jevois::Module(instance), itsBuf(1000), itsToSave(0),
    itsFileNum(0), itsRunning(false)
    // ...

    and we need to know about BoundedBuffer and a bunch of other things we will use in run() and process():

    #include <opencv2/videoio.hpp> // for cv::VideoCapture
    #include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp> // for cv::rectangle()
    #include <linux/videodev2.h> // for v4l2 pixel types
    #include <fstream>

    Typing a quick make in hbuild compiles with no errors or warnings.

  • Let's now flesh out our process() function: We just convert frames to cv::Mat and push them into our buffer, and we also compute surprise. We will do both in parallel by using an async thread for the surprise computation:

    void process(jevois::InputFrame && inframe) override
    // Wait for next available camera image:
    jevois::RawImage inimg = inframe.get(); unsigned int const w = inimg.width, h = inimg.height;
    inimg.require("input", w, h, V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV); // accept any image size but require YUYV pixels
    // Compute surprise in a thread:
    std::future<double> itsSurpFut =
    std::async(std::launch::async, [&]() { return itsSurprise->process(inimg); } );
    // Convert the image to OpenCV BGR and push into our context buffer:
    cv::Mat cvimg = jevois::rawimage::convertToCvBGR(inimg);
    if (itsCtxBuf.size() > ctxframes::get()) itsCtxBuf.pop_front();
    // Wait until our surprise thread is done:
    double surprise = itsSurpFut.get(); // this could throw and that is ok
    // Let camera know we are done processing the raw input image:
    // If the current frame is surprising, check whether we are already saving. If so, just push the current frame for
    // saving and reset itsToSave to full context length (after the event). Otherwise, keep saving until the context
    // after the event is exhausted:
    if (surprise >= thresh::get())
    // Draw a rectangle on surprising frames. Note that we draw it in cvimg but, since the pixel memory is shared
    // with the copy of it we just pushed into itsCtxBuf, the rectangle will get drawn in there too:
    cv::rectangle(cvimg, cv::Point(3, 3), cv::Point(w-4, h-4), cv::Scalar(0,0,255), 7);
    if (itsToSave)
    // We are still saving the context after the previous event, just append our new event:
    // Reset the number of frames we will save after the end of the event:
    itsToSave = ctxframes::get();
    // Start of a new event. Dump the whole itsCtxBuf to the writer (it already contains the current frame):
    for (cv::Mat const & im : itsCtxBuf) itsBuf.push(im);
    // Initialize the number of frames we will save after the end of the event:
    itsToSave = ctxframes::get();
    else if (itsToSave)
    // No more surprising event, but we are still saving the context after the last one:
    // One more context frame after the last event was pushed for saving:
    // Last context frame after the event was just pushed? If so, push an empty frame as well to close the current
    // video file. We will open a new file on the next surprising event:
    if (itsToSave == 0) itsBuf.push(cv::Mat());
    int h
    unsigned int width
    unsigned int height
    void require(char const *info, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned int f) const
    cv::Mat convertToCvBGR(RawImage const &src)

    And finally our run() thread. As it turns out, we end up using it unmodified from that of SaveVideo. So, actually, we could benefit in splitting off this video saving machinery into a Component that would be used both by SaveVideo and SurpriseRecorder. We will leave that for future work:

    void run() // Runs in a thread
    while (itsRunning.load())
    // Create a VideoWriter here, since it has no close() function, this will ensure it gets destroyed and closes
    // the movie once we stop the recording:
    cv::VideoWriter writer;
    int frame = 0;
    while (true)
    // Get next frame from the buffer:
    cv::Mat im = itsBuf.pop();
    // An empty image will be pushed when we are ready to close the video file:
    if (im.empty()) break;
    // Start the encoder if it is not yet running:
    if (writer.isOpened() == false)
    // Parse the fourcc, regex in our param definition enforces 4 alphanumeric chars:
    std::string const fcc = fourcc::get();
    int const cvfcc = cv::VideoWriter::fourcc(fcc[0], fcc[1], fcc[2], fcc[3]);
    // Add path prefix if given filename is relative:
    std::string fn = filename::get();
    if (fn.empty()) LFATAL("Cannot save to an empty filename");
    if (fn[0] != '/') fn = PATHPREFIX + fn;
    // Create directory just in case it does not exist:
    std::string const cmd = "/bin/mkdir -p " + fn.substr(0, fn.rfind('/'));
    if (std::system(cmd.c_str())) LERROR("Error running [" << cmd << "] -- IGNORED");
    // Fill in the file number; be nice and do not overwrite existing files:
    while (true)
    char tmp[2048];
    std::snprintf(tmp, 2047, fn.c_str(), itsFileNum);
    std::ifstream ifs(tmp);
    if (ifs.is_open() == false) { itsFilename = tmp; break; }
    // Open the writer:
    if (, cvfcc, fps::get(), im.size(), true) == false)
    LFATAL("Failed to open video encoder for file [" << itsFilename << ']');
    sendSerial("SAVETO " + itsFilename);
    // Write the frame:
    writer << im;
    // Report what is going on once in a while:
    if ((++frame % 100) == 0) sendSerial("SAVEDNUM " + std::to_string(frame));
    sendSerial("SAVEDONE " + itsFilename);
    // Our writer runs out of scope and closes the file here.
    #define PATHPREFIX
    #define LFATAL(msg)

  • One last thing: because we so far have no idea of what surprise values to expect, let us show them on each frame. We add a simple LINFO() message as follows:

    // Wait until our surprise thread is done:
    double surprise = itsSurpFut.get(); // this could throw and that is ok
    LINFO("surprise = " << surprise << " itsToSave = " << itsToSave);

    A quick make and all compiles. Type a sudo make install to install your compiled module into the /jevois/ directory on your host computer. Time to test!

Test run on the host computer

Let us first try our new module on the host computer. We will use YUYV 640x480 @ 15 fps.

To provide video input, let us use our JeVois camera, configured in "dumb camera mode": We add a video mapping on our microSD that allows it to just output YUYV 640x480 @ 15 fps using the PassThrough module (no processing on JeVois). Then we will run jevois-daemon on our host, grab that format of video, and process it on the host:

  • Add this line to JEVOIS:/config/videomappings.cfg on the microSD of your JeVois camera:

    YUYV 640 480 15.0 YUYV 640 480 15.0 JeVois PassThrough

    Your JeVois camera can now operate as a dumb camera in that mode. Alternatively, you could also here use a regular webcam to provide inputs, as long as it supports this format.

  • Connect your JeVois camera to your host computer and allow it to boot up.

  • On the host, make sure that you have write permission to /jevois/data/, then type


    to run the JeVois processing on your host processor. It will likely start DemoSaliency as default processing module.

  • To switch to our new module, type this into the terminal in which you launched jevois-daemon:

    setmapping2 YUYV 640 480 15.0 JeVois SurpriseRecorder
    setpar serout All

    Your terminal should show these lines:

    setmapping2 YUYV 640 480 15.0 JeVois SurpriseRecorder
    INF Engine::setFormatInternal: OUT: NONE 0x0 @ 0fps CAM: YUYV 640x480 @ 15fps MOD: JeVois:SurpriseRecorder
    INF Camera::setFormat: Camera set video format to 640x480 YUYV
    INF Engine::setFormatInternal: Instantiating dynamic loader for /jevois/modules/JeVois/SurpriseRecorder/
    INF Engine::setFormatInternal: Module [SurpriseRecorder] loaded, initialized, and ready.
    INF Camera::streamOn: 6 buffers of 614400 bytes allocated
    INF SurpriseRecorder::process: surprise = 0.00094728 itsToSave = 0
    INF SurpriseRecorder::process: surprise = 1.44831e+07 itsToSave = 0
    SAVETO /jevois/data/surpriserecorder/video000000.avi
    INF SurpriseRecorder::process: surprise = 7.42191e+06 itsToSave = 150
    INF SurpriseRecorder::process: surprise = 6.70748e+06 itsToSave = 149
    INF SurpriseRecorder::process: surprise = 3.98372e+06 itsToSave = 148
    INF SurpriseRecorder::process: surprise = 1.16248e+07 itsToSave = 147
    INF SurpriseRecorder::process: surprise = 4.28625e+06 itsToSave = 150
    INF SurpriseRecorder::process: surprise = 3.55222e+06 itsToSave = 149
    INF SurpriseRecorder::process: surprise = 2.4415e+06 itsToSave = 148
    INF SurpriseRecorder::process: surprise = 1.08243e+07 itsToSave = 147
    INF SurpriseRecorder::process: surprise = 3.69354e+06 itsToSave = 150
    INF SurpriseRecorder::process: surprise = 3.03062e+06 itsToSave = 149
    INF SurpriseRecorder::process: surprise = 1.00832e+07 itsToSave = 148
    INF SurpriseRecorder::process: surprise = 5.33606e+06 itsToSave = 150

    Those values are very large. First. wave your hand in front of the camera and check out the values. We get values above 1e7 wows (10 megawows). So let us set the threshold there:

    setpar thresh 1e7

    Now, after 10 seconds, you should see messages about the video file being closed. Wave your hand and a new file will open. That LINFO() is getting annoying now, so remove it from the module, re-compile, and run it again, type this after you launch jevois-daemon:

    setmapping2 YUYV 640 480 15.0 JeVois SurpriseRecorder
    setpar serout All
    setpar thresh 1e7
    setpar channels S

    Now, keep your camera still and looking at nothing that moves. Note how one event may get recorded at the start, this is because the first few frames are surprising (we believe, due to some initial gain control on the camera as capture starts), and then rapidly get boring and recording stops.

    Each time you wave your hand in front of the camera, you should see it save to a new file. 10 seconds after you stop waving, saving stops.

    Use mplayer or similar to play the videos that are getting written to /jevois/data/surpriserecorder/video*. Each one should start with 10 seconds of nothing then your waving hand then 10 seconds of nothing.

Profiling to determine how fast this can run

The JeVois framework provides convenient jevois::Timer and jevois::Profiler classes to help you measure how much time it takes to do things on each frame. This will help us decide what standard videomapping we should suggest for our surprise recorder. Both classes operate in the same way:

  • on every frame, you should issue a start() on the timer or profiler object to indicate start of frame (start of process() function)
  • with the profiler, issue checkpoint() commands at various checkpoints in your process() function
  • at the end of process, issue a stop() command

The timer and profiler classes will accumulate average statistics over 100 frames and will display those once in a while. We do not display on every frame as this could slow us down too much, especially if sending those reports over serial port.

Let us first include the profiler declarations so we can use it:

Let us instrument our process() function with a jevois::Profiler as follows. The new lines below all have the word prof in them, look for it, and we also added some //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// markers to help:

void process(jevois::InputFrame && inframe) override
static jevois::Profiler prof("surpriserecorder"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Wait for next available camera image:
jevois::RawImage inimg = inframe.get(); unsigned int const w = inimg.width, h = inimg.height;
inimg.require("input", w, h, V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV); // accept any image size but require YUYV pixels
prof.start(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Compute surprise in a thread:
std::future<double> itsSurpFut =
std::async(std::launch::async, [&]() { return itsSurprise->process(inimg); } );
prof.checkpoint("surprise launched"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Convert the image to OpenCV BGR and push into our context buffer:
cv::Mat cvimg = jevois::rawimage::convertToCvBGR(inimg);
if (itsCtxBuf.size() > ctxframes::get()) itsCtxBuf.pop_front();
prof.checkpoint("image pushed"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Wait until our surprise thread is done:
double surprise = itsSurpFut.get(); // this could throw and that is ok
//LINFO("surprise = " << surprise << " itsToSave = " << itsToSave);
prof.checkpoint("surprise done"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Let camera know we are done processing the raw input image:
// If the current frame is surprising, check whether we are already saving. If so, just push the current frame for
// saving and reset itsToSave to full context length (after the event). Otherwise, keep saving until the context
// after the event is exhausted:
if (surprise >= thresh::get())
// Draw a rectangle on surprising frames. Note that we draw it in cvimg but, since the pixel memory is shared
// with the copy of it we just pushed into itsCtxBuf, the rectangle will get drawn in there too:
cv::rectangle(cvimg, cv::Point(3, 3), cv::Point(w-4, h-4), cv::Scalar(0,0,255), 7);
if (itsToSave)
// we are still saving the context after the previous event, just add our new one:
// Reset the number of frames we will save after the end of the event:
itsToSave = ctxframes::get();
// Start of a new event. Dump the whole itsCtxBuf to the writer:
for (cv::Mat const & im : itsCtxBuf) itsBuf.push(im);
// Initialize the number of frames we will save after the end of the event:
itsToSave = ctxframes::get();
else if (itsToSave)
// No more surprising event, but we are still saving the context after the last one:
// One more context frame after the last event was saved:
// Last context frame after the event was just pushed? If so, push an empty frame as well to close the current
// video file. We will open a new file on the next surprising event:
if (itsToSave == 0) itsBuf.push(cv::Mat());
prof.stop(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Now, every 100 frames, you will see something like this:

INF Profiler::stop: surpriserecorder overall average (100) duration 15.4445ms [11.2414ms .. 22.1041ms] (64.7478 fps)
INF Profiler::stop: surpriserecorder - surprise launched average (100) delta duration 43.7507us [27.532us .. 77.293us] (22856.8 fps)
INF Profiler::stop: surpriserecorder - image pushed average (100) delta duration 950.279us [501.272us .. 1.96373ms] (1052.32 fps)
INF Profiler::stop: surpriserecorder - surprise done average (100) delta duration 14.4426ms [10.6092ms .. 20.9499ms] (69.2396 fps)

The overall average is the time from start() to stop(). The others are for checkpoints and they report the time between start to first checkpoint, then from first to second checkpoint, etc. Durations displayed will depend on how fast your host computer is.

On the host this is not very useful, so let us run this puppy on the JeVois camera now that everything seems to be working well.

Compiling and installing to JeVois smart camera

We basically follow the standard compilation instructions (see Flashing to microSD card).

  • Here we will first do a full cross-recompilation of everything for the JeVois platform hardware, but that may not always be necessary.

    cd ~/jevois && ./
    cd ~/jevoisbase && ./ --microsd
    sudo jevois-flash-card -y /dev/sdX

    Make sure that you replace sdX above by the device of your microSD.

  • Once the microSD card is written, insert it into your JeVois camera, connect the camera to a host computer, and let it boot. Do not start a video capture software.

  • Connect to JeVois through a serial terminal (see Command-line interface user guide) using the serial-over-USB connection to JeVois. Then issue the following commands:

    setpar serlog USB
    setpar serout USB
    setmapping2 YUYV 640 480 15.0 JeVois SurpriseRecorder
    setpar thresh 1e7
    setpar channels S

    You should see these messages every few seconds:

    INF Profiler::stop: surpriserecorder overall average (100) duration 68.4739ms [63.6285ms .. 83.3681ms] (14.6041 fps)
    INF Profiler::stop: surpriserecorder - surprise launched average (100) delta duration 114.16us [102.125us .. 200.25us] (8759.64 fps)
    INF Profiler::stop: surpriserecorder - image pushed average (100) delta duration 3.93424ms [2.97025ms .. 6.0565ms] (254.179 fps)
    INF Profiler::stop: surpriserecorder - surprise done average (100) delta duration 64.4076ms [59.4994ms .. 79.3229ms] (15.5261 fps)

    Now wave in front of the camera and you should get some

    SAVETO /jevois/data/surpriserecorder/video000000.avi
    SAVEDNUM 100
    SAVEDNUM 200
    SAVEDONE /jevois/data/surpriserecorder/video000000.avi

    After you are done recording a bunch of events, unplug JeVois, get the microSD out, connect it to your host, and check out the videos that were saved to it!

    From the profiler, looks like our guess that we would be able to do 15fps at 640x480 was pretty good (see the overall average reports).

Fine-tuning your algorithms using canned data

Sometimes, it is useful to be able to run an algorithm on a pre-recorded video sequence to fine-tune it. Here, for example, we might want to tune the threshold, update factor, channels, of the algorithm in a systematic manner using always the same data. The JeVois framework allows for this, simply by specifying a video file as cameradev when starting jevois-daemon (see The jevois-daemon executable).

Here, we will use an hour-long 320x240 video that was posted live on the web several years ago as part of the now defunct blueservo project. These cameras were recording live outdoors video near the border between Texas and Mexico, and citizens were asked to watch those and to call the sheriff if they saw anything suspect.

We will run out tests on the host. The same could work on JeVois.

  • First, download the test video from

    Check out this video and see how it is non trivial to process, due to:

    • noisy camera input.
    • clouds moving in the sky cast different kinds of large moving shadows over time (pay the movie in fast forward to see this).
    • foliage moving in the wind, occasional ripples on the river.

    Yes, this video is very boring for a whole hour! But it does contain a few short interesting events as we will see below.

  • Then, create a new entry in your host's /jevois/config/videomapping.cfg so we can start with our surprise recorder module right away:

    NONE 0 0 0.0 YUYV 320 240 70.0 JeVois SurpriseRecorder

    Or, with JeVois v1.3 and later, you can just type, in a Linux terminal:

    sudo jevois-add-videomapping NONE 0 0 0.0 YUYV 320 240 70.0 JeVois SurpriseRecorder

    Here we assume that your host is fast enough to run our surprise module at 70fps at 320x240.

  • Run jevois-daemon on your host (with a camera connected) and type listmappings and note the mapping number assigned to the one you just created. For us, the number was 0.

  • Now edit /jevois/config/initscript.cfg:

    setmapping 0
    setpar serout All
    setpar thresh 2.0e7
    setpar ctxframes 75
    setpar channels S

    Note how we are using a high threshold so we get very few events. We also decreased the context to +/- 5 seconds (75 frames). For now, we also only compute surprise over the saliency map, and not over the gist or the other feature maps. This is subject to more experimentation.

  • Finally, run

    jevois-daemon --cameradev=blueservo23_66.asf

    and let it go though it. Watch the events that were extracted from this hour-long video.

    Currently, when using video files as input, we loop over the input forever (to simulate a never-ending live feed). So, check for repeated saved clips and then just interrupt jevois-daemon for now. This could be changed in the JeVois core some day.

    Here are the results:

Additional activities

You could add the following to this module:

  • play with the parameters some more: the update factor, the channels, the Saliency parameters, etc. and come up with better default values.
  • draw the location that was most surprising (with our remapping of everything into a 1D data array, this might be tricky).
  • add a process() function with video output, maybe showing the most surprising location and a bar-graph plotting its surprise and the current surprise threshold.
  • save the time of the event. Note that JeVois does not have a real-time clock. It always initializes to December 31, 1979 or something like that when it boots. In future versions of the JeVois core, we may add a command to allow one to set the time from the host computer, so that the time stamps of the recorded video files are veridical.
  • In Itti & Baldi, 2009, we actually computed surprise in two ways: over space, and over time. In this tutorial, we only did over time. You could add spatial surprise as well.
  • Likewise, in Itti & Baldi, 2009, we computed surprise at 5 different time scales while here we only use one. This could be added too.
  • Some optimizations about what should be computed as float vs double could make the actual surprise computation faster.