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DemoSaliency headless

0 votes
Hi all,
I have been playing with Jevois for a few years now and while I like it a lot I can't use it for what I want it for and the extensive documentation always seems to hit a wall.

All I want is the X/Y output of the salient point, and the 'whiteness' of that point. I already get this out of it running demoSaliency, but the applications I want to use it for simply do not allow for a USB connection.

Perhaps I'm missing how to set something like this in the literature- if anyone can help me out with this I would deploy Jevois in some of my applications as a 'simple' smart sensor; so far it remains a curiosity (with a FANTASTIC demo of saliency visualization)

Thank you!
asked Feb 28, 2020 in Programmer Questions by gfrancke (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
You need to create your own module for that, or add headless capability and whiteness computation to ours.

Starting from http://jevois.org/basedoc/jvpkg_2modules_2JeVois_2DemoSaliency_2DemoSaliency_8C_source.html

you would copy the whole process() function into a new version that does not have a second arg for the output frame. This is the function you need for headless operation. Then delete everything related to drawing the output composite display. Then add your whiteness evaluation code.

Here are a few pointers to get started:



answered Mar 11, 2020 by JeVois (46,580 points)